
Jared w/ Better Habits
2 min readDec 10, 2018


Succeed beyond your wildest dreams by understanding the untold secret to success... Failure.

For most of us when we try to form a new habit or change an old one, there’s a good chance we’re going to fail. Despite the common negative feelings that accompany failure, what’s less obvious is the fact that failure is actually success.

“Jumping from failure to failure with undiminished enthusiasm is the big secret to success”

In Better Habits, we call this an Attempt. Imagine climbing a mountain. As you progress there are setbacks, you might slip and fall a few times, and you may even decide that today is not the day and work your way back down to the base, leaving the summit unconquered.

As you perform actions your progress bar will ascend towards your goal, (the habit being formed). With Living Progress, if you fail to perform, you will lose progress and thus slip back down the mountain. If you reach the bottom, (your Action Score returns to 0), Better Habits will consider this an attempt.

Attempts are a visual representation of how hard you have worked and how badly you want to make this change. If you’ve tried and failed many times, good. It shows that while this is difficult, you are determined and not going to give up.

What’s happening under the hood…

Attempts will only be counted if you have reached an Action Score of 5 or higher. There’s no limit to how long or short an attempt can be, it’s all about keeping your Action Score from reaching 0. Another way to visually see attempts is to look at your Journey Graph. Each time the graph touches the floor, (so long as it reached an action score of 5 in the first place), that is considered an attempt.

