Blueprints | Play to Own

Crafting & $WORM Utility
14 min readDec 8, 2022

After 354 days, as KFC would say: “All Gone!”

$FEED emissions have officially run dry — and LAFF is upon us.

But $WORM means business…

Have no fear, Bokineers: Play to Own is almost here!

This is a very exciting step for the Chikn ecosystem, transitioning us from the original Tri-Token Architecture to a more permanent, sustainable and intricate gaming environment.

This step, of course, is built with $WORM.

With the constant evolution of the Chikn Ecosystem — Foraging, and WormFarming lay the groundwork for all future releases, including Crafting, the much-awaited CoqFight, ChiknQuest, and of course -Breeding.

$FEED gave us Tri-Tokenomics. The permanent framework on which the ecosystem is built. $WORM, however, takes us far beyond.

Welcome to Play to Own.

Further utility of $WORM is being realized with Crafting, seamlessly integrated into the next generation of dynamic NFTs.

This rollout will introduce Crafting, Items, Blueprints, and Decomposing, four essential parts of Foraging that we have been working hard on behind the scenes. These will see the traits of your NFTs put to full use with the utility of your NFTs depending on their upgraded stats and rarity — working together in beautiful symbiosis ✨

In our first article on Foraging, we announced a staged rollout that started with an open alpha, followed by the surprise release of $WORM, and then four subsequent stages of releases that would realize the full range of Crafting mechanics. But, seeing as it’s nearly Chikstmas, we thought we’d give you all a little surprise 🎅

Blueprints will be dropping to a WormFarm near you next week, with more blueprints dropping intermittently afterwards!

These blueprints won’t have their full utility realised until Crafting is released.

From there, we’re taking a hop, a skip, and a jump and releasing all the remaining components of Foraging in one go. However, this is launching after the holiday period, to ensure we have everything up to scratch.

We like to under-promise and over-deliver, and this gift to Chikn farmers is our way of saying thanks for all your patience over the last few months while we’ve been building ❤️

This update will be followed by UI improvements, mechanics balancing, and regular additions of new Items for you to craft and use.

But enough clucking around — let’s get into the meat of it 🍗

The forage so far

On September 8, 2022, we released State of the Chikn #8 where we announced Foraging — a new game mechanic that sees your chikn and Roostr set free on your FarmLand to recover valuable resources. These Resources can be crafted into NFT Items which help you forage, battle, and more.

As part of the Foraging rollout, we announced $WORM — a rewards & utility token that has an essential function in both Foraging and Crafting. With $WORM came Worm Farms and the long-awaited answer to what Life After $FEED Farming would look like.

To get up to speed on the rollout so far, check out these three articles:

Foraging takes place off-chain. To play, you need to top up your $EGG, $FERT, and $WORM balances by moving your tokens from your wallet into the game API. Moving tokens into the Foraging game burns them from the chain and there is currently no way to move $EGG and $FERT back into your wallet. $WORM is deployed directly to your WormFarm because, well, you don’t want them to die.

Every FarmLand has different Resources that can be foraged, depending on the tiles unlocked. There are currently 10 different resources of varying rarity available, and your birds have a chance at successfully foraging each tile on your FarmLand.

The Roost Union has been lobbying hard to make sure your poultry are properly compensated for their work. To initiate a Forage, players must pay 6 $EGG per chikn per forage and 60 $FERT per Roostr per forage (this rate is dynamic). While any chikn can forage, only the big boy Roostr that weigh at least 24 Kg can be set loose on a Resource hunt.


When you initiate a Forage, each selected chikn and Roostr will individually search every tile on your FarmLand with a percentage probability of finding the corresponding Resource. There are a number of ways to boost the percentage chance of a successful forage on a tile:

  • Fertilize resources on your FarmLand with $FERT
  • Match chikn/Roostr traits to your FarmLand resources — rarer traits get higher chances!
  • Unlock higher rarity tiles on your FarmLand
  • Use your Items

Collected Resources are placed into storage in your Resource Silo. Silo capacity can be upgraded by burning $EGG. It’s important to make sure your Silo has enough space before you claim Resources — if it’s full, any Resources that would exceed the Silo’s capacity are lost.

