The art of going all in

Chapter 3 : Mama Moto

Cindy Cherchevsky
5 min readOct 12, 2017

(Version française ici)

There it is, all done.

It’s 6pm and the sun is setting down in Cape Town. I’m in my flat with a few friends. They’re all chatting up around the stuff laying on my bed : three bags, one sweat-shirt, several t-shirts. I’ve been working months to give birth to this baby, to be the mother of something that makes sense, something that counts. For the first time in my life I’m proud to say yes: “yes, I did that.”

In Cape Town’s colourful Bo-Kaap district

That joyful moment is quickly replaced by this old feeling of doubt. Everything is always easier when you have nothing to lose. I did everything I could, drawing my ideas again and again, looking for the perfect materials, finding people that could handcraft my products exactly as I pictured them in my head… ALL OF THIS, done. My prototypes are here and ready, exactly like I wanted them to be. Now, all I have to do is succeeding in selling them, and that is a whole other story. The clothing business is not a question of whether you deserve success or not, if people don’t like your products, there’s nothing you can do, you’re done.

Mama Moto’s first collection will be financed by pre-orders. The products will be available on a crowdfunding website. Without savings, it’s for me the best way to get started. Before engaging in this new phase, I’m deciding to go on a motorcycle road-trip through the country in order to test my brand new creations. Adventure inspired this collection, so what better way to see if it fits than to take it out for a spin ?

On the Western Cape’s roads

Here I go again on my loyal and fearless Tenere, for one week of South-African off-road riding. My bags are with me and I’m wearing my own clothes. I’m leaving for a loop through the Cederberg, Sutherland, Prince Albert, the Karoo, Calitzdorp, Swellendam … These roads are tough, but what a pleasure ! All sorts of landscapes in front of me, mountains, desert, forest. I’m experiencing all types of climates, from arid sun to heavy rain. I sometimes find myself soaked to the bone and barely standing on my bike as the streams of mud carry my wheels away.

The mud is my new best friend

One day, my bike breaks down in the middle of nowhere. My motor is done for the day, the spark plug too wet from the rain. It’s already dark and I’m starting to lose hope, but by chance, two farmers are using this road and come to my rescue on their way.

Out of order in the pickup truck

I will never get used to the kindness and generosity of these people. I’m often asked, because of its reputation: is South-Africa a dangerous country ? Well, I’ve never felt as safe and as welcomed as I feel here ...

When I return, I’m proud of my products but I realize that there are still little adjustments to make. The amazing properties of hemp protected me from the difficult climate of the countryside winter: cold mornings and very hot afternoons . What I was more worried about was the leather of my bags after one week of dust, mud, sun, and heavy rain. But after a good brush stroke here they are, all new again and ready for more. John didn’t lie to me, these products are high end quality stuff, they are made and ready for adventure.

Mama Moto travel bag

Every time I get back from a motorcycle trip I’m so happy it gives me wings. I feel like I want to share it with the whole world. I’m asking myself, what if I could organize trips for motorcycles enthusiasts through the country ? I’ve done rallyes before, and its the kind of experiences that stimulates me. I love it.

I know more and more this land and an unbelievable number of fabulous places. What if I could take the adventure a little further ? I could keep on creating and selling my clothes, but at the same time taking people with me on the road ? After all, nothing would make more sense for me than bringing other passionate motorcyclists with me and sharing with them the magic of this magnificent country.

River crossing near Clan William

I can say it now : I managed to put in place the foundation stone of my story. Of course it’s only the beginning but for the first time in my life I feel like I’m doing something real, something true to myself. Mama Moto resonates with my will and my vision of the world. I’m working with fantastic people and it doesn’t matter if I don’t make a fortune out of it. In fact, my products are expensive to make and my incomes will probably be lower than the “competition”. Nonetheless, I can say out loud that they are made by artists I love, in a country I love, while caring for the people and the planet.

Mama Moto backpack

To prepare the launch of the first collection, I’ll be going back to Paris for a few weeks. I’m so motivated, I can’t wait. The project Mama Moto is getting quite clear in my mind and that makes me really happy. It will be articulated in two parts: creating a clothing line and organizing custom made motorcycle trips for small groups. And who knows, maybe in a few years I’ll be able to present my own Mama Moto Rally …

Ps: I’d like to say thank you to the people who’ve been helping me from start during this adventure, Kelly and Sylvain for their good advices, Ernst for his precious help, and Marchant for his unconditional support !

Thank you all ❤️ for sharing this article ! Give me your feedback and please like the Mama Moto facebook page, this is just the beginning !!! 🏍💨



Cindy Cherchevsky

From Paris. Founder of Mama Moto. Traveler, adventurer, entrepreneur. Living in Cape Town 🇿🇦