How to Silence Your Inner Bitch

Bedros Keuilian
4 min readApr 11, 2020


There’s a little bitch living inside all of us. Bet they won’t teach that to you in business school.

And if you’re whining that it’s not true for you, guess what? That’s the little bitch talking.

So that’s the bad news.

The good news is that there’s a beast living in all of us, too. People who unleash that beast find crazy success. I don’t care what goals you have, the beast is going to get it done, while the bitch is going to sabotage every move you make.

How do you shut down your inner bitch and let the beast loose?

Learn to recognize them

If you’re going to slit the throat of your inner BITCH, you’ve got to recognize it first.

The BEAST knows what needs to get done to reach your fullest potential in life. The little bitch creeps around in your head, trying to negotiate and talk you out of what you need to do.

Most of the time, people who listen to their inner bitch think they’re being smart and sensible. They think they’re protecting their future. But they’re not doing any of that. They’re being weak. Ruled by fear. Unwilling to do what’s required to achieve greatness.

So they don’t build kick-ass businesses. Their relationships suck. And they leave no legacy. All because they listen to their inner bitch, which is telling them:

“Take the easy way out.”

“No one will know.”

“It’s okay to hit the snooze button.”

“Just one more drink.”

“It’s okay to skip the workout. You need the rest anyway.”

“It’s just a small lie, no one will get hurt.”

You can justify any of these comments by convincing yourself that it’s a one-time thing. But it’s a lie. And you know it.

You know that once you begin negotiating with your inner bitch, the slippery slope of bad decisions begin.

You skip one day at the gym, and three months later your pants don’t fit. So instead of manning up and getting back in the gym, you cancel your gym membership and personal trainer.

You cut corners to get rich fast, only to cheat yourself out of the wisdom and knowledge that comes from experience. So you lose everything you worked for.

You tell your wife a small lie. Then you cover it up with a slightly bigger one. Years down the road, you feel distant from the person you’re supposed to love and cherish more than anyone else.

Countless people do these things every day. And every time, it’s a bitch move.

Compare this to your inner beast. The inner beast doesn’t make excuses. It doesn’t look for the easy way out. And it doesn’t tolerate weakness.

When the inner beast is in charge, you take responsibility for your actions. You do the HARD THINGS that make you a better person, a better parent, and a better entrepreneur. You focus on a goal and you reach it.

Even when the going gets hard, you keep at it. In fact, you like when things get hard. A little challenge is exciting for you. It gets the inner beast foaming at the mouth, hungry for more. You look at obstacles and grin, because you know you can only build muscle with pain. Whether you’re building physical, emotional, or mental muscle, pain is necessary.

You’ve listened to the little BITCH inside you before, and the BEAST wants no part of it. There are enough mediocre people out there leading ho-hum lives. You refuse to be one of them. You’re a world-changer with no room for weakness.

Put it to sleep

Want to do away with your inner bitch? Starve it to death. From the moment you wake up until your head hits the pillow after kicking ass all day, don’t give the bitch a single thought. If it sticks its head out, laugh at it and kick it in the teeth.

What’s this look like? Like this.

Choose hard over easy. Haters do one thing: hate. They don’t get stuff done, they don’t change the world. You know they’re gonna talk shit, and that’s okay. That target on your back is there because you’re a beast. People like killing beasts, but they rarely do. Why? Because they’re bitches.

Keep your promises to yourself. The bitch inside doesn’t keep promises. There are always excuses why something won’t work. The beast doesn’t see excuses. Just opportunities around every corner.

Set higher standards of expectations. Think about a time you let your inner beast loose. What happened? You won BIG! What if you could do it again? You can if you have higher standards. So up the bar and work like a maniac to get over it.

Do the things others aren’t willing to do. There are a million things weak people don’t want to do. If you’re going to dominate your day and everything in it, you’ve got to do what others won’t. That means waking up early and not making excuses. It means serving others. It means having a clear mission and vision that drive you to success. In other words, it means letting the beast rule your every waking moment.

If you recognize the little bitch inside trying to run things, let the beast takes over. It may feel uncomfortable at first. Others may bristle at your strength and confidence. But without the beast, you’ll always be at the mercy of the little bitch inside your head.

So if you’re sick of mediocre.

If you’re sick of letting the little BITCH run and ruin your life.

If you’re hungry to be the best possible version of you, build a business empire, and leave a lasting legacy, you can.

It takes one step.

Kill the little bitch within and feed your inner beast!



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.