Improving Machine Learning Predictions with Ensemble Learning

Brijesh Soni
5 min readApr 20, 2023


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Machine learning is a rapidly developing area that has made tremendous strides in recent years. Ensemble learning is a common approach among data scientists and machine learning practitioners. Ensemble learning is a robust technique for improving machine learning models' accuracy, resilience, and generalization performance by combining the predictions of many base models. In this blog article, we will look into ensemble learning, its benefits, and how it can be used to improve machine learning predictions.

What is Ensemble Learning?

Ensemble learning is a technique that combines numerous base models to generate a more accurate and dependable model. The fundamental notion behind ensemble learning is that the aggregate predictions of multiple models can be more accurate and robust than individual model predictions. When compared to utilizing a single model, ensemble learning takes advantage of the variety among base models to collectively create superior predictions.

Benefits of Ensemble Learning

Image by Brijesh Soni

Ensemble learning offers several benefits in machine learning applications:

  1. Improved Accuracy: Ensemble learning can dramatically enhance prediction accuracy. Multiple models with various properties can capture different parts of the underlying data, resulting in improved overall predictions.
  2. Improved Robustness: Ensemble learning can make a model more resistant to noisy or outlier data. The ensemble can lessen the influence of erroneous predictions from individual models and create more accurate findings by combining the predictions of numerous models.
  3. Increased Generalisation: Ensemble learning can improve the model’s generalization performance. Because the diversity across the base models helps to capture the underlying patterns in the data more effectively, ensemble models are less prone to overfitting.
  4. Handling Uncertainty: When dealing with uncertain data, ensemble learning can produce superior predictions. The ensemble can reduce uncertainty and produce a more reliable prediction by combining the predictions of numerous models.

Ensemble Learning Techniques

Image by Brijesh Soni

There are several ensemble learning techniques that can be used to combine the predictions of multiple base models.

Here are some commonly used techniques:

Bagging || Boosting || Stacking || Random Forest

  1. Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating): This is an ensemble learning strategy that involves training multiple base models on distinct subsets of the training data obtained by bootstrapping (randomly sampling with replacement) from the original training data. To make the final prediction, the projections of the base models are integrated, often by taking a majority vote.
  2. Boosting: This is an ensemble learning strategy that trains many base models sequentially, with each model attempting to repair the faults of the prior models. Boosting gives misclassified samples in the training set higher weights, and the base models are trained to focus on these examples. To create the final prediction, the predictions of the base models are integrated, often via weighted voting.
  3. Stacking: This is an ensemble learning strategy that uses the predictions of numerous base models to train a meta-model. The basic models are trained using the same training data, and their predictions are integrated to form a new feature space. To make the final prediction, the meta-model is trained on this new feature space.
  4. Random Forests: Random Forests is an approach for ensemble learning that combines the concepts of bagging and decision trees. Multiple decision trees are trained on distinct subsets of the training data in a random forest, and their forecasts are integrated using a majority vote to make the final prediction. Random Forests are well-known for their capacity to deal with both high-dimensional and noisy data.

Implementation of Ensemble Learning

Image by Brijesh Soni

Ensemble learning is a machine learning technique that integrates several models to increase prediction accuracy and durability.

There are various ensemble learning approaches, such as bagging, boosting, and stacking.

A general approach to implementing ensemble learning is as follows:

  1. Preparation of data: Clean, preprocess, and divide the data into training and testing sets to prepare it for training and testing.
  2. Model selection: Choose a set of basic models from which ensemble learning will be applied. Depending on the ensemble approach employed, the basic models can be of the same or various types.
  3. Training basic models: Run each base model through its paces on the training set. This stage can be parallelized to expedite training.
  4. Ensemble technique selection: Select an ensemble method for combining the predictions of the basic models. Bagging, boosting, and stacking are examples of ensemble approaches.
  5. Ensemble training: On the training set, train the ensemble model using the predictions of the basic models. The ensemble model can be a simple average or a weighted combination of the predictions from the base models.
  6. Evaluation: Run the ensemble model on the testing set and compare its performance to that of the individual base models. To measure performance, parameters such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score can be used.
  7. Tune the hyperparameters of the basic models and the ensemble method to improve the performance of the ensemble model.
  8. Deploy the ensemble model in production and continuously check its performance to ensure it continues to produce correct predictions.

Simple way 👇

Image by Brijesh Soni


Ensemble learning is a strong technique that can considerably increase machine learning models’ accuracy, robustness, and generalization performance. Ensemble learning can utilize the diversity of many base models’ predictions to generate a more trustworthy and accurate model by merging their predictions.

In this blog article, we addressed the notion of ensemble learning, its benefits, and the methods needed in implementing it. Ensemble learning may be a very useful addition to any machine learning workflow, and data scientists and practitioners should think about implementing it into their models for improved performance.

Complete tutorial for Ensemble Learning👇





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Brijesh Soni

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