11 Ways to Get Your Happiness Back

Bedros Keuilian
4 min readJul 28, 2020


You live and work in climate-controlled buildings. You have indoor plumbing. You have technology in your pocket that makes it possible to talk to someone on the other side of the planet, track your heart rate, and change your spending habits. It’s a great time to be alive.

Especially for entrepreneurs. Because for the first time in history, you don’t have to be born into wealth to achieve it. With vision and hustle, anyone can improve their standing. And you’re doing just that.

Despite all this, people are stressed, overwhelmed, and unhappy. I know because I hear about it daily. Every day, I get another DM from someone struggling to enjoy life. And it’s not exclusive to broke people. Dissatisfaction affects people in all tax brackets — no matter how good or bad their lives look from the outside.

How can this be? Better yet, how can you escape a lifetime of sadness and regain happiness? It’s not by wishful thinking. It’s by taking action. Here are eleven steps to get you started.

1) Unfollow EVERYONE who doesn’t add value to your life or isn’t congruent with your core values. This means on social media and in real life. Every time you give thought or energy to a single one of them, you change your trajectory. It may be only for a moment, but looking away from your goals puts you behind. Protect your core values by devoting your time and energy to serving them at all times and leaving everything else behind.

2) Pay no mind to the haters, doubters and smack talkers. I can’t believe how many people pay attention to what stupid people say or think. If this is you, STOP IT. They’re not in control of your life. They don’t want to see you succeed. Their opinions only hold weight if YOU say so. So STOP! You’ve got great ideas, you’ve got plans to make them work, and you’re going to bust your ass until they succeed. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. They’re failures, and they’re projecting their failures onto you. Don’t pay attention and none of that negativity will stick to you.

3) Stop comparing yourself to others. There’s no winning the comparison game. No matter how hard you work, there’s always someone who will be more jacked than you, have a bigger jet than you, or make more money than you. JUST DO YOU. Grow yourself inside and out so you’re the best, strongest, smartest you that you can be. That’s what your spouse, kids, and team members need.

4) Work out daily, eat clean, and read some personal development every morning. Happiness comes when you know yourself, you’re comfortable in your own skin, and your skin is comfortable on you. None of this happens on accident. It takes intentional action every day to make sure your mental, emotional, and physical development are always on track.

5) Don’t overspend on shit that doesn’t make you money.. I don’t care how much you want that jetski. If you can’t pay cash for it and leave enough in the bank for real expenses, you have no business buying big-kid toys. For now, work like a maniac to grow your income so you can make splurges without a loan or credit card.

6) Commit to developing your purpose and potential. Most people who are anxious, depressed, and unhappy are that way because they stopped chasing their potential and purpose in life. Instead, they let routine run and ruin their lives. Regain your happiness by rediscovering your passions. Remember why you do what you do and how far you can go. Set unrealistic expectations, blow past them, and regain your smile in the process.

7) Serve others. Give back, volunteer, help others, do something bigger than yourself. In other words, stop living a selfish life. You need money to live the life you want, and you have to take care of yourself to take care of others. But let me tell you something. It’s a lie that you can be happy while keeping your money and knowledge to yourself. The truth is that happiness requires open hands and an open heart.

8) Stop trying to impress others. This is a BIG one. I see so many of you fake flashing and doing things to impress others, get attention, and seek validation. That’s stupid. Even if you impress someone, who cares? Does it make you a better spouse, parent, friend, employer, or entrepreneur? No. It makes you look desperate and sad.

9) Keep your circle tight. REAL friends will call you out on your bull and bring a shovel when needed. CONDITIONAL friends come around when it’s convenient or beneficial for them. Recognize the difference and only let real friends in your circle. If you let the conditional friends in, you’ll sabotage yourself.

10) Build emotional and mental toughness. The world is full of weak people. Don’t be one. Become a force to be reckoned with. That doesn’t mean you transform into a jerk. It means you stop whining and seeing yourself as a victim. Grab life by the throat and squeeze until it gives what you want. If you can’t do this, you may never get your happiness back.

11) Be honest. This one might be common sense, but not enough of you are practicing it. Tell the truth. Apologize if you need to. Have the brutally honest conversations that everyone else is avoiding. It will be uncomfortable in the moment, but the payoff is HUGE. It will change your world!

If you’re willing to take these eleven steps, you’ll have a smile on your face and reach your life goals in the process. You’ll have the body you want, get the relationship of your dreams, and build your business empire. In other words, you’ll find happiness.



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.