HyperSpeed’s Training Variability: AI-Powered Personalized Fitness Programs

Antone G. Wilson "Coach"
7 min readNov 17, 2023


In my earlier articles, “AI Unleashed: Transforming Society from Health Tech to Public Policy” and “AI-Powered Fitness: Exploring Whoop’s Role in My Health Technology Journey,” I delved into the intersection of artificial intelligence, fitness, and societal impact. As the founder of HyperSpeed Health Technologies, I have spearheaded the integration of wearable technology and AI in health and fitness. Today, I’m excited to share an innovative approach developed by my team and me at HyperSpeed, which is revolutionizing personal fitness and coaching: the Training Variability Report. This approach is a testament to our commitment to advancing health tech and providing personalized, data-driven fitness solutions.

As a pioneer in the health data movement, I bring a unique perspective shaped by my background as a sports coach and a health and fitness professional. My journey in this field is diverse, encompassing tactical strength and conditioning, medical knowledge, and sport-specific training. My fascination with quantifying health outcomes began through personal experiences, including multiple ACL surgeries. These experiences sparked my interest in tracking progress, leading me to experiment with heart rate monitors and delve into the analysis of strain and energy expenditure using VO2 technology.

My foray into technology began as a venture into unfamiliar territory, but it quickly revealed a significant opportunity for innovation in an industry where data collection, though valued, is not yet a common practice. Many in the field of strength and conditioning have yet to fully embrace the application of data in influencing decision-making processes. Transitioning to the use of various wearable devices, most recently Whoop, I’ve come to realize the profound impact these tools can have in simplifying life and informing decision-making. However, the interpretation of this data can often be challenging. This is the conundrum many consumers face with technology: some embrace it, others resist it, and a majority remain uncertain, navigating between curiosity and skepticism.

In my quest to enhance the fitness journey for both dedicated athletes and everyday fitness enthusiasts, I sought to create a tool that goes beyond simply dictating workout routines. Through extensive market feedback from businesses, teams, and general consumers, including dedicated workout warriors and athletes, the need for a more nuanced approach became clear. At HyperSpeed, we aimed to develop a system that respects individual goals, current physical condition, time constraints, access to gym facilities, and available home equipment. This approach mirrors the typical gym consultation process, where general questions form the bedrock of personalized training plans.

However, our system at HyperSpeed takes this a step further. By integrating various data sources, we gain a richer context of the individual, be it a coach or an athlete. This isn’t just about collecting data; it’s about contextualizing it, offering comparative analysis based on age and gender against global averages. The goal is to provide clear direction while simplifying the often overwhelming process of fitness planning. For example, if someone wants to lose weight, has only dumbbells at home, and can work out for 60 minutes a day, four days a week, this scenario often presents a complex puzzle. Our system acknowledges that while individuals know their schedules and resources best, piecing together an effective fitness plan can be daunting.

To address this, we developed a system where this vital data flows into OpenAI, forming the basis of a personalized solution. We call this the Training Variability Report. This AI-created plan doesn’t just instruct on workouts; it provides a comprehensive action plan. It includes recommendations for warm-up movements, a breakdown of activities per week (such as cardio, strength training, group classes, sports, or walks), nutritional and hydration advice, areas of focus, and specific muscle groups to target. This approach ensures that whatever the individual’s familiarity with different activities, their preferences and capabilities are taken into account, leading to a more effective and enjoyable fitness journey.

Discovering the optimal workout frequency, like exercising five times per week with varying durations and activities, can bring much-needed clarity and direction. However, our system at HyperSpeed is not a mere set of instructions to blindly follow. We understand that quick fixes rarely yield lasting results. The real value lies in solving problems, not just presenting them. Thus, for individuals seeking effective fitness solutions, our process begins with a comprehensive risk assessment. This is followed by either a body composition analysis or a movement screening to evaluate core movement skills. These assessments might cover gait analysis, ankle and hip mobility, squatting technique, posture, core strength, and maximum push-up capacity. These insights help us understand not just who you are, but also your background, goals, and physical capabilities or limitations.

For those with wearable technology, this data can also be integrated into our system. We require at least two of these data sources to provide a truly tailored experience. Once we have this information, our Training Variability Report can offer a personalized plan that aligns with your unique profile.

