Understanding Boosting in Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Guide

Brijesh Soni
10 min readApr 28, 2023


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Machine learning algorithms are reshaping industries all over the world, and boosting is a potent technique that has gained traction due to its capacity to improve model performance. Boosting is a well-known ensemble learning strategy that combines the predictions of numerous base models to produce a more robust overall model. We will delve into the complexities of boosting machine learning in this detailed book, studying its concepts, methodologies, and applications.

What exactly is boosting?

Boosting is a supervised machine learning strategy that combines the predictions of multiple weak models (base models) to generate a powerful ensemble model. Boosting, as opposed to classic ensemble approaches like bagging or averaging, focuses on successively training the basic models in a way that emphasizes misclassified samples from prior iterations. The goal is to prioritize samples that were incorrectly categorized in previous iterations, allowing the model to learn from its mistakes and improve its performance iteratively.

How Does Boosting Work?

Image by Brijesh Soni

Boosting is a machine learning strategy that combines numerous weak learners into strong learners to increase model accuracy. The following are the steps in the boosting algorithm:

  1. Initialise weights: At the start of the process, each training example is given equal weight.
  2. Train a weak learner: The weighted training data is used to train a weak learner. A weak learner is a simple model that outperforms random guessing only marginally. A decision tree with a few levels, for example, can be employed as a weak learner.
  3. Error calculation: The error of the weak learner on the training data is computed. The weighted sum of misclassified cases constitutes the error.
  4. Update weights: Weights are updated according to the mistake rate of the training examples. Misclassified examples are given higher weights, whereas correctly classified examples are given lower weights.
  5. Repeat: Steps 2–4 are repeated several times. A new weak learner is trained on the updated weights of the training examples in each cycle.
  6. Combine weak learners: The final model is made up of all of the weak learners that were trained in the preceding steps. The accuracy of each weak learner is weighted, and the final prediction is based on the weighted total of the weak learners.
  7. Forecast: The finished model is used to forecast fresh instances’ class labels.

The boosting approach is designed to produce a strong learner that is accurate on the training data and can generalize effectively to new data. The algorithm can produce a model that is more accurate than any of the individual weak learners by merging many weak learners.

Various methods for Enhancing

There are various sorts of boosting algorithms that can be employed in machine learning. Here are a few of the most well-known:

  1. AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting): AdaBoost is one of the most extensively used boosting algorithms. It gives weights to each data point in the training set based on the accuracy of prior models, and then trains a new model using the updated weights. AdaBoost is very useful for classification tasks.
  2. Gradient Boosting: Gradient Boosting works by fitting new models to the residual errors of prior models. It minimizes the loss function using gradient descent and may be applied to both regression and classification problems. Popular gradient-boosting implementations include XGBoost and LightGBM.
  3. Stochastic Gradient Boosting: Similar to Gradient Boosting, Stochastic Gradient Boosting fits each new model with random subsets of the training data and random subsets of the features. This helps to avoid overfitting and may result in improved performance.
  4. LPBoost (Linear Programming Boosting): LPBoost is a boosting algorithm that minimizes the exponential loss function using linear programming. It is capable of handling a wide range of loss functions and may be applied to both regression and classification issues.
  5. TotalBoost (Total Boosting): TotalBoost is an AdaBoost and LPBoost boosting method. It works by minimizing a mixture of exponential and linear programming losses, and it can increase accuracy for certain types of problems.

The algorithm chosen will be determined by the specific challenge at hand as well as the features of the dataset.

Comparing Boosting Algorithms: Examples and Strengths

Here comparing the various types of boosting algorithms, with examples and their strengths:

Image by Brijesh Soni

🤖 “ AdaBoost is the most widely used boosting algorithm, although Gradient Boosting and Stochastic Gradient Boosting are also commonly used. ”

Advantages of Boosting

In machine learning, boosting provides various benefits, including:

  1. Improved Performance: Because boosting combines the predictions of any base models, it effectively reduces bias and variance, resulting in more accurate and robust predictions.
  2. Ability to Handle Complex Data: Boosting can handle complicated data patterns, including non-linear correlations and interactions, making it appropriate for a wide range of machine learning applications such as classification, regression, and ranking.
  3. Robustness to Noise: When compared to other machine learning techniques, boosting is less vulnerable to noise in training data since it focuses on misclassified samples and gives greater weights to them, effectively reducing the impact of noisy samples on final predictions.
  4. Flexibility: Boosting algorithms are versatile and can be employed with a variety of base models and loss functions, allowing for customization and adaptation to various problem domains.
  5. Interpretability: While boosting models are frequently referred to as “black-box” models, they can nevertheless provide some interpretability through feature importance rankings, which can aid in understanding the relative value of various features in the prediction process.

