BREWSKI coin: Tokenomics

7 min readMar 15, 2023

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BREWSKI coin is a token on the Ethereum network, it is a utility token used within the BREWSKI labs eco-system as payment for the BREWSKI NFT Collection on the BREWSKI NFT Marketplace.

In it’s second phase it will also be used as a governance token allowing users to represent their BREWSKI stakes in the BREWSKI Beer council.

In it’s final phase BREWSKI coin will be used within the BREWSKI app wallet as an asset backed token whereby the token is backed by BREWSKI Craft Beer allowing users to exchange their tokens for craft beer, bringing the literal meaning to “providing liquidity”.

BREWSKI coin stats:

Token Ticker: BREWSKI
Token Protocol: ERC-20 (Ethereum)
Token Contract Address: Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion)
Initial Circulating Supply: up to 500,000,000 (50%)

BREWSKI coin distribution

•15% Founders & Early Investors: Private round for founders, breweries and private individuals who follow the long term vision of the project. Tokens are vested according to a 12–24 month schedule.

• 10% Whitelist Sale: Private round rewarding community members who help support and promote the project in it’s early phase.

• 20% General Token Sale: Private round rewarding community members who help support and promote the project in it’s early phase.

•40% Liquidity: Liquidity provision and liquidity mining program

•5% Marketing: Marketing for building a stronger community and attracting new community members

•5% Team: To motivate and compensate team members (founders not included) for their dedication to develop BREWSKI Labs products.

•0.5% Advisors: Advisory remuneration for guiding MaticLaunch towards success

•4.5% Treasury: Future development needs and smart contracts auditing requirements

BREWSKI coin release schedule

Here is the brief overview of when evaluating the time period for a fully diluted market cap.

Early Investor & Founder - All participants were offered the following vesting release schedules:
10 % tokens upfront and the remainder distributed over 12 months
20 % tokens upfront and the remainder distributed over 18 months
30 % tokens upfront and the remainder distributed over 24 months

Whitelist Token Sale - 2 day period for whitelisted users to purchase, tokens distributed after the General Release sale has concluded (to prevent discounted whitelist holders dumping tokens during IDO release).

General Release Sale: tokens distributed immediately

Liquidity Pool rewards: begins after General Release Token Sale and supplies 20% APR on all Liquidity Pool deposits for 4 years.

Marketing: all tokens available immediately (due to early requirement for liquidity for central exchange listings).

Team: 10 % tokens upfront and the remainder distributed over 24 months

Advisors: 10 % tokens upfront and the remainder distributed over 24 months

Treasury: 10 % tokens upfront and the remainder distributed over 18 months

BREWSKI Coin: Token Mechanics

Initial DEX Offering (IDO)

The token will be released to the General Public via an Initial DEX Offering which means it will be available for purchase via a decentralized liquidity exchange.

The format will be in a Dutch auction style meaning the token price will start high ($0.04) and reduce slowly over a 3 day period until either all tokens are sold or the time period is complete.

📉 Inflationary Force: Liquidity Pools 20% APR

Following the General Release event two liquidity pools will be opened on Balancer for BREWSKI-ETH and BREWSKI-USDC. This will give BREWSKI token holders the opportunity to earn from their token holdings by providing liquidity to the pools and will also provide liquidity for the community to buy or sell BREWSKI.

The Liquidity Pools will be incentivised with 20% APR rewards on all staked tokens, rewards are paid out in BREWSKI coin. This then ensures a steady supply is released to the market and creates an inflationary force reducing the value of the token as more tokens enter circulation.

📉 Inflationary Force: Vesting Release Schedule

As described above in ‘BREWSKI Coin: Token release schedule’; tokens released from Whitelist pre-sale, the General release and tokens allocated to Marketing are all released at IDO Launch time. All other tokens (other than those allocated for Liquidity Rewards) will be released on a vesting schedule.

The vesting schedule prevents any early investors or whitelist holders who received tokens at a discount from crashing the market by receiving a slow drip feed of tokens over a vesting schedule.

This schedule by month can be visualised as follows:

* Important note:- tokens only enter circulation when they are claimed.

Tokens are slowly made available to be claimed according to the monthly vesting schedule above.

