NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner’s Advisory Panel: FAQs for people with lived experience of modern slavery

James Cockayne
3 min readApr 19, 2023


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Visit general FAQs

Is this a paid position?
Yes, panel members will be remunerated in recognition of their time, at a rate determined by the Office of the Anti-slavery Commissioner.

Will I need to share my experience of modern slavery with the Commissioner and the other panel members?
You are not obliged to share your lived experience to be able to apply, nor to participate. You are welcome to share your experience of modern slavery as a member of the panel, whenever and however you choose. We are committed to providing a safe space for people to share their experiences if they choose to do so. You will have the opportunity to disclose this information during the application process, if you think it may be relevant for the Commissioner to know. But you will not be obliged to do so.

What support will you provide in the application process?
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Office of the Anti-slavery Commissioner at antislavery@dcj.nsw.gov.au to discuss how we can best support you during the application process.

What supports will be in place to safeguard my psychological welfare as a panel member?
Our priority is to ensure the safety of all members of the panel. All panel members will agree to abide by trauma-informed principles and commit to ensuring a safe space for sharing of diverse views and experiences. We are open to discussing specific needs for accommodation in working methods, or other supports to, individual panel members at all stages of involvement, including before, during and after membership of the panel.

What should I consider before I apply?
When considering applying for the Advisory Panel, we encourage you to reflect on the below questions to know whether this work is right for you at this time. You do not need to send us your responses, but we may ask you to verbally share a summary of your reflection as part of the selection process.

1. Do you feel ready and safe to participate?
2. What do you bring to your participation on the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner Advisory Panel (ideas, information, knowledge, skills, experience)
3. Do you understand the time commitment expected of this role and will you be able to commit?
4. What type of support do you need to participate (training, resources, mentoring etc…)?
5. Do you have any legal or privacy considerations that might impact on your capacity to participate on the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner Advisory Panel?
6. What do you do for self-care?
7. What support systems do you have in place? These can be formal such as services and informal like community, friends and pets.

Is the work of the panel public?
The panel members will meet privately and confidentially, and may have the option of participating anonymously. A summary record of panel meetings will be published by the Office of the Anti-slavery Commissioner, but will not identify inputs from specific panel members.

I would like to participate confidentially — how will my identity be protected?
We recognise that some people with lived experience of modern slavery may wish to participate anonymously in the panel. While you will need to provide limited personal details during the application process, should you be selected for the panel we will endeavour to work with you to allow you meaningful participation in the work of the panel under a pseudonym or with other assurances of your anonymity.

Will I need to share my name and photo/image publicly?
Whether you decide to share your name and photo/image publicly is entirely up to you. There will be no obligation to be publicly visible as an Advisory Panel member.

What if I am involved in an ongoing legal case relating to my experience
Please feel free to discuss any legal considerations with our office before applying or during the application process. We can provide further information about what your participation in the panel may involve.

