How To Earn $CORS With COS NFTs

Corners of Space
4 min readApr 26, 2023

Hello, COS enthusiasts! Do you remember our NFTs? They shape unique combat ecosystems and can help you gain more $CORS! Wait, and we will unveil the secrets of their most profitable usage.

COS NFTs In A Nutshell

COS has multiple NFT types, including ships, systems and subsystems, crew, weapons, modules, and drones. We have already covered them in 3 particular articles. OMG, they are so detailed! The first reveals all kinds of our ships, systems, and subsystems. The second is devoted to our modules, weapons, and drones. The third is all about COS crews. ICYMT, we recommend you check them or, at the very least, learn the essentials.

  • Ships: help you shape your DIY combat ecosystems, have different starting setups, vary in the number of slots, can be modified with all other assets.
  • Systems: give you advantages over competitors, each occupies a particular number of slots, may be transferred from one ship to another, and can be operated by crew members.
  • Subsystems: do not require any energy to operate, can’t be transferred, can be operated by crew members.
  • Modules: boost your fighting potential, have particular purposes.
  • Weapons: vary in rarity, combat characteristics, and use cases.
  • Drones: help you attack enemies, protect the ship, or conduct efficient repairs.
  • Crew: vary in races, each has its peculiarities, pros, and cons.

Mix your NFTs regarding all their characteristics and enjoy experiments: no one has canceled Account Power and other GR8 mechanics!

Things To Consider

In many blockchain games, strong NFTs are the only way to earn. It doesn’t matter whether you are a pro or a newbie; without pricey assets, your P2E is a CWOT. COS doesn’t want to follow this trend. So, we have integrated an experimental approach that makes skills and assets interchangeable regarding potential revenues. Game proficiency matters and skilled gamers with average assets can earn as much as newcomers with fire NFTs.

It sounds like a complex form of equality, don’t you think so? The experienced ones know more pros and cons of asset combinations and can craft efficient kits.

Meanwhile, NFTs vary in rarity and Power that determines one’s earnings. Let’s get a closer look at these mechanics.

NFT Power

Do you remember the Account Power article? If you have missed it, NP. Account Power is the sum of Power characteristics each NFT has. It depends on the assets’ type, rarity, and upgrades and impacts the maximum daily revenues. For instance, ships have more Power than other NFTs. At the same time, crew members bring less Power than any assets.

The higher the Power your all assets have, the bigger the earnings you can get. Meanwhile, to keep the in-game economy safe and motivate players to acquire new assets occasionally, we introduced NFT’s slow Power amortization, which is nearly unnoticeable.


Rarity is a classy source of asset potential in terms of revenues. Thus, the rarer your assets are, the bigger profits they bring.

Different assets vary in rarity levels. For instance, ships, crew members, and weapons have four of them. The drop rate is the following:

  • Common: 65%;
  • Rare: 25%;
  • Epic: 8%;
  • Legendary: 2%.

Meanwhile, systems, subsystems, modules, and drones have other drop rates comparable to their power.


If your assets seem weak in terms of Power, don’t give up! You can permanently upgrade such NFTs as ships’ reactors, systems, and subsystems via the User Center of the official web page. This opportunity brings gameplay to the next level. Meanwhile, it is especially vital for PvP players who want to have a lit ranking on the special in-game leaderboard.


In PvE, you can significantly simplify the game and boost your chances to win by getting more PARTS. Just exchange your $CORS for them and consider that such upgrades work for one run only. Thus, if you want to simplify your next PvE run, you will need to acquire some PARTS again.


To boost your potential $CORS revenues, get some advice from our experts!

Get A Bundle

You can buy a bundle with all the needed assets to play and earn in COS. It will help you save time and money. At the same time, it will enable you to join the game without comprehensive NFT mixing and help you shape further playing and buying strategies.

Buy Enough Assets

If you don’t like bundles and go for the DIY style, do your best to mint enough NFTs by type. This method is profitable even if they lack synergy, for the more assets you have, the higher your Account Power and, consequently, revenues.

Consider Account Power

Remember that different assets vary in Power. If your target is to broaden your revenue limit, focus on keeping your overall Account Power well.

Use Upgrades And Boosts

Use upgrades and boosts if you want to earn more RNl. They quickly pay off and bring much fun if your strategy is fit.

Renew Assets

Remember about the slow amortization of all your assets and get new NFTs from time to time. It will increase earning potential, support the in-game economy, and provide more no-cap-efficient kits.


COS NFTs are fire! Explore them and acquire to test our essential tips and earn $CORS!

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