Wackemall Dictionary

Welcome to the Wackemall Dictionary of the Strange and Unusual Words and Phrases used by Billy Jones.

Billy Jones
5 min readOct 10, 2021


Photo by Edurne Tx on Unsplash

Edited by Wackemall.com CEO (Chief Erratic Officer) Billy Jones AIC, and updated as more words are added. Each word is or will be linked to where I used it here on Medium.

Algo is the pet name I have given to the Medium Algorithm. He’s such a sweet Algo.
ALRW4M is Always Leave Readers Wanting for More.
Asshole In Charge is the primary person responsible for all you see, the head AIC. That person may, or may not be the CEO. (See below.)

is Orwellian doublespeak for padding the pockets of politricksters (see below) while giving the illusion of working together.
Beggars toe is the result of living on the streets for months or years without adequate bathing and health care. Often called Athletes Foot, it most often occurs in people who are not athletes. Beggars toe can be cured with regular washing of feet and toes along with the application of anti-fungal creams.
Boosters See Cheerleaders below.
Burgersode is an episode of the Fast Food Wars.
Bus Book is the book you leave behind to train your replacement after you have been fired from your sucky job.



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at http://Wackemall.com