Applications of Boosting

Boosting has been used successfully in a variety of machine-learning tasks, including:

  1. Image and Object identification: Boosting has been employed in computer vision applications for image and object identification tasks like face detection, gesture recognition, and object detection. Boosting algorithms may successfully learn complicated patterns in photos and enhance recognition model accuracy, leading to applications in biometrics, surveillance, and autonomous vehicles.
  2. Text and Natural Language Processing: Boosting has been used in tasks such as sentiment analysis, text classification, and named entity recognition in text and natural language processing. Boosting techniques can handle the high-dimensional and sparse nature of text data successfully, improving model performance in applications like sentiment analysis for social media sentiment analysis, spam detection, and text categorization.
  3. Fraud Detection: Boosting has been used to identify fraud in a variety of industries, including finance, insurance, and e-commerce. Boosting algorithms can uncover patterns of fraudulent behavior in big and complicated datasets, improving fraud detection accuracy and reducing false positives/negatives in fraud detection systems.
  4. Medical Diagnosis: Boosting has been used in medical diagnosis tasks like disease classification, patient outcome prediction, and medication development. Boosting algorithms can learn from big medical datasets such as clinical data, medical imaging, and genetic data to enhance the accuracy of diagnosis and prediction models, thus paving the way for personalized medicine and healthcare.
  5. Recommendation Systems: Boosting has been employed in recommendation systems to provide personalized suggestions such as product recommendations in e-commerce, movie recommendations in streaming platforms, and content recommendations in news portals. Boosting algorithms can record user preferences and behavior patterns to offer accurate suggestions and increase user engagement.
  6. Time Series Analysis: Boosting has been used in time series analysis applications such as stock market forecasting, weather forecasting, and demand forecasting. Boosting algorithms can efficiently capture temporal relationships and patterns in time series data, resulting in enhanced prediction accuracy and decision-making in fields such as finance, agriculture, and supply chain management.

Implementing Boosting in Machine Learning

Image by Brijesh Soni

Example: Image and Object identification

Boosting is a machine learning technique in which multiple weak classifiers are combined to build a strong classifier. In this example, we will utilize boosting to classify object photos.

Step 1: Gathering Data

To train our boosting algorithm, we must first create a collection of labeled photos. This dataset will be divided into training and testing sets. Our boosting algorithm will be trained using the training set, and its performance will be evaluated using the testing set.

from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Load dataset
digits = load_digits()

# Split dataset into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(digits.data, digits.target, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

Step 2: Extraction of Features

To extract essential elements from our photographs, we will employ a technique known as feature extraction. This is significant since raw image data is typically too vast and complex to be used for classification directly. To extract features from our photos, we can utilize approaches such as Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) or Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT).

from skimage.feature import hog
from skimage.transform import resize

# Resize input images to (64, 64)
X_train_resized = [resize(image, (64, 64)) for image in X_train]
X_test_resized = [resize(image, (64, 64)) for image in X_test]

# Extract HOG features from images
X_train_hog = []
for image in X_train_resized:
hog_features = hog(image, block_norm='L2-Hys')

X_test_hog = []
for image in X_test_resized:
hog_features = hog(image, block_norm='L2-Hys')

Step 3: Develop Weak Classifiers

As weak classifiers, we will employ a technique known as decision trees. Decision trees work by recursively separating data into smaller subsets based on a feature’s value. On distinct subsets of our training data, we will train numerous decision trees.