📈 Deflationary Force: NFT Payment and NFT Marketplace trading

BREWSKI coin is the only means of payment for any of the yearly BREWSKI NFT Collection. Any payment made for BREWSKI NFTs will return the BREWSKI Coins to the Treasury and 50% of all BREWSKI Coin used for NFT purchases will be burned.

Similarly, any trades made on the BREWSKI NFT Marketplace for buying/selling NFTs a trading fee of 2% is charged, the fee is then returned to the Treasury and 50% of all trading fees will be burned.

As BREWSKI Labs expands the platform technology to make it available to any other craft brewery to list their rewards based NFTs, all sales or trades will use the BREWSKI coin and follow the same rules as above with 50% of BREWSKI tokens used for purchases being burned and 50% of trading fees on the BREWSKI Marketplace being burned.

Therefore, as the platform is adopted by more breweries worldwide, the greater the deflationary force on the BREWSKI coin due to NFT sales and trades.

📈 Deflationary Force: BREWSKI wallet and payments

We will introduce the BREWSKI wallet which will give the user the ability to buy coins direct within the app and then use the app for payments within BARSKI bars worldwide and the BREWSKIVAL annual festival attended by over 8000 people.

This will then give a floor price of BREWSKI coin as it will be pegged to the price of beer in the bar.

Any payments made through the wallet will transfer funds to the BREWSKI Treasury wallet and therefore be taken out of circulation which will give a deflationary force.

📈 Deflationary Force: BREWSKI Council

The BREWSKI Beer Council has the ability to vote on aspects of the BREWSKI Coin via proposals. Anyone can submit a proposal and those who have staked their BREWSKI Coin have the ability to use their relevant voting power to vote on the proposals outcome.

By staking the BREWSKI Coin this is creating deflationary force due to the coin being effectively out of circulation from the general public.

We will also adopt the concept of ‘bribes’ or community feedback rewards. Consider the situation that a brewery wants feedback for an idea they have on a new concept beer (for example lets say a salted liquorice caramel beer). They want to know if it is worth the cost outlay of brewing thatnew craft beer. Instead of running the risk of brewing the beer and it not being popular, the brewery could offer 10% the cost of a test batch of beer (in BREWSKI Coin) to the council members to answer a poll or questionaire to give feedback. Anyone who holds BREWSKI coin can decide if they want to answer the poll:

  • those that answer get a reward in the form of a % of the total reward offered based upon how much BREWSKI coin they hold compared to others that have answered.
  • the poll is open for a fixed period of time (e.g 1 week) to give people to the chance to answer
  • post voting period the reward offered is divided between those that answered.

This would then also add a deflationary force as more coins are being purchased to offer as rewards but also act as an incentive to Council members as they receive payment for voting in the proposal.

Balance of Forces and future adaptations

The above model should then have a balanced effect on the token price creating both token price rise (for example with the NFT purchases causing token burns) but with measures in place to control this (with a slow release of tokens as reward for providing liquidity).

With the introduction of the BREWSKI Beer council the above model could change if there is a proposal submitted by the public that is voted through. We are always open to improvements that could improve the tokenomics and meet the communities needs.

Why would you want BREWSKI Coin?

If you haven’t read our ‘Introducing BREWSKI Labs’ or ‘BREWSKI Collectible NFTs: art with real world use’ posts then give them a quick read.

Also, our Whitelist Application is now OPEN

BREWSKI Coin has 3 main use cases:

  • a means of payment in all BARSKI bars worldwide and the annual BREWSKIVAL 3 day craft beer festival (attended by over 8000 people).
  • the sole payment option when purchasing the collectible NFTs that have real world rewards.
  • utility in providing the backbone of the BREWSKI Council voting system

For further details, checkout our Whitepaper and Roadmap on our website.

Stay tuned

In the coming weeks, we will release a series of posts to further explain:

  • MetaMask crypto wallets, how to create and use it to make transfers
  • Liquidity Pools, what they are and and how they work
  • info on the BREWSKI Council

If there is anything missing in the above Tokenomics post please let us know in Telegram and we’ll add an update.

In the meantime, follow us on Twitter and come say Hej (Swedish for “Hi”) on Telegram with any feedback or questions you may have.