At a base level, it takes between 23 and 24 hours to complete a full forage. When you start a Forage, the time taken to complete it will be randomly determined within that one-hour window.

Chikn farmers are busy people and there are several ways to increase your foraging speed:

  • Higher Kg birds have a reduced foraging time
  • Increase your WormCount
  • Use Items

WormCount refers to the amount of $WORM you’ve moved into your off-chain WormFarm. $WORM are an essential part of Foraging — they help reduce your foraging time, reveal Item Blueprints, and are an unfortunate but necessary sacrifice in the Crafting and Decomposing process.

$WORM can be collected through LP Farming, as $FEED has now run out, they are the primary rewards earned through staking and farming.

Note: WORM is the gateway to the Play to Own ecosystem👀

In the Foraging introduction, we also introduced two different types of Items — Consumables and Equipables. Also referred to as ‘Sips’ and ‘Equips’. Keep this in mind as you read on.

Happy birds have been pecking around FarmLand for the last month, and increasing numbers of $WORM have been given space to live, laugh, love in WormFarms across the Chiknverse. It’s now finally time to tie the whole thing together.

🗺️ Blueprints

Coming to a WormFarm near you — Before the Holidays!

“If you do the cooking by the book, then you’ll have a cake.”

– Dr Books

Blueprints and $WORM are the first major step in the Chikn Play-to-Own ecosystem. This represents a major shift where playing with your Chikn, Roostr and Farmland no longer just produces fungible game tokens, but also semi-fungible and non-fungible tokens.

Blueprints are ERC-1155 tokens found by digging and subsequently deploying WORM into your WormFarm. Blueprints enable the holder to craft the corresponding Equipable Item, but they are also finite-supply NFTs. They are held on-chain in your wallet and can be traded on the Chikn marketplace.

As we mentioned in the first Foraging rollout article, some Items have a limited supply. Once the global supply cap is reached, players won’t be able to craft any more of that Item.

The total supply of each Blueprint is 10% of the maximum supply of the Item it can craft (which is counted across both on-chain and off-chain Items). The rarity of a Blueprint corresponds to the supply of the craftable Item it can create, that is to say, rarer blueprints produce scarcer Items.

Nothing is forever, and neither are your Items. Players can choose to decompose Items at any time for their constituent Resources (see the section on Decomposing a little later in this article).

All that said, there’s no limit to the number of times you can craft from a Blueprint, as long as the Item supply cap hasn’t been reached. Will the market stay free and open to produce Items at maximum efficiency? Marxists, Keynesians and Neoclassicalists can sound off in the comments.

Blueprints are discovered as you dig through your WormFarm. The deeper you dig, the higher your chance of finding rarer Blueprints. Once a Blueprint is found, you’ll need to fill your Worm Farm with $WORM to the depth of the Blueprint in order to retrieve it. The same is true of other treasures you might periodically come across when digging.

Each WormFarm is entirely unique in the Blueprints it holds. This adds a whole new value proposition to FarmLand and WORM. Which blueprints await in yours?

As we continue to release Blueprints intermittently, they will appear in your WormFarm randomly. This could be on a tile you’ve already dug, or buried in the uncovered depths of your WormFarm, keep digging to find out!

💎⛏ Items

Blueprints and their corresponding items 👀

There are two main types of Items: Consumables and Equipables — hereby known as ‘Sips’ and ‘Equips’.

Think of them like potions and equipment in your favorite RPG — Consumables have a fixed number of uses, or time, before they run out, while Equipables will give longer-lasting perks before being decomposed or eventually breaking. We’ll cover breakage a little later when we discuss Wear & Tear.

Consumables — Sips — are used by your NFTs based on their upgraded stats. Bigger FarmLand and chunkier birds can use more Sips at any one time, although you’ll need to burn some $EGG to unlock additional Item slots. Consumables only exist off-chain in your inventory and cannot be traded between players. Once a consumable is out of uses, it is destroyed completely.

