Social Sabbatical: Day 4

Alicja Colon
1 min readDec 16, 2018


Preface and Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

A paper illustration from a personal project.


Well, it’s the weekend. Typically my social usage would decrease because of engagement with my family; this weekend is a bit different. The grandparents have the kids and my husband is at seminar, so I’m more alone than normal.


So this lonely feeling… I think that’s gonna stick around until I engage more in IRL friends. The sad part is that I’m so used to having social feeds fill that gap that real friends make me anxious. From hurting them accidentally, to getting hurt, their needs and schedules to my needs and schedules — friendship in real life is messy and oftentimes inconvenient. Hence another reason why I LOVED social media. I was able to have human connection when and how I liked. While I enjoyed the control, it’s certainly not truly fulfilling. I believe we’re made for relational intimacy and substituting it with social hurts rather than helps.


I didn’t work one bit on my business. Which is a shock. I didn’t have left overs from the week, because I was focused without social notifications. Instead I honed my Hearthstone skills, which translates into being owned by most and winning once.



Alicja Colon

Paper Illustrator / Photographer. Writing about projects, tips, lessons learned on and off set .