The Dune-FreeTON merge Part III: Vesting

Steven de Oliveira
6 min readSep 29, 2021


(this document is published in advance for users to read before the merge)

This tutorial follows the Part I: entering the FreeTON ecosystem and Part II: Get your FreeTON tokens. We assume that you have a Surf account, that you know how to use the merge website.

If you compare the merge website and your Crystal balance, you will see that the values are not the same.

I swapped 55.000 duns, I should get 1093 crystals…
…but I only have 109.3 !

This is because only 10% of your TON Crystal tokens are available immediately. The remaining 90%, plus a bonus of 11%, are locked in a vesting contract for 6 months. You may recover your vested tokens earlier, in 3 months, but the bonus will only be of 5%.

Just like in Dune, tokens can be staked in your behalf to bakers which will reward you regularly. Instead of leaving your tokens locked for 3 or 6 months, let’s see how to make them fructify by staking them with a DeBot! If you don’t want to stake them, you will still need to use the DeBot to unlock them in 3 or 6 months.

Click on “Browse DeBots”

A DeBot is a Decentralized Bot that provide an interface with Smart Contracts on the chain. Where a website is used on Dune, a DeBot is used on FreeTon.

Click on “Enter DeBot address”

Fill the form with the following address: 0:feffdeab9a170a269283ba79b958c6f50727e307fd038c4aefea3a3eb96648be. This is the address in which the DuneDebot is deployed.

Select the “DuneDebot”

You should now land back on the main page, but the DeBot started its execution. The rest is straightforward and we will see in the details how to properly use it.

Click “I understand” to start the DeBot
Click “My Crystals”

The DeBot asks for your address to continue. Select “My Crystals” to use your current address.

The vesting details

The DeBot lists all the information about the vesting. The first message (“Getting my pubkey from account”) is your personal address, followed by its associated public key (“Working with pubkey”). The third message is the address where the funds are locked (“Vesting contract”) and the fourth is its balance. The fifth is the contract status, which we will ignore. The sixth is the address of the vesting contract that has your locked tokens; thus far there is no smart contract at this address.

You should notice something strange: the vesting contract balance is higher than what is expected! Remember I swapped 55000 duns for 1093 crystals and I only got 109.3, while 1093 - 109.3 = 983.7 crystals were vested. The reason 1104 crystals are vested is because you automatically are rewarded for locking your crystals up to 11%, and 983.7 * 1.11 ~= 1104.

Click on “Try deploy Vesting contract”.

Click “Sign with Surf”…
…and confirm.

You are invited to sign a transaction. Click “Sign with Surf” to automatically sign the transaction deploying the Vesting contract.

Sending the message may take few minutes.

The vesting details V2

Now that the Vesting contract is deployed, you have more details of the vesting. The real amount of tokens vested is 984.5 crystals (983.7 crystals was an approximation), and I can expect 120 crystals of bonus, corresponding to the 11% of 984.5. You can get the whole bonus if you wait 6 months before withdrawing your tokens. Otherwise, you may withdraw your funds after 3 months, granting you the minimal bonus (5% instead of 11%).

If you don’t want to stake your funds, you may stop here. Otherwise, select “Vest tokens” to continue (NB: you should at least own 10.7 crystals for the next part).

The DePool selection page

Instead of leaving your funds on an inactive account, you can transfer the vested tokens to a DePool. DePools are the equivalent of Dune bakers for FreeTON ; you can choose a DePool for staking your locked funds. While only two DePools are presented, here is a list of FreeTON DePools. Here’s a small tip on how to choose a good one: each DePool is granted baking rights up to a maximum value of 2.000k crystals (2,000,000 crystals). If more than 2.000k crystals are staked to a single DePool, it will only grant it baking rights as if it had 2.000k crystals. Hence, you should choose DePools with less than 2.000k crystals.

One more thing: selecting a DePool is final. Once you did, withdrawing funds will be slow (up to 1/180 of the staked amount a day) AND you will not be allowed to select twice the same DePool for staking your vested tokens.

Did I say you will not be allowed to select twice the same DePool for staking your vested tokens ?

You will not be allowed to select twice the same DePool to stake your vested tokens from the same FreeTON address.

You have been warned.

To select “Dune Memory” depool, enter 0 ; for “Dune Memory 2” depool, enter 1 ; to select another DePool, just press Enter (note: the list or proposed DePools may change during the merge).

I chose Dune Memory by entering “0”
Click “Register multisig with minimal stake”

Now we are asked to “Register multisig with minimal stake”. For staking to this DePool, we first have to register my account to be an official staker. To do so, we will send the minimal amount required.

Click “Confirm”
The message may take some time to be processed, go grab a coffee
Click “Set vesting donor now”

The next step is to actually set yourself as the donor.

Click “Sign with Surf”

You may now vest some tokens. If you want to vest for 6 months and get the 11% bonus, select “Yes” ; if you are satisfied with only 5%, select “No”.

Congratulations, your tokens should now be vested and staked!

Had any issue with this tutorial? Please contact us at and we will help you get your FreeTON tokens!

Stay Duned!

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