Will You Ever Feel Truly Loved?

Colleen Golafshan
6 min readDec 11, 2017


Dare to be Loved, and Loving, to Your Fullest Now!

Dare to be loved and love to your fullest now!

In honour of my parents.

My parents, Ron and Margaret Doyle.

‘Ron, stop it!’ said Mum in mock protest.

‘You love it!’ replied Dad gleefully, doing his best to tease her.

Countless similar scenes characterised my parents’ marriage. These demonstrated their deep and lasting love for each other for over 43 years. Like teenagers, they still held hands and publicly declared their love. I cherish such memories.

Dad retired early to help care for his aging parents but didn’t outlive them long.

Do you know his only regret as he died of stomach cancer? Leaving Mum behind alone.

Mum often told me by phone how they enjoyed their last few years, spent together at home — each busy pursuing individual interests.

43 years together

Dad and Mum’s love wasn’t without obstacles.

Mum first liked Dad as a thirteen-year-old. ‘He was good looking and I really liked his hairstyle…quite a wave at the top of his head’. However, Dad didn’t become interested in Mum till she turned sixteen.

Mum’s parents weren’t ‘crazy’ about their marriage. Dad and Mum respectfully delayed wedding plans, faithful to their own beliefs to stay sexually pure before God. I believe this accounts for much of their enduring joy.

Mum recorded these words Dad dictated for a family journal,

We married one month short of four years of courting. Best thing I ever did. I never stopped telling Margaret how much I loved her.

Ron & Margaret Doyle (middle) with Mum’s maternal step-grandmother, Grandma Pal, and paternal grandmother, Emily Taylor Hall Evans.

Towards the end of their marriage, Mum wrote, ‘Ron… continually tells me how much he loves me. We share everything and try to live by God’s principles as set down in His Word and we feel we have the bountiful life he has promised.’

After Dad’s death, she said,

He was my best friend and companion, Ron never stopped telling me how much he loved me.

She shared how they maintained a healthy marriage, ‘…love the other with the best of our ability.’ Danielle Bernock says more about a strong marriage.

As I grew up, I didn’t realise how much security I enjoyed because of my parents open and sacrificial love for each other. I never worried their marriage would end in divorce.

On December the 16th, I share my thanks with Mum for the passing of 57 years (updated 2018) since she and Dad married. In 1961, at Lakemba in Sydney, they committed to love each other for life.

Have you felt loved as Mum always did?

Do you know you are loved, as you are now?

Yes! You’re loved incredibly! You’re loved by the One who made you.

You’re loved because of His goodness, not based on what you’ve done, but what He’s done. Accept His gift of love!

Earlier this year, I claimed Gavin Mikhail’s cover of “Just the Way You Are” as a love song from God. He always faithfully provides for me, especially through the toughest of times — better than anyone in this world can!

1. Choose to be loved… forever!

Do you want to know more about how much God loves you, about His redeeming love for you? He offers you the gift of life. He can forgive you of all you’ve done wrong, or will do wrong!

As my neighbour living “beside” me in this world, I aim to love you with God’s unconditional love! I care about you! Your life counts!

Choose to accept unconditional love which has nothing to do with what you’ve done.

2. Choose loving to your fullest… forever!

Love your neighbour as yourself

My Dad and Mum shared their lives and home with many outside our family. Friends from all over the world rang to talk to Mum and Dad in his last week of life, spent at home as we cared for him.

Is it your desire to love your neighbours as much as you can — especially those dearest and closest to you? To love them with unconditional love which has nothing to do with what they do?

What do you think of the lyrics of this song, ‘If You Want to Love Someone’? Should we look for where others are broken and cracked inside? I’m encouraged to do this. I aim to pour love into your life and the lives of those around me in this world.

Love without quitting. Love never fails!*

*With thanks to those who commented on this graphic and earlier attempts! :)

Choose to love others the best way you can, in the ways which mean the most to them, using the best words, actions and touch.

Take care of yourself

I struggle to get the best balance to care for myself in the best possible way, but I keep working on this.

What about you? Do you take good care of yourself, living and loving to your fullest - healthy and balanced in all areas of life?

Love your ‘neighbours’ in this world (Pixabay photo)
  • Socially, do you connect with - and love as best you can - your family, friends, colleagues and ‘neighbours’ in this world? I also aim to bless others by caring for our environment.
  • Emotional and mentally, do you love and live to your fullest?

Are you enjoying life, with time for fun and laughs?

Do you face and conquer things which affect you negatively? How much do these stop you from loving and living to your fullest?

Thanks to God, I grow stronger as I deal with my difficulties. These include lost or failed relationships due to perceived (and often actual) abuse, abandonment, separation, divorce and death.

Do you struggle to overcome addiction to alcohol, nicotine, other drugs, self-harm, self-injury, food or something else? I do. I tend to eat too much late at night, related to my chronic fatigue, which affects my sleeping and health.

Could you reduce stress, anxiety and depression to live life more the way you’d like?

Are you learning about and working on those things or people that trigger you? What causes you to feel frustrated, offended, afraid or angry?

If needed, get help for any of the above.

Eat well — Pixabay photo
  • Physically, do you eat and drink well, exercise, rest and get good sleep? Do you manage whatever affects your health?

Rest, aerobic exercise, core strengthening and stretches improve my chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia (including bilateral carpal tunnel symptoms).

  • Intellectually, I’m blessed. I stretch my mind through watching, listening, interacting with others, reading and writing.
  • Occupationally, do you aim to use your time and resources to give to our world? Do you support yourself and others financially or in other ways?

So much to balance! I thank you all who assist and encourage me in this journey, as I aim to encourage you.

What are your priorities?

Do you have a system to work out what’s most important? I pray your choices lead you to feel truly loved.


Choose to be loved and to love others.

Love is forever. Love forever!

May you be blessed, loving and living beyond your wildest dreams!

Read more of my writing in:
7 Telltale Signs You’re Mentally Strong Enough to Become Your Best Future Self,
3 Important Steps to Take When a Loved One Gets Confused,
11 Practical Tips for Raising Kids Who Make You Proud,
Who or what is missing from your life?

Do you want to live more fully? Read Bible passages while improving your English.

Contact me for my updated journaling Thank You Guide. Copyright Colleen Golafshan 2018.

Enjoy reading this post? Share with your network. Tell us in the comments how you choose to be loved or love differently now.

