Money: How to Make a Lot More of It

Bedros Keuilian
5 min readAug 13, 2020


Believe it or not, it’s possible to make more money right now!

I know some reading this article thinks it’s clickbait. And some of you think this is written by some pompous ass who’s trying to act like the world isn’t in the midst of a pandemic. That I’m disconnected from reality.

If this is you, don’t feel bad. There are plenty of those people serving up clickbait and even more acting like the world around them isn’t changing. But I’m not one of them.

Bedros Keuilian on making money during the COVID-19 pandemic

I understand the current state of things. It’s why I made a major pivot with one of my businesses a few months ago.

I also understand that despite what situation you’re in, if you own your own business, you don’t have to take it lying down. Your business doesn’t have to be another victim of the economy. You don’t have to face a room full of people and tell them they don’t have jobs anymore.

But to get your business on sure footing, you’ve got to stop feeling sorry for yourself and take immediate action. Follow these six steps and you’ll put more money in your pocket RIGHT NOW!

1. Have a product or service that ACTUALLY works and delivers results as promised.

One of the worst things you can do is sell something that doesn’t perform as advertised. If you have a hard time getting repeat customers and referrals, it’s probably because you don’t fulfill your promises.

Go back to the drawing board and figure out where your service or product goes wrong. Then fix it. Everything working well? Make it better or your competitor will, and you’ll be forgotten.

2. Learn direct response marketing so that you can buy traffic and convert that traffic into sales.

I don’t care how good your product or service is, it will NOT sell itself. To get more people buying, you’ve got to tell them about what you do.

The best way to do that is by spending money. Learn how to use ads, email drops, and funnels to get your ideal customer’s attention. Then use those same tools to make the sale.

Don’t want to learn how to do this stuff? Hire somebody who’s an expert. Just keep tabs to make sure every dollar you spend is giving you a return.

3. Turn every client and customer into an evangelist.

While advertising dollars are essential to attract new customers, customer-turned-evangelists give you FREE advertising. They don’t even realize they’re doing it. They love your product or service so much, they simply can’t shut up about it.

But how do you turn a customer into an evangelist? Provide a product that’s head and shoulders above the competition and awesome customer service. Do these two things, and people will talk. A LOT!

On the other hand, a killer service or product won’t turn customers into evangelists if your customer service sucks. Go out of your way to make customers happy. Do it over and over, and they’ll become raving fans.

4. Take advantage of new opportunities.

There is never a bad time to be in business. Even in the midst of COVID-19, smart, hard-working entrepreneurs are making money.

How can you be one of them?

First, you have to acknowledge the truth that things have changed. There’s no avoiding this fact, so quit the games. Second, relish the fact that change creates new opportunities. Find out what new problems or needs people have, create the solution, and sell it to every person you can.

FACT: In one of my companies, we discovered a NEW need that people developed due to the pandemic. Then we launched a product on Amazon to address this need. In just four weeks, this product became an Amazon bestseller and a massive money maker.

Best of all, this product isn’t a bait and switch. It helps people, and it’s consumable, so it’s a recurring revenue stream.

5. Stop apologizing about selling and start selling like you want to make money!

We get it. You’re a nice guy. But that only gets you so far.

When I look around, I see way too many people and companies soft-selling. It’s like they’re afraid to ask for money or follow up with leads because they don’t want to bother people.

Sound like you? Read this carefully. If you have a great product or a service people genuinely need, you have a DUTY to your family, employees, and customers to run traffic and sell aggressively. Sell on your site and in emails, via DMs and texts, on phone calls and in videos.

Everywhere you can, SELL!

6. Stop accepting the false narrative.

Right now, people are saying you’re supposed to be struggling, broke, and afraid because there’s a virus going around. I don’t care who says it, it’s BULLSHIT!

Look around, and you’ll see what a lie it is.

People are still buying stuff.

People are still traveling.

People are still buying franchises.

People are still buying supplements.

People are still buying homes.

People are still hiring coaches.

People are still working out in gyms, at parks, and online at home.

People are still buying clothes, accessories, and jewelry.

People are still getting their hair cut and their nails done.

People are still injecting fillers and BOTOX into their faces.

In other words, people are living, people are still making money, and you should be one of them. Are they doing these things differently? Yes. Take advantage of this and offer a different solution.

The decision is up to you.

So what’s it going to be? Are you going to let someone else offer solutions to the new problems people are facing? Or are you going to be the one who steps up, solves problems, and grows your business?

If you’re afraid of failure, GOOD! Use that fear to drive you to build a business empire that can’t be shaken by a failing economy or a worldwide pandemic. Your bank account will thank you, your grateful employees will thank you, and your customers will rave about how you’ve improved their lives.



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.