Blok ICO Participation Guide and Referral Program

To participate in the Blok ICO, you must send Ethers (ETH) to the smart contract address. This process requires an ERC-20 and or ERC-223 compatible wallet.

2 min readApr 9, 2018

We recommend using MyEtherWallet or MetaMask to buy BLO tokens.

We created guides to help you through the process.


  1. Create a MetaMask wallet
  2. Participate in BLO crowd sale


  1. Create a MEW wallet
  2. Participate in BLO crowd sale

Join the Blok ICO and help Blok lead the gig economy revolution.

Referral Program to earn 7% ETH

After filling out the ICO information, you will be presented with a referral code and link. Share this link with your friends to earn 7% of their contribution in ETH!

If you joined our airdrop, your referral code is your twitter handle without the “@” symbol. So for @bloknetwork the referral code will be

Check your referrals here.








Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with, or independently research and verify, any information that you find on our Website and wish to rely upon, whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise.

Accordingly, we will not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, in respect of any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer arising out of such information or any reliance you may place upon such information. Any arrangements between you and any third party contacted via the Blok are at your sole risk.



Blok — Revolutionizing the global gig economy by introducing blockchain into the on-demand workforce