Getting started with Crypto Link over Discord

Crypto Link
3 min readAug 1, 2021


Getting yourself connected with Stellar and start building bridges with other Millions of Discord Users is easy and straightforward. Follow next 3 steps and you will be ready in no time.

1️⃣ Register account and obtain wallet

In order for you to be able to deposit XLM or tokens built on Stellar you are required to register first yourself a wallet. Upon successful registration you will be assigned a wallet/account which is based on your unique Discord ID. ID is used as reference for further account, payment, deposit/withdrawal details, and Crypto Link’s merchant system.

Go to one of the public channels of the server where Crypto Link is present and execute command:


If everything goes well you will be contacted through DM by Crypto Link with further details. Have in mind that, if someone has already sent you some XLM, wallet has been already created, so payment could be successfully processed.

Please be sure to have activated 2FA security system on Discord for additional safety.

2️⃣ Deposit to your wallet

Example of deposit details response from the Crypto Link

In order to be able to actively participate in the Crypto Link ecosystem, and start building bridges over Discord, you are required to deposit some XLM (unless someone has already sent you some). Once successfully deposited a system message will be sent on successfully processed deposit. To get deposit details please use command:

!wallet deposit

When Depositing to wallet, you MUST provide both MEMO as text and Deposit Wallet address otherwise deposited funds could get lost.

Crypto Link will return all necessary details for you. Incase if the message is not relayed please check the security features, and allow Crypto Link to send you DM.
You can use as well QR details to deposit, however be sure to recheck the information on imported data that they are correct before depositing your funds.

Once successfully sent, please wait for funds to arrive. You will be sent notification to DM similar to the one present on the picture bellow.

Deposit notification to DM once successfully processed

3️⃣ Make your first payment

Send XLM or any token integrated in to Crypto Link directly to another user on the same Discord server. The transaction will be public and displayed to the whole server. Command structure is:

!send @discord.User <amount> <ticker> <message=Optional>#real example with optional message
!send @Plippy12 [Golden Goose]#6735 1 xlm Welcome to the server
#real example without message
!send @Plippy12 [Golden Goose]#6735 1 xlm

Once you request has been processed by the system you should receive payment slip similar to the one below:

4️⃣ Explore Crypto Link and get assistance

Once you have completed all the steps above, you can further explore the ecosystem through !help menu where all other functionalities are explained and instructions on how to access them. If you still have an issue, please feel free to join us on Discord Server (invite) or sent us a message over Twitter.

In-case if you would like to know more or you have missed previous articles, please read brief introduction about system through Hello World from Crypto Link and how to Operate with Crypto Link System

Crypto Link staff



Crypto Link

Crypto Link, Discord bot which allows for instant peer to peer (P2P) transactions, monetization and project promotions & ICO’s on Stellar Blockchain