Equipables are attached to blank slots on your NFTs and can exist both off- and on-chain. To use an Equipable Item in foraging, it’ll need to be in your off-chain inventory. Equip them to your FarmLand, chikn or Roostr to gain some sweet boosts, or Decompose them to get additional resources. In-game, you’ll be able to tell if an Item is off-chain by its icon — off-chain Items are represented visually with square icons.

On-chain Equipable Items are held in your wallet. You can’t use them in Foraging, however you can hustle them on the open market. On-chain Items are represented visually as rectangular cards.

The third highly sought after item category? Collectibles. Known as ‘Drips’, of course.

Drips, Sips & Equips.

⚒️ Crafting

Get your little worm smithies to work with Crafting! Crafting has two separate paths for Equipable and Consumable Items, both of which require Resources and tokens to produce.

You can craft an Equip when you have..

- The corresponding Blueprint: Your Worms have to know what they’re crafting!

- The requisite ingredients: a combination of Resources, $EGG & $FERT

- The number of $WORM needed to craft the item.

Consumable Items don’t require Blueprints and can instead all be crafted once you populate 5 tiles in your WormFarm.

Crafting occurs on a per FarmLand/WormFarm basis. The $WORM cost for crafting is taken from the WormFarm you’re crafting on, so be sure you’re putting the right worm to work.

When you craft an Item, there’s a cooldown on that WormFarm before you can craft again. You can skip this by sacrificing more $WORM or by crafting on a separate WormFarm. Again, the $WORM cost for the cooldown skip is taken from the WormFarm you crafted on.

Crafting Items is done in the off-chain component of the Foraging game. When you craft an Item, it’ll first appear in your off-chain inventory. If you want to trade Items with other players, you’ll need to move them on-chain — keep reading to the ‘Minting Items’ section for the details. Remember, Items that have hit their global supply cap can’t have any more crafted.

For demonstrative purposes only.

🗿 Minting Items

Equips start their life in your off-chain inventory, but at some point, you may want to show them the wild world of Item trading in the marketplace. To trade Items, you’ll need to move them on-chain by minting them.

Minting Items from your inventory to your wallet costs you a little $EGG and $WORM and is limited by a cooldown. This helps us mitigate item inflation — to ensure the value proposition of your items & blueprints. You can skip this cooldown by offering some $WORM to the Chikn gods. You can also scale your minting operations by crafting across multiple FarmLand.

Luckily, the return trip is frictionless. There is no fee to move Items off-chain, other than the gas fee, and there is no cooldown. When you move an Item off-chain, the Item NFT is burned and the equivalent Item appears in your inventory. Remember, this won’t impact the global supply cap for that Item — the only way to do that is to Decompose it.

💔 Wear & Tear

All craftable Items have limited uses that decrease with every associated bird that is sent to forage while that Item is in use. For Consumables, this is represented by the Item’s uses. Once a Consumable is used the maximum number of times, it disappears from your inventory.

Conditions on the farm can be rough and varied, and chikn are not known for keeping their gear in good shape. Equips will experience wear every time they’re used in a forage, until they break. You’ll get more life out of an Equip than a Sip, but when an Equip breaks - its effects will no longer work.

From the soil all things come, and to the soil all things return. Broken Items aren’t that useful to have around, but luckily they can be decomposed into some of their constituent Resources.

If you’re not feeling up to the task, you can sell the broken Item to other players by moving it on-chain and listing it on the marketplace. This will create a constant loop of Items being purchased purely to be decomposed into resources, freeing up the supply for more to be crafted.

As your Items wear, the requisite resources will tear. This means that there will be less Item to Decompose if you choose to do so (i.e. fewer Resources are returned as Item wear increases). Keep an eye on wear and make sure you’re considering the optimal time to Decompose in your strategy.

🪱 Decomposing

Worm are hungry and eager to dismantle the Items their brethren lost their lives to craft. Decomposing allows players to return their Items to the soil to get back some of the Resources that went into crafting them.

