Conquering Pandemic Fear & Panic

Bedros Keuilian
4 min readApr 6, 2020


But you don’t have to panic. You don’t have to go down with the ship and drown in fear and negativity.

With four questions, you can conquer fear and panic and thrive in the midst of COVID-19.

Has COVID-19 changed your routine?

Sure, you can’t go to the office. So what?

Getting groceries takes a little more planning. Who cares?

You can’t burn up your evenings watching baseball or basketball or golf. Be thankful!

Listen, I understand your life has changed. But don’t throw your routine into the trash.

Wake up early.

Work out hard.

Move your business ahead.

Love your family.

I have a rule that when shit gets hard, I respond harder.

If I don’t sleep well, I force myself to have a better workout that day. If I’m under the weather, I force myself to work harder that day. If I wake up funky and feeling “off,” I show more gratitude that day and force a bigger smile on my face. When there’s economic uncertainty, I show up with more certainty and make sure my companies make MORE money.

Soon as I move in that harder direction, things get easier. I think clearly. Fears melt away.

I know most people don’t agree with my mindset. They say I’m too extreme, that I’ve got a few screws loose. And maybe they’re right. Maybe I am nuts.

But let me tell you how I got this way.

I’ve escaped a communist country. I’ve mastered the English language. I’ve lived in Section-8 housing. I’ve found food in dumpsters. I’ve been beat up and gotten into dozens of fights as a kid for being a foreigner.

All I know how to do is survive and thrive when shit is hard. I want the same for you. It takes work though, and it starts with how you think.

Has COVID-19 changed your mindset?

When people are hoarding toilet paper and people are getting laid off let and right, it’s easy to be negative. It’s easy because it’s what weak people do. DON’T BE ONE OF THEM!

Don’t be the pessimistic, sarcastic Debbie Downer who thinks everyone’s lost their jobs and are broke. That things will never get better. These are LIES!

Listen, if you have any fight in you, it’s time to come out swinging, knowing you’re going to win.

Because your MINDSET and ATTITUDE have the biggest influence on whether you succeed or fail. Keep your attitude and mindset in check by avoiding pessimistic people. They’re a cancer that will kill your ability to move forward.

If you’re an entrepreneur, people still need your product or service. And while some people don’t have as much money as before, money never goes away. It just exchanges hands.

Now it’s up to YOU to figure out who’s got the money now and what problem you can solve for them in exchange for that money.

Do you want someone else to fix things?

Most people are waiting for someone to do something. They hope someone will swoop in and save the day — to cure COVID-19 and create a million new high-paying jobs in the process.

Well, no one on a white horse is going to gallop in and save you.

The mayor, governor, or president isn’t going to help you bounce back from this. No amount of debt relief, financial stimulus, or waiting for the economy to bounce back is going to do you any good. Your favorite guru, thought leader, or influencer isn’t going to say or post anything profound to save your ass.

Want your business to make it through these times? Want to keep a positive mindset? Want to get fit or stay fit while gyms are closed?

It is 100-percent up to YOU.

I don’t care what your business model used to look like. Find a NEW problem people have and solve it in exchange for money. Get creative in how you run your business in this NEW economy.

Get disciplined at home and eat right, crush your workouts, and show gratitude for what you have. Use your time wisely so you can relax and enjoy your family at the end of the day.

Lean into massive action, because no one is going to save your ass but you!

Do you feel things are out of your control?

Your gym shut down. You’re stressed and anxious. Your latest marketing campaign flopped. The grocery stores are almost empty.

Some of these things are out of your control. All of them can be overcome.

It’s easy to talk about being mentally tough, emotionally strong, being disciplined, and leading from the front when things are going well. Real leaders show up when the shit hits the fan. If you’ve been looking for a chance to lead, NOW IS THE TIME!

Right now, you’re either the problem or the problem solver. There is no third option!

Gym shut down? Work out at home.

Stressed and anxious? Turn off the news, stick to a daily routine, and find new ways to serve people.

Marketing flop? Create a better offer and try it again.

Grocery stores running low? Get the necessities, then finish off that stuff in the back of your pantry.

This isn’t the time to be a little bitch. It’s time to be a hero.

You do this by solving problems, adding value, helping people, showing gratitude, and finding a new way to make money. While some things are out of your control, YOU choose how you’ll respond. And that response makes all the difference.

So stop looking at the past and focus on your future. Work hard for the future you want, and you’ll improve your physical and emotional health, you’ll grow closer to your family and friends, and you’ll build your business empire while other businesses are falling to the ground.



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.