Operation Enduring Digitarti

Is there anything our hero… er, villain won’t do to take control of the literary world? Probably not.

Billy Jones
2 min readJun 21, 2022


Continued from Entry 547…

I know, I know you were hoping the worst book ever written was finished. Well, it’s not.

Entry 2755

“You want me to do what?” General Furnass said. “But how is…”

“Trust me, General,” the poet said stopping him in mid sentence. “Just let me explain.”

“But how is my writing a tell-all book going to make you a best selling author?” the general asked.

“It’s really simple. All you have to do is write a tell-all book about all the bad things myself and my administration has done.”

“But sir, you haven’t done anything to be ashamed of.”

“Then make something up. Those kind of books sell like hot cakes.”

“But Sir, how is my writing a best selling book going to help Operation Enduring Digitarti?”

“Like I said, it’s simple. As the publisher of your tell-all book I’ll make millions — millions I can spend promoting Reindeer Tales. The more your book sells the more money I have to spend on weapons to destroy the publishing industry, and the rest of the literary terrorists. So get typing, General Furnace.”

Tune in next time when Jeff Bezos says, “They’re selling what in my store?”

Continued in Entry 3315. No, crying won’t stop it.



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at http://Wackemall.com