Curious Italy

3 min readJan 21, 2019


Made by AI for People

Curious Italy. Made by AI for People.

Ingeenee released new version of travel optimizer, and updated Curiosio user interface to make it work for you. It works in Chrome; we did not test Safari, DuckDuckGo, Firefox. With Chrome you could jump to and select Italy.

Switching to Italy

Now, within Italy, you could do this:

  • Find more curious road trips within desired duration & budget.
  • Use any recognized locations in Italy as start and finish.
  • Enter desired waypoints between start and finish locations.
  • See trip time breakdown and trip budget breakdown.

This post shows how to do instant search in Italy by duration & budget, trip plan structure, trip breakdown by time, trip breakdown by budget. For customized search, route mapping, navigation for driving — see Curious France.

Instant Search

If you hit the big red button straight away, without changing any parameters in the search form, then default search is run. Default values are: 15 days, $3000 for two geeks, one car, comfortable full day sightseeing, with randomly proposed few major cities. You could play with default search for a while, to get first feeling what Curiosio could do for you.

Instant Search in Italy

Trip Plans

In several seconds after hitting the big red button, Curiosio returns search results — Trip Plans — few within several seconds, and one or few a bit longer (but only if better trips found). Trip Plans are stacked vertically, with only their headers visible. Every Trip Plan is clickable/expandable.

Trip Plan in Italy

The structure of Trip Plan is simple: header on top, then graphical trip route widget, and day-by-day plan below. Day-by-day part is usually the biggest one. It consists primarily of day numbers, dates, booking for overnight locations, and names. All city/town names and all POIs names are linked to Wikipedia. You could click on any POI to open it on Wikipedia, to read more and see its pictures.

Trip Breakdowns

Every proposed trip contains breakdown of time and breakdown of budget. You could analyze and understand how your time is going to be spent. You could analyze how your money is going to be spent. We didn’t include flights into Beta3. So far Curiosio takes care of you between your landing [at start location] and take off [from finish location].

Trip Time & Trip Budget Breakdowns

Beside time and money, you can see proposed curiosity and comfort, and dense list of all waypoints for the trip. All those waypoints are clickable and linked to Wikipedia, for detailed descriptions and pictures.

