The Kano model prioritisation framework for Product Managers

The Kano Model is an excellent prioritization framework that was developed by Japanese quality management expert Noriaki Kano in 1984. Kano model has a qualitative approach, unlike the RICE model framework which has a quantitive approach. I first heard about the Kano model at a Product Marathon by GrowthSchool. I will also share how you can turn qualitative data into quantitative data in upcoming articles article.

Anubhav Mishra
5 min readDec 13, 2023


How does the Kano model work?

When the product team has quite a many features to develop and the team is confused as to which feature they should start working on first and which features they should prioritize last or eliminate, here is when the Kano model helps the team. It is a combination of two lines in a graph that helps us understand what satisfies a customer (y-axis) and whether we can meet that need (x-axis).

The Kano model prioritizations framework that helps while prioritising different product features, Kano framework is highly used by Producd Managers.
The Kanol model framework — Anubhav Mishra

What are the key features of the Kano model?



Anubhav Mishra

I'm a Product Manager skilled in roadmap development, market research, data analysis, revenue growth, and launches. Strong communicator, taught 1000+ students.