Build: Link Loop

Daisy Warren
3 min readSep 1, 2022


Link Loop is a simple mind map guided by metrics to define and practice what’s most important for you through creating actionable routes to encourage routine.

Last month, I shared Build 01, Segment Schema, which was the first of the six builds I have planned for 2022. Build 01 introduced the principals behind Segments and its connection to how we as human operate by receiving input, interpreting and ultimately assigning meaning to experiences.

Build 02 connects the Segment Schema framework to actionable routes and serves as a mind map to encourage consistency to build routine. As human, we are constantly defining and refining what is most important to us, deciding where our attention goes, and how the activities we engage in either refuel or deplete our energy. Link Loop is a simple mind map guided by metrics to define and practice what’s most important for you through creating actionable routes to encourage routine.

I will always be fascinated by the idea that we as humans have the capacity to rewire ourselves by choosing to. The first step to achieving anything is simply choosing; you will find the way if you really want to do the thing.

You can use the visual above⬆ and the metrics below ⬇ to map out your own Link Loop.

August metrics (Link Loop mind map)

After you’ve defined 8 (more or less) branches you want to target, think about routes to get you closer to them. What are you currently practicing? What’s working for you? Which of your current practices could you do without? How can you improve in one area to strengthen another? What have you not done enough of?


Back in 2018, I shared a journal sketch of these areas and ever since then, they’ve been a great reminder to revisit in times where I want to reset, refocus or reconnect. (This mind map is inspired by that sketch.) Below ⬇ are the actions that I’ve felt have brought me closer to the person I like to be. What actions would bring you closer to the type of person you like to be?


The creation stage was about connecting routes to actions and solidifying what it means to consciously connect the doing to the thinking. You can think multiple things, but if you don’t make plans to achieve said thing, those things are only floating thoughts.

Define. Ideate. Create.

Wiring It Up

The attributes that are wired to the actions are the 4 segments:
Grow | Learn | Build | Play
Many of the routes I wrote down are things I currently practice and some that I could spend more time doing. I’m a big believer in reminders serving as tools for accountability, so as a personal who enjoys routines, this Link Loop is as much a personal practice of accountability as it is a way to remain consistent in routines that help shape my best self.

Back in June, I introduced Segments: Grow | Learn | Build | Play as a vehicle to find more fulfillment in the way I engage and share deeper parts of myself through an intentional lens. It has now become a practice that I have enjoyed navigating and documenting in the process. It’s a structured method of sharing around growing, learning, building and playing to nourish neuroplasticity.

As an ongoing practice of learning and sharing to nourish neuroplasticity, I am very much open to listening and engaging with other trains of thought or mental structures. Cheers!

