A Complete Beginner Guide to — TELEKINESIS

7 min readAug 30, 2022





Energy, as defined in terms of physics, is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light. Energy is a conserved quantity — the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed.

We don't do that here! Energy, to us, is something that CAN be created/destroyed at will, with our minds. Because that’s what the various kinds of kinesis are! TELEKINESIS-Manipulating matter on our will, Manipulating energy on our will!

There’s not much to write about this topic, to be honest. We’ll just start with the essentials. We wanna learn Telekinesis, so it's obvious, that after having a fair amount of knowledge of Spirituality, through Chapter 1, the next step is Energy Manipulation.

What is Manipulation?

Image by Merlin Lightpainting from Pixabay

Molding our thoughts by inducing “logic” in our lives and declaring, that abilities like Telekinesis, Entities like Spirits don’t exist, is an example of Manipulation, of our Minds, (society ☕). Though we, by now, of course, know all of this exists. Similarly, we need to teach ourselves that manipulating energy to our will, is possible too. (easier than thought).

Belief and Visualisation are the keys! What you believe, becomes your reality. Telekinesis and practically every kind of kinesis/ability anyone wishes to master totally depends on to what extent they believe it to be true. I mean, you can’t just be learning anything if you, predominantly, believe that it does not exist or is not possible to master and all.

Loads of motivation let's actually start learning now.


More commonly referred to as the “Psi Energy”, “The Chi Energy” in China, “The Prana, or the ultimate life force” in India, “The Chakra Energy”, all of these mean the same. We, in this chapter, are gonna use the terms Psi Energy more.

Do as I say. Cut off any noise-producing appliances around and clap your hands firmly. Now, do you feel that buzzing sensation? Those tingles? That’s the feeling of getting energy out of your hand! That's how you’re gonna feel once you master the skill of producing this energy on your will!

If you aren’t free right now, better save this for later, cause this one would require your attention and time. Read this carefully, and then do it while closing your eyes.

OK, so this all requires a bit of pre-requisite knowledge of chakras and stuff. It's really a big-ass topic to discuss, So I'll really just give you a quick brief of it, and then we’ll move further.

Idk there are literally thousands of chakras, How much do we need to know? 9. Actually 8. But Actually 3 right now. Weird.

(top to bottom)

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

i) Crown Chakra: ( located at the top of your head)

ii) Third Eye Chakra: (located in the middle of your forehead) (the third eye really does exist!)

iii) Throat Chakra: ( located in your throat, obviously )

iv) Heart Chakra: ( located in the center of your chest, just above the heart)

v) Solar Plexus Chakra: (located in your upper abdomen/stomach area)

vi) Sacral Chakra: (located just below your bellybutton)

vii) Root Chakra: (located base of your spine)

viii) Palm/Hand Chakra: (spread out in the area of your palm)

ix) Feet Chakra: ( located/spread out in the sole of your feet) [Naruto, using his feet chakra energy to walk on water, for reference]

Image by Angela Yuriko Smith from Pixabay

For telekinesis and ultimately extracting your chi/psi energy out, you would need to have a fair knowledge of your Crown, Third Eye, and really good control of your Hand Chakras.

[(not sponsored), Check out the link below to get a good grasp of all these chakras]. We’re not going to discuss them in detail here.

Now, comes the interesting part, I need your utter attention here. Read this first, then close your eyes, and then carry out what you read.

Close your eyes, Now, imagine a long white light stream of white light/energy, falling on your Crown Chakra. From there, through your third eye, it goes from your arms to your palm. Imagine the energy flowing as blood flows in your veins. Hold your hands parallel to each other as if you’re about to clap, at a distance of about 3.5 inches, just as long as your —, uh. Imagine a connection of energy like thin wires flowing from your right palm to your left palm. Imagine the energy flowing, that feeling, those tingles, those goosebumps. Yes, you are in control of your energy.

[image used is just a reference to the flow of energy, not referring to the position of hands.]

If you did get that feeling, you are doing all good. What we want to master now, is producing this weirdy field of energy between your palms, feeling those tingles, until you can produce this energy without having to close your eyes and have to focus and to the extent where you can produce this energy at will. I can, loads of other people can, and you can too. It might take you from 1 to 2 weeks to completely master it. This instantaneous flow of energy is what will assist you during Telekinesis!

Once you master this skill to produce energy at will, you can dry different variations of it. Like, Making a Psi Energy Ball. (explained in more elaboration in the next chapter). You basically visualize your energy as a ball between your palms, try to play with it, and increase its size.

Things are gonna change. I’ve changed. You will too. The way you perceive life, people, reality, everything!

Just give yourself time. This won’t happen on the first try, nor on the second. Multiple tries would be required. You need to acknowledge the fact that you are attempting to master a skill that the whole world believes doesn’t even exist. You’ll feel down, you’ll feel as if you should give up, that it’s all fake and all. That’s why I introduced you to your Spirit Guides first, to uplift you in such times, plus the additional spiritual advice, that you’ll receive as you proceed in your spiritual awakening journey, as you proceed to reach your ultimate goal!

Keep practicing, and communicate with your guides and guardian angels whenever you feel the need to.

I’ve got some bonus clips for you guys, haha, to help you remain motivated. It's me practicing telekinesis. Even I have to, well practice, and learn Telekinesis way further. It could be that some of you, are probably even more skilled than I am.

this is me practicing telekinesis, end july, 2022 (1)
early aug, 2022 (2).
mid aug, 2022 (3)

To summarize, we learned about the basics of energy manipulation; psi energy in general, in this chapter.

Photo by Dương Nhân: https://www.pexels.com/photo/four-people-standing-on-top-of-hill-during-sunset-1510150/

If you feel that you need a companion with you, who’d also start practicing and discussing this stuff with you, sharing this page would be a great way to exchange opinions and hence, start your daily discussions on spirituality and telekinesis. Remember to only share it with someone, who you know, would not manipulate you to think that this all is trash but rather encourage you to advance with it.

I have one such friend too, he is simply amazing!

So yea,

Stay safe, Divine Light, and Protection of the Highest Truth and Compassion to Everyone.

In the next chapter, which I want you to read only after you get good control of producing and feeling that energy, we will discuss the different techniques related to the practice of telekinesis. [eg; the foil technique, why beginners should always start off practicing telekinesis with foils, disadvantages of the psi-wheel technique, etc]




17M, Telekinesis User and Spirituality Practitioner (on an undefined hiatus)