This process epitomizes personalization, saving time and minimizing error, leveraging the capabilities of AI to extend beyond what is humanly possible. For someone like myself, who isn’t inherently tech-savvy, this represents a significant step in professional development, providing streamlined processes and optimal solutions. Through our web-based application, we share results in a user-friendly format. This app is not designed for daily analysis or habit formation; rather, it serves as a reference point. It includes your wearable data, weekly goals, recommendations, notifications of upcoming coaching sessions, and remote monitoring notes. These notes offer insights into your biometric trends, based on seven-day averages, and are updated every Monday. This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of your fitness journey is accounted for, offering a structured yet flexible path to achieving your health and fitness goals.

Our system at HyperSpeed, while incorporating an OpenAI component, is not solely reliant on high-tech solutions. The power of this system lies in the blend of AI-driven data analysis with substantial human intervention. We continuously monitor and evaluate the ChatGPT prompts used within our framework. If a response doesn’t accurately reflect an individual’s needs, it’s flagged for review and regeneration. This approach ensures a balance between technological efficiency and the nuanced understanding that only trained human professionals can provide.

We are perhaps pioneers, going beyond what typical wearables or scales offer. Our system, guided by experienced coaches who use data to inform methodologies, aims to democratize access to advanced fitness programming. This method saves time and enhances the accuracy of our programs, offering clients and athletes more autonomy. We strive to free them from over-dependence on a coach or a gym, focusing instead on a system that works in tandem with the coach’s expertise. This synergy allows for the human touch — emotional support, guidance, and personalized interactions, including weekly calls and discussions of results. This is the essence of future-forward coaching.

A key feature of our system at HyperSpeed is the Training Variability Report, a pivotal element designed to personalize fitness plans. Alongside this, we’ve introduced a distinct tagging system, a separate but equally crucial component that identifies individual strengths and weaknesses. This tagging system takes into account team dynamics and predefined criteria, enabling a comprehensive view of each individual within a group context.

These two features — the Training Variability Report and the tagging system — represent different yet interconnected aspects of our holistic approach. They enable the practical application of data aggregation, transforming raw data into actionable insights. With these insights, we develop targeted strategies and continuously refine them through our detailed screening analysis and remote monitoring.

By leveraging these tools, we aim to establish a new standard in health and fitness coaching. Our approach harnesses the power of technology and AI not just for data collection but for creating meaningful, personalized health and fitness strategies. This model exemplifies the future of coaching — where data-driven insights and human expertise coalesce to provide superior health and fitness guidance.

However, we recognize the challenges ahead. Innovations are often met with skepticism, especially those that challenge conventional norms. Education is crucial in overcoming these barriers, a challenge we are eager to tackle. By engaging in ongoing conversations with experts in exercise science, biomechanics, and performance coaching, and by partnering with leading technology companies, we continue to learn and develop valuable relationships. These collaborations enable us to identify emerging trends and play a significant role in advancing the field. Our goal is to push the boundaries of human potential as professionals and create tools that empower others in their health and wellness journeys.

Expand Your Fitness Knowledge with Our eBook Delve deeper into the world of data-driven fitness with our comprehensive eBook. It’s packed with insights on how to integrate data and technology into your fitness journey.

📘 Download the eBook: Engineering Your Body — HyperSpeed eBook

Start Your Personalized Training Journey Begin by understanding your health risks and laying the foundation for a tailored training program. Our health risk assessment is the first step toward a customized fitness plan.

🏋️‍♂️ Take the Health Risk Assessment: HyperSpeed Health Risk Assessment

Experience Personalized Training Firsthand Curious about how our system works in real life? Get a taste of our personalized training program. Start by taking this assessment, and we’ll show you the power of a tailored approach.

📝 Get Your Personalized Training Program: Personalized Training Assessment

Book Your Virtual Movement Screening For a more hands-on experience and to gather all the essential data for your personalized program, book a virtual movement screening with our experts.

🗓️ Schedule Here: Virtual Health Consultation

Discover More About HyperSpeed Health Technologies Interested in learning more about our innovative approach to fitness and health? Visit our website for detailed information and insights.

🌐 Visit Us: HyperSpeed Health Technologies



Antone G. Wilson "Coach"

Former football coach turned entrepreneur. Passionate about sports biz, tech, human health, & American economy. Sharing insights. writing is my Medium.