Stay motivated.

Alexandru Nastase
6 min readAug 22, 2022



If you are new to my blog, then you just hit the jackpot. You’re welcome.
If you are already following me, then welcome back !🤗

I’m writing this after 173420 ideas that crossed my mind and still didn’t find something that really turned me on, that really motivated me to write. And then I realized…it has been here all along.
So, with my godly-shaped 10 fast fingers, I clicked on Write a story, cracked my fingers, and typed into the title section…


(then I made it look decent 😅)

If you are like me, then let’s see how you can get inspired, and I will also share some of the things that inspire me and keep me motivated. LET’S GO!


It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.

As I always like to say, consistency is the key to success. And discipline is exactly that. If you are not disciplined, it will be very difficult for you to achieve your goals.

It’s all about discipline. After all, you only get motivated to start something, but it really is the discipline that keeps you doing it daily, over and over again, even if you feel like doing it or not.

It’s like going to the gym or walking your dog, or learning that new skill for which you have to practice daily…or maybe writing on medium 😉. Whatever it may be, you have to discipline yourself.


Life is a game, and everyone can play. Everyone can WIN. You WIN by taking control of your mind. By learning how to control your emotions. By committing to growing your emotional muscle every day. By focusing on the POSITIVES, not getting lost in the negative.

Life is often compared to a game. We are born into the world not knowing the rules, and we spend our lives learning how to play. Like any game, life has its ups and downs, its moments of triumph and failure. But ultimately, it is up to us how we play the game.

We can choose to approach life with laughter or with frowns, with kindness or with cruelty. The beauty of life is that we are the ones who get to decide how we want to play it. So whatever game you find yourself in, make sure you enjoy it — because in the end, that’s all that really matters.


Even if you don’t admit it, money talks.

They say that money can’t buy happiness. But it can buy donuts, which is pretty much the same thing.

In all seriousness, though, money is often a major motivator in people’s lives. It’s what drives us to get out of bed and go to work every day. It’s what motivates us to save for a rainy day and plan for our future. Everything you see and everywhere you look, there is going to be something or someone trying to sell you something.

We like money. Money is the root of all kinds of good things: security, stability, and most importantly, power. With money, you can buy your way out of trouble, get what you want, and control the people around you.

It’s the ugly truth that money motivates people. From studies that show people work harder when they’re offered a financial incentive to more personal examples of people selling out their values for a pay raise, it’s clear that money is a powerful motivator. And while there’s nothing wrong with working hard to earn a good salary, the problem arises when money becomes the only thing that matters. When people are willing to sacrifice their integrity, their relationships, and their health in pursuit of wealth, it’s clear that money has too much power.

So next time someone tells you that money doesn’t matter, just remember: they’re either lying or they’re poor.


This is more or less something that I’ve been “utilizing” lately, and somehow for me it works.

So basically, here’s the deal:
There will be things in life which you won’t be very happy to do or keep doing, but you will need to. Things that are genuinely good for you, but they require some commitment. And we all know how it is to commit to something and keep doing it.

It’s like keeping a diet, so you can lose some weight maybe. You want to reach that fit hourglass body, but there’s something that keeps you from doing it.

That’s the moment when you say…fvck it, I’m just gonna do it even if I like it or not. That’s the moment when you stop having second thoughts, laziness, excuses, or whatever is keeping you from doing it.

Get started, even if it’s just taking baby steps. Every journey begins with a single step, after all. And once you get going, it’ll be easier to keep going. So don’t wait any longer , take Nike’s advice — just do it!


I’ve been talked about this even on my first ever post on Medium. Funny enough, it was also the 5th point of the article.

You know it, I know it, everyone knows it: you have to trust the process. But trusting the process is one of the hardest things to do, especially when you are going through a tough time. It can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you are in the middle of a dark night.

Think of why you are doing all of these. Why do you keep moving forward? Think about the prize, about the goal. Seeing your goal is essential to achieving it. If you can’t see it, how will you know when you’ve reached it?

When you can picture yourself crossing the finish line, you’ll be motivated to keep going when the going gets tough.

Focus on your goal. See it, feel it, SMELL it. And before you know it, you’ll be holding your trophy high in the air.



Alexandru Nastase

Java guy. Life newbie. Maybe smart maybe funny. Personal stuff here, too. WELCOME ! ❤