A Complete Beginner Guide to- TELEKINESIS

3 min readAug 26, 2022


(Chapter-1-Basics of Spirituality)

(Chapter-2-Energy and Its Manipulation)

(Chapter-3-Applications Of Psi Energy in Telekinesis)


Telekinesis, ah just in movies till now, and now you’re here for yourself to learn about it?

Does it even exist?

Is it possible? Are all of those videos on YouTube fake?

Do spirits exist?

Are they just good spirits or do even those sussy ones also exist?

Well, well, I'm here to teach you, everything, and I mean it, EVERYTHING, about telekinesis and spirituality, and all and all and all

Photo by Valentin Antonucci: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-tossing-globe-1275393/

Of course, you’re here, searching about this topic, so it is obvious that you might have visited tons and tons of websites before too, trying to gather every bit of information you could get on stuff like psi energy, telekinesis, spirit guides, and so on…

I once did too, ah the good old days,

“Yes mom, I'm studying, on my laptop!”

Oh, who will tell that lady that her son can move stuff around with his mind and talk to spirits!

Ah, nvm, that was just about me, or was it?

So, moving back to the topic,

Technically, every kind of kinesis that exists is innate in humans; but we currently are discussing telekinesis, so ill go with that.

Photo by lilartsy: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-catching-the-camera-on-her-palm-1683411/

TELEKINESIS- well, is, a subcategory of the “Psychokinesis” branch. A power, innate and unknowingly dormant, in every human being. The power to manipulate matter with the mind/energy of your hands, without any kind of physical touch to the object.

What is Psychokinesis? — well, it is a huge collection of all the various kinds of kinesis that exist, aerokinesis, telekinesis, electrokinesis, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, and so on...

And when I say, “kinesis like telekinesis that exists”, IT EXISTS, IT F*CKING DOES

So, yea, what do we learn from here?

That yes, everything that you’ve seen in the films and videos and all, it really does exist, it is just that you don't know how to activate and use that power, and for which I'm here.

So, how are we gonna start?

Telekinesis in itself is a HUGE topic, and we’ll learn about it in chapters.

I’ll provide you with detailed elaborations of spirituality in the next chapter,

Yes, the spirit guides, guardian angels, and all that yea, to help you to get used to weirdly unbelievable super sussy, spiritual stuff, in your life!

Photo by Aslak Sønderland: https://www.pexels.com/photo/lighted-cross-decor-3073565/

Just have patience, and belief, and get a habit of visualizing stuff in your mind.

You know what I mean if you have an imaginary girlfriend/boyfriend :D

This was a very basic introduction to what we are going to discuss in detail in the upcoming chapters.

Well, I’ll see yall in the next chapter, (CHAPTER-1 BASICS OF SPIRITUALITY)

Till then,

Stay safe, Divine light, and Protection of the Highest Truth and Compassion to everyone.




17M, Telekinesis User and Spirituality Practitioner (on an undefined hiatus)