How can you make your sales prospecting messaging unique?

Sales plays a pivotal role in making a successful brand because no matter how great a product you make, if people are not buying it means no business. So through this article, I will share the right approach that you can use to sell your product easily.

Anubhav Mishra
6 min readDec 18, 2023
Image source — internet

1. Know your audience

The first step to creating unique sales prospecting messages is to know your audience. You need to understand who they are, what they need, what challenges they face, and what goals they have. You can use various sources of information, such as social media, online reviews, industry reports, and referrals, to gather insights about your prospects.

Then, you can use this data to segment your audience and tailor your messages to their specific needs and pain points.

Knowing your audience is a great point to be taken care of because it helps you to give direction to your discussion.

Let’s take an example, if you are talking to a salesperson you will use Sales as a word multiple times. If you talk to a PM you will end up using Product multiple times.

Similarly, knowing your customer helps you in the same way.

The better and more you know him the more you are likely to use keywords that will help you to convert him/sell him.

2. Focus on value

The second step to creating unique sales prospecting messages is to focus on value. You need to show your prospects how your product or service can help them solve their problems, achieve their goals, or improve their situation. You need to highlight the benefits and outcomes of working with you, not just the features and functions of your offer. You also need to differentiate yourself from your competitors and explain what makes you unique and superior. You can use stories, testimonials, case studies, or statistics to back up your claims and demonstrate your value.

The golden circle concept by Simen Sinek can help you with this. Why>what>how, if your why is very clear I am sure your sales pitch will be less about convincing anyone.

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For example, MacBooks, iPods, and iPhones are just a physical representation of Apple’s core beliefs. Therefore, when someone buys an Apple product, they’re not just buying the WHAT: they’re buying the WHY. So, keep in mind the why of your product while selling it.

3. Be creative

The third step to creating unique sales prospecting messages is to be creative. You need to use catchy and memorable words, phrases, and images that will grab your prospects’ attention and make them want to learn more. You need to avoid generic and boring messages that sound like spam or sales pitches. You can use humor, curiosity, emotion, or personalization to make your messages more engaging and appealing. You can also use different formats, such as video, audio, or interactive content, to spice up your messages and make them stand out.

Remember you are not the only one, your customer might have reached or might reach out to your competitors as well to get the best deal. So how you leave a long-lasting impression that he comes back to you is a very important thing to be taken care of.

Well, I have not used this method but I feel this can really help you. If you have compiled all your documents in point 1 “Know your customer” I would recommend you to go to chat GPT and put all the points there and ask it what are the best ways to start the pitching.

Not just Chat GPT but talk to more experienced members in your team to get the best results.

Creativity comes when you have enough time because anything done in a rush is rarely creative. A homework well done always fulfills the purpose.

4. Be clear & concise

The first question to ask yourself is, why does being concise matter?

You are not the only client to your customer if you are consuming unnecessary time this might irritate him. At the same time sharing too many things can confuse your target customer and overwhelming information may end up creating confusion

Image source — internet

You need to respect your prospects’ time and attention span and deliver your message clearly and concisely. You need to avoid unnecessary or irrelevant information that will distract or confuse your prospects. You need to use simple and direct language that will convey your message effectively and persuasively. You also need to include a clear and specific call to action that will prompt your prospects to take the next step in the Personalization: Tailor your message to each prospect by conducting thorough research. Address their specific pain points, industry challenges, or recent accomplishments. Use their name and mention relevant details to demonstrate that you’ve done your homework.

Here you can also drive examples from Instagram Reels or YouTube shorts. The more short content the creator is creating the more likely he is to be a successful creator.

5. Test and optimize

The fifth step to creating unique sales prospecting messages is to test and optimize. You need to measure the results of your messages and see how they perform in terms of open rates, click-through rates, response rates, and conversion rates. You need to analyze the feedback and data you receive from your prospects and see what works and what doesn’t. You also need to experiment with different variables, such as subject lines, headlines, images, tone, timing, and frequency, and see how they affect your results. You need to constantly improve and refine your messages based on your findings and best practices.

In case you do not have any data and want to create a prior report try using the guesstimation method to arrive at a value. This will help you to have an approximate idea of the metrics.

6. Learn from others

“Learn as if you will live forever, but live as if you will die tomorrow. Embrace the wisdom of those who have walked before you, for in their experiences lie the keys to your growth and understanding.”

Image source — internet

You need to seek inspiration and guidance from other sales professionals who have mastered the art of sales prospecting. You need to study their messages and see what makes them unique and effective. You need to learn from their successes and failures and see what lessons you can apply to your messages. You also need to network and collaborate with other sales professionals and exchange ideas and feedback on your messages. You need to keep learning and growing as a sales professional and as a message creator.

7 Here’s what else to consider

Read and study as much as you can, sharing some recommended


  1. Sell like hell
  2. The Mom Test — This will teach you how to ask better questions


  1. Mclellands Theory

8 Reference


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Anubhav Mishra

I'm a Product Manager skilled in roadmap development, market research, data analysis, revenue growth, and launches. Strong communicator, taught 1000+ students.