The amount of Resources you get back from an Item depends on its wear. Broken Items return the fewest Resources, while Items in perfect nick give back the most. Note that you’ll never get back 100% of the constituent Resources — your worm aren’t having any of that ‘change of mind’ business.

You can only decompose an Item when it is taken off-chain. Decomposing takes time and costs $WORM, the exact numbers of which decided by the wear of the Item. You can skip the decomposition time by paying a higher multiple of the $WORM cost to instantly secure your Resources.

💸 On the auction block

If you’re down with Chikn, you’ll know that we’ve got some pretty sweet non-custodial staking contracts for your NFTs. This means that you can roost chikn and Roostr and activate FarmLand without them ever leaving your wallet, allowing you to do all sorts of fun things like listing them on the marketplace, putting them up in your metaverse gallery, or doing whatever else you like to do with your NFTs, all without unroosting or deactivating them in-game.

When you sell or transfer an NFT (chikn, Roostr or FarmLand) that has Items equipped, the Items will automatically unequip from the NFT and return to your inventory. Unlike the $EGG that buyers sometimes stumble upon, the receiving wallet will not get any attached Items.

When you sell or transfer an NFT that is in the midst of Foraging, the forage will be canceled and any gathered Resources will be forfeited. This is true if you transfer either the chikn or Roostr that’s engaged in the forage or the FarmLand they happen to be foraging on. Keep in mind that Item wear is calculated when a forage starts. Not only will your forage be fruitless, but any Items you used will be worse for wear.

$WORM Utility

$WORM is quickly becoming a crucial element to Chikn farming and the future of our Play to Own ecosystem.

$WORM will be in constant demand for Chikn Farmers, and its utility is only realised after it is burned - just like $FEED. This helps sustain healthy tokenomics and brings longevity to the tokens usability in game.

As outlined above, there are so many ways $WORM provides utility across the new Foraging gameplay. Players need $WORM to find Blueprints, craft, decompose and mint Items to sell on the marketplace. The random ongoing distribution of Blueprint NFTs taps into the same psychology of flipping FarmLand tiles, which has been proven as both fun, addictive and a massive token burner.

Of course we have balanced the mechanics to keep the little guys satisfied, while also having high ceilings for whales to pursue. Common blueprints are relatively easy to find in the lower levels of the WormFarm, and crafting is cheap and accessible for all bird owners. Meanwhile the jumbo chikn farmers can work to find rarer blueprints deeper down, and scale their crafting operations across multiple WormFarms.

Still looking at your LP and wishing you had more $EGG and higher $WORM production? Well to ensure satisfying rewards and to boost worm burn, we are going to release off-chain multipliers for your WormFarm. This will be based on daily streaks of depositing $WORM, enabling you to fill your Wormfarm quicker without introducing inflation to on-chain token supply!

Down the line, $WORM will be crucial to active gaming in the chikn ecosystem as a means to restore your bird's ability to continue playing, all this gaming is hard work! This is one of many wriggly surprises we have in store for $WORM, so keep stacking them up!

Hard at work in the bgaarkshop

With the full Foraging rollout heading to release, Chikn has entered a new stage in our ecosystem’s development focusing on Play-to-Own. Crafting and Items will play an increasingly important role in updates to come, and the hard-working $WORM you accumulate in your WormFarm will be an essential part of it all.

Thank you all again for your patience as we put the final touches on this release. With the Holidays coming up, the Chikn team will be taking a brief pause to crack some eggs with our friends and family before returning in 2023 for a huge year of poultry revolution 🎅

In the meantime, get pumped for more Blueprint releases and UI updates launching soon. We’ve also got a rehaul of our web docs coming down the line and big plans for the Discord server. Not to mention CoqFight is seeing huge development strides too. We’re not into big announcements about what we’re working on, but there’s a lot of exciting stuff in the works. The proof will be in the omelet, so to speak.

For now, LP that EGG, accumulate that WORM, and ready your WormFarm.

Have a Happy Holidays, with lots of cheer!
Play to Own is almost here…

Bok Bok,

The Chikn Team 🐔🌱

