7 min readFeb 14, 2022

Mint on objkt

Before thinking about minting, you need to keep in mind that:

  • It is forbidden to mint duplicates (the same piece even if it’s your own) except in certain cases (please see below)
  • It is not possible to edit the description. You will need to burn and mint it again.
  • It is (obviously) forbidden to mint an artpiece which you didn’t create. For ex, if you bought a piece, you can’t mint it as if it were your own creation. The same applies if you mint a piece which is not your own creation but to which you only added minor alterations, unless it was free of use and you got the consent from the artist (but you would need to prove it).

If you want to mint (upload) your art pieces, you will need to create your collection. You can click here to see how to do this. You cannot mint an NFT without having created a collection first. If you don’t want to create a collection, you can always mint on Teia, it will be displayed on objkt.

Now that you have created your first collection following the instructions in this article, you can mint your first NFT. Click on “create”:

Make sure you are on the create “token” tab and not collection:

Please note that if you are minting an audio or pdf file, there is a cover limit of 10 MB.

You can then start filling the necessary information. Fill the “title”, “description”.

You can also indicate if the piece is NSFW or a flashing hazard. Be careful if you chose to indicate that, because it means, that the piece will be blurred for the users who chose not to see these pieces!

Fill the “tags”. It is a great way for users to discover your pieces so it is recommend to use tags. You don’t need to use hashtags. Type the tag that you want to enter, here “AI”:

Then press “enter”:

Then, if you want to add another tag, type the tag that you want to add, and press enter:

Press enter:

Be careful! If instead of typing AI first, then 3D, you type both tags at the same time, it will appear as one tag only and people will have more difficulty finding your pieces using one of these tags.

Then choose the collection your token will be part of:

Be careful when choosing the collection your token will be part of! Once a token is minted in a collection, it is not possible to assign it to another collection. If you minted in the wrong collection by mistake, burn the token and mint it again.

You can also select additional creators. For example, if we are 2 creators of the NFT, I will add one creator. Only the artists you invited as collaborators can be co-creators. Click here to learn how to invite them, or accept invitations. The creators you have already invited will appear here:

Here I selected the other creator:

Please note that even if you invited an artist as a collaborator the collection will only show up in the collaborators’ profiles once a token is minted that includes them as a creator. This will probably be changed and appear even if no tokens are minted!

You then need to choose the license:

You can choose “No license / All rights reserved”. It means that the people who buy your NFT will not be allowed to remix your work and sell it etc. If you want to know more about the licenses, you can read the description here:

You then indicate the number of editions. For example, here, I want it to be a 10 editions piece:

And finally indicate the royalties:

Click on + to add them and define their royalties (they don’t need to be collaborators, you can add anyone):

Then click on “mint” and confirm in your wallet:

Please note that everytime you do a transaction (like minting here), you need to pay gas fees. These are not platform fees, these fees go to miners, not to

They depend but it will be indicated when you start to mint. For example, here, I am trying to mint one token and I can see that it will cost me 0.001 in gas fee and 0.07 in storage fee (at most). If I am not happy with these fees, I can chose not to confirm the transaction and it won’t mint.

If it’s the first piece in your objkt collection, it will show up as #0, the second piece will be number #1 etc.

Please be careful when you mint!

You cannot mint the same piece as a piece which you would have already minted on objkt or on another blockchain unless you precise it in the description so that the collectors are aware of how many editions of the piece there are on the market. If you mint a collaboration piece on two different accounts, please precise that it is a collaboration and that there is another edition on another account.

Also please note that once the NFT is minted, it is no longer possible to edit the description of the piece, so be careful otherwise you will have to “burn” (destroy) the NFT and mint it again!

If you want to mint a high number of pieces, please note that there is an external batch minting tool (use it at your own risk but it usually works quite well, please click on the link below to read my experience):

If you minted tokens on your own smart contract outside of, fill out this form and we will get back to you:

If you see an error message when you try to mint, try this:

  • Log out, clear your cache, log in again
  • Restart your browser
  • Check that you have enough tez in your wallet for the gas fees. Make sure you have at least 0.2 tez.

If you see “something went wrong”, make sure the transaction didn’t go through. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you didn’t manage to mint. To check if your minting was taken into account, check your wallet, or check the transactions or

On, you can type your address:

And you will see all your transactions:

If you realize you changed your mind and don’t want the piece to appear anymore, you can “burn” it = destroy it. Please read this article to learn how to do it:

Please note that at this point, collectors cannot buy your NFT yet. It is not listed for sale. To list it for sale, you need to swap it. Click here to learn more.

You can also chose to not list it for sale but accept offers instead. That can be useful if you don’t want some people to buy too many editions of your drop. Read this article to learn how the offers work.


I am the curator for I wrote the articles here to explain how I use objkt with simple words. But for any tech support, please ask on the Discord :)