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

# Train multiple decision trees as weak classifiers
weak_classifiers = []
for i in range(5):
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, random_state=42)
dtc.fit(X_train_hog, y_train)

Step 4: Weighted training

The boosting algorithm will be used to train our weak classifiers in a weighted manner. The algorithm will assign more weight to the previously misclassified samples in each iteration. This ensures that the algorithm focuses on the difficult-to-classify samples.

from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier

# Train AdaBoostClassifier using weak classifiers
ada = AdaBoostClassifier(base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, random_state=42),
ada.fit(X_train_hog, y_train)

Step 5: Bringing Weak Classifiers Together

We will merge our weak classifiers once they have been trained to form a strong classifier. To make our final prediction, we will take a weighted sum of our weak classifiers’ predictions.

# Combine predictions of weak classifiers to make final prediction
y_pred = ada.predict(X_test_hog)

Step 6: Testing

On the testing set, we will analyze the performance of our boosting algorithm. To assess its performance, we will compute measures like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score

# Evaluate performance of AdaBoostClassifier
print('Accuracy:', accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
print('Precision:', precision_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted'))
print('Recall:', recall_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted'))
print('F1-score:', f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted'))

In this example, we demonstrated how to implement boosting in machine learning using the sci-kit-learn library for image classification. We started by preparing our dataset of labeled images and splitting it into training and testing sets.

We then used the HOG feature extraction technique to extract important features from our images and trained multiple decision trees as weak classifiers. We used the AdaBoostClassifier algorithm to train and combine our weak classifiers in a weighted manner to create a strong classifier. Finally, we evaluated the performance of our algorithm on the testing set using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

What exactly is the HOG feature extraction technique?

HOG is an abbreviation for Histogram of Oriented Gradients. It is a prominent feature extraction technique for extracting essential features from images in computer vision and image processing.

👉“ HOG = Histogram of Oriented Gradients ”

The HOG feature extraction approach divides a picture into small cells, after which the gradient of each cell is computed. The gradients are then sorted into bigger blocks, and a gradient histogram for each block is generated. These histograms are then combined to generate the image’s feature vector.

The feature vector that results can be used to train a machine learning algorithm to classify the image. Because HOG characteristics are resistant to changes in lighting and contrast, they can be used for object detection and recognition tasks.

To summarise, the HOG feature extraction approach is a method for collecting key features from images that can be utilized for machine learning applications like object detection and recognition.

What is Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)

Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is a computer vision algorithm used for object recognition and image matching. It was developed by David Lowe in 1999.

👉 “ SIFT = Scale-Invariant Feature Transform “

Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is a computer vision technique used to identify and match specific image features. It can identify these features even if the image is rotated, scaled, or has changes in lighting. The technique works by identifying areas of an image with unique characteristics, and then describing those areas using histograms of the local gradients. These descriptions are used to compare and match features in different photos. SIFT has been used for a wide range of computer vision applications such as image recognition, 3D reconstruction, and more.


Image by Brijesh Soni


By integrating the predictions of many base models, boosting is a powerful ensemble learning strategy that can dramatically increase the performance of machine learning models. It is a versatile and resilient technique with applications in computer vision, natural language processing, fraud detection, medical diagnosis, recommendation systems, and time series analysis. Understanding the concepts and procedures of boosting can assist data scientists and machine learning practitioners use this technique effectively in real-world applications to improve the accuracy and resilience of their models.

Complete tutorial for Ensemble Learning👇

Introduction: https://medium.com/@brijeshsoni121272/improving-machine-learning-predictions-with-ensemble-learning-a8646e00be1c

Bagging: https://medium.com/@brijeshsoni121272/boost-your-machine-learning-models-with-bagging-a-powerful-ensemble-learning-technique-692bfc4d1a51

Boosting: https://medium.com/@brijeshsoni121272/understanding-boosting-in-machine-learning-a-comprehensive-guide-bdeaa1167a6

Stacking: https://medium.com/@brijeshsoni121272/stacking-to-improve-model-performance-a-comprehensive-guide-on-ensemble-learning-in-python-9ed53c93ce28

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Brijesh Soni

🤖 Deep Learning Researcher 🤖 and Join as Data Science volunteer on @ds_chat_bot 👉👉 https://www.instagram.com/ds_chat_bot/