I Didn’t Post Article For A More Than A Week, What Happens?

2 min readJan 13, 2022


My life is currently chaotic because I am in my final year of university and interning at a company to complete my thesis. As a result, I’m having some difficulty organizing my time. Furthermore, I do not set objectives or targets for myself when it comes to writing articles for the medium since I am aware that I am busy, and if I do, I would feel pushed to create articles and dissatisfied if they do not meet my expectations.

On December 16, I wrote an article “I Finally Earn 1 Dollar on Medium” and I didn’t write an article for over two week after that since I was preoccupied with final exams, Christmas, and other obligations.

As you can see, my views plummeted drastically when I didn’t publish anything for almost two weeks. When I’m writing, I receive an average of 50 views per day, but when I’m not writing, I get an average of 15 views per day. It shows how important it is to be persistent.

Another example is on January 1 and January 2 I published an article and just published a new article again on January 13 titled “I’m already having a writer’s block” and experienced a decline again in terms of views and reads.

However, I’m not pressing you to write articles; if you run out of ideas or are overworked, it’s okay if you stop for a moment and don’t write.

Thank you for reading ❤




A broke college student who has a passion to write