Beggar’s Toe

Jr finds an old man beside the road and attempts to take him in.

Billy Jones
5 min readDec 27, 2021


Photo by Sacha T'Sas on Unsplash

Previously, It Is What It Is.

One afternoon when Jr was walking out to the mail box he spotted an old man sitting on the ground wearing only one shoe. His other shoe and sock were on the ground as the old man examined his foot. “What’s wrong?” Jr asked, “cain’t you walk?”

Startled the old man looked up to see Jr and answered, “It’s just beggar’s toe. I can walk. It just hurts.”

“Maw says you get beggar’s toe from not washin’ yer feet,” Jr said.

“Let me guess,” the old man groaned, “I bet you rode the short bus to school.”

“Wow,” Jr exclaimed, “you must be a claryvoinment. I did ride the short bus. How did you know?”

“I’m a claryvoinment,” the old man chuckled.

“Can I help you?” Jr asked. Mable and Earnest had taught Jr to have sympathy for others no matter their situation, or how they got there.

“Got any money I can buy food with?” the old man asked.

“I ain’t got no money,” Jr answered. “Maw won’t let me keep money.”

“I can see why,” the old man mumbled. “I could sure use a biscuit about now.”



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at