3 Reasons to Take Immediate Action

Bedros Keuilian
5 min readMar 23, 2020


You want to save your marriage, but you won’t talk to your spouse about the adultery-sized elephant in the room.

You want to cut your waistline and have more energy to live life, but you won’t meet with a personal trainer.

You want your business to become an empire, but you’re stuck in planning mode.

Bedros Keuilian on the importance of taking action

Why you’re stuck in life and business

Why does this happen to people every day? Because they get stuck. They fear the future and overthink things. Then something bad happens, and their fears are confirmed.

Here’s the thing they don’t realize. Shit happens whether you sit on your hands or work your ass off. But more bad stuff happens when you’re being lazy.

If you want to increase the chances of good stuff coming your way, you have to do something about it. You’ve got to take action. NOW!

One of the best pieces of advice I ever got came from a billionaire. He said, “No matter the problem in your life, immediate action is the solution.” And he was RIGHT.

Since hearing that advice, I’ve tested it for more than 15 years and found it to be true in ALL circumstances, whether involving my relationships, business, or physical health.

What’s this matter to you? Because maybe you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, letting life happen. But you don’t have to any more. Take immediate action and you’ll reap three life-changing rewards.

#1: Action alleviates anxiety

When you don’t don’t know what the future holds, anxiety kicks in.

Let it go unchecked for a few weeks or months, and that little bit of anxiety can grow into a mountain of paralyzing fear. Suddenly, you’re unable to take the simplest step toward a solution because monsters are behind every door.

However, if you would do SOMETHING, you would realize the monsters aren’t all that scary.

Then, the anxiety goes away.

The fear gets forgotten.

The self-doubt is gone.

Suddenly, you can think and see clearly. The big, bad monster isn’t as big as you thought. Or maybe it is. Maybe it’s bigger than you imagined. But it doesn’t scare you any more.

It can be dealt with, one piece at a time. Killing the monster isn’t impossible. You have a plan, and you’re acting on it. And once you take action, that monster is as good as dead.

#2: Action leads you to an outcome

Fear stops many from taking action. They think once they do something, there’s no turning back. The truth is that unless your action kills you, you can ALWAYS reverse course and go at it again.

What action does is lead you to an outcome. That’s ALWAYS a good thing, and it’s rarely the end result in business or life.

You stop testing a new product and release it to the market. Then you hold your breath, waiting to find out if people love it, hate it, or don’t care about it. Then you take those results and push toward a better outcome. That may mean scrapping the product altogether. Or it may mean finding ways to improve the product, up your ROI, and better serve your customer base.

You suck it up and call a personal trainer. You’ve got a lot of work to do, but the sweat that coats your body inspires you. In three months, you have to buy new pants. Six months later, you’ve dropped another size and can play with the kids without getting out of breath. And your doctor is thrilled, because you just exercised your way out of a prediabetes diagnosis.

You tell your spouse you need to talk. So you sit down and lay it all on the table. You laugh. You cry. You scream and shout. At the end of the marathon meeting, you hug. Kiss. Remember why you fell in love years ago. Your marriage is stronger than ever and you again promise ’til death do you part.

Refuse to take action and none of that can happen.

#3: Action gives you a sense of control

A passive life is all anticipation and anxiety. Life happens to you, and you just respond. You have no control, so you never grow as a person.

Stop living a passive life and that all changes. You’re not surprised when good stuff happens, because you worked for it. And you’re not knocked off your feet when something bad happens. You planned for it and are already moving past it.

A life of action gives you a sense of control. You make life what you want it to be. You take the beatings knowing you’ll be the last man standing.

That sense of control gives you a sense of power. Power that enables you to make decisions that lead to more immediate action. Action that leads to more success in life and business.

Action is ALWAYS the solution

Most people dream of making life better for themselves and others. The problem is they don’t do the thing that will actually move the needle. They don’t take action.

Don’t let that be you!

I don’t know what problem, setback, adversity, or heartache you’re going through right now. I don’t know your past or present life, and I don’t pretend to. But I can tell you this with 100% certainty: ACTION IS ALWAYS THE SOLUTION!

Once you take action, you leave anxiety in the past, move toward measurable outcomes, and get control over your life. Taking action doesn’t make life easy. It makes it better.

If that resonates with you, do yourself a favor. Stop thinking and planning and talking about what you’ll do one day. Don’t let fear run your life. Start moving toward that goal right now. See how good it feels to do something. Then do it again every day after that.

You’ll have some setbacks and failures along the way. But you’ll also stack up a massive pile of wins.

Over time, those wins lead to a rock-solid marriage, optimal health, and a business empire that is changing the world. That’s the power of immediate action!



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.