Discover art on objkt

7 min readFeb 19, 2022


Before buying, make sure to do your research. Anyone can mint on objkt which means there are a lot of hidden treasures there, but the downside is that some people try to take advantage of this. Measures are taken to detect fraudulent accounts as soon as possible but it is possible some manage to sell before being detected. If the account is a new account, and there is no name, no Twitter or website attached, and the art is amazing at a very low price, it may be a copyminter. Please refrain from buying or ask for advice. If you buy from a copyminter, there will be no refund. Sometimes, the copyminters reimburse their “victims”, but it does not happen very frequently.

If the account is the account of a copyminter, you can report it on the objkt Discord channel. It will then be restricted. It means it cannot be sold on objkt anymore. If pieces are blurred on your “owned” page, it means the account is either restricted or under review. You can ask us for the reason. If it is restricted, I would advise to burn the piece (learn how to burn here).

You may wonder how to look for art when you start collecting on objkt.

1 — Basic information about top sellers

I am often asked what are the “popular” collections on objkt?

You can find that information on the front page:

  • The hot collections, where you can see the top sold collections over the last 24 hours:

Only 20 collections are displayed but click on view all if you want to view more.

  • The top sales of the day:

You can also click on the arrow to see the top sales over 30 days.

  • The top sellers and buyers.

You can see the top sellers of all time by clicking on the arrow:


This is an external website which includes data on NFTs. Click here to access the website. You can also see at how much your portfolio is valued there.

2 — Find hidden gems

But what if you want to find hidden gems? Art by amazingly talented artists who may or may not make sales yet?

You can look at:

  • The homepage again!

Go to The first NFTs you will see are the featured pieces. 4 different pieces are featured approximately every 3 days. Click on the arrow to see the other pieces.

Note: outside of specific events, there is a focus on artists who benefit from less exposure and diversity is taken into account when selecting the featured pieces. If you are an artist and feel that we may have missed your work, you can submit a curation request on our Discord (click here to access this channel, please read the pinned message: the curation must follow a certain format).

  • Objkt Twitter

Have a look at the twitter of objkt! There are tweets posted regularly to highlight the works of artists.

In the context of events:

But there are also daily (when possible) hidden gems posts:

These posts are called “hidden gems” because these are pieces that many collectors have not necessarily discovered yet but should be discovered.

I am the curator for and I ran a poll where I asked the community how they would like the format to be improved. Following this poll, these posts are now about a different art style everyday. For example, this one was about collage, another one will be about glitch art, another one about illustrations etc. Do not hesitate to contact me by DM here if you think there is an art style which is under represented and is missing!

Please note that my DMs should be about curation only. For any support-related question, please ask for support on the objkt Discord as the team doesn’t have access to my DMs (and I am living in Europe, I usually receive your support questions late at night/in the early morning so I can’t answer on time while there is always someone on Discord).

  • Twitter spaces

Wise Ape (and myself sometimes) are hosting/co-hosting Twitter spaces. There is a specific channel on this Discord which references these Twitter spaces (click here) as well as any objkt related Twitter space. If you are hosting one and would like to be on that list/would like us to join, retweet your event, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The spaces hosted by are hosted and announced in advanced on the objkt Twitter:

If you want to start searching for hidden gems yourself, there are several places where you can look for them.

You will find some by browsing the “ending soon” tab on the homepage which shows the auctions ending soon:

the “recently listed” which displays the NFTs which were listed for sale recently:

or the latest mints:

You can also use live feed: where you can see the latest activity (offers, purchases, auctions):

Or use the NFT Biker live feed here which is a good live feed as well and shows you the mints and collects in real time (you can make a list of monitored wallets and follow the activities of these wallets only):

This shows NFTs from several platforms (objkt, but also fxhash, HEN, Versum). You can buy directly from the live feed (click on the buy button).

  • The explore tab

There is an interesting tab which you will find at the top right called explore:

You can explore tokens or collections:

Please note that if you want to focus on the art only, there is a button which allows you to display the image only and hide the other information.

This is the button at the right.

Example. Before, you could see Rarible, the name of the piece, the number of ed. etc.

After, you only see the image:

But would recommend to use the explore collections to find art as it is easier to find art when you see several pieces of the same collection instead of one piece hidden between the others:

  • The search bar

You can type the title of an NFT, collection, the name of an artist, or an objkt ID. Click here to learn more.

  • Objkt Discord

There are many art channels where the artists can share their art. So you will find many gems there! There is a different channel for pieces listed at a fixed price, for auctions, for giveaways etc. Don’t hesitate to have a look there!

  • Twitter in general

If you have a look at that poll, you can see that Twitter is a place where most collectors find the artists they collect from.

  • Collections of collectors/artists

You can discover many artists that way!

To give you an example, this is the collection of Art Monochrome. It is a curated collection of monochrome pieces:

Sometimes, it can be artists collections: for example, an illustrator buying from other illustrators so you know that if you like their illustrations, chances you might like the ones they buy as well.




I am the curator for I wrote the articles here to explain how I use objkt with simple words. But for any tech support, please ask on the Discord :)