The Dune-FreeTON merge Part II: Get your FreeTON tokens

Steven de Oliveira
Dune Network
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2021

This tutorial follows the Part I: entering the FreeTON ecosystem or Creating a FreeTON wallet with extraTON. If you do not have an address not a public key, please follow one of these tutorials first before reading. From here we assume you have:

  • a Dune account (either from Dune Metal or the Dune client) with at least 1000đ. If you’re using Metal, you can directly connect to it (top right button) and it will fill automatically your Dune address;
  • a FreeTON account (address and public key).

Go to the merge page that was given to you. We STRONGLY recommend you to use Dune Metal extension. This tutorial will only present how to perform the swap with the extension.

If you use Dune Metal, click now “Connect Metal” on the top-right corner. It will use your Dune address for the next steps. Next, click “Deposit” on the top-left corner. On this page you can set all the details for the swap.

First is the amount of dun you want to swap. You cannot swap less than 1000đ, so either transfer all your tokens with a single deposit or make sure you keep at least more than 1000đ on your account to be able to swap all your tokens.

Then, write your Dune Address on the Return Address field. If you are connected with Metal, your return address (i.e. your Dune address) will already be filled here.

The two next fields are your FreeTON Address and Public key. If you followed Part I or the extraTON tutorial, you should have these information.

Finally, choose a swap secret. This secret will be useful for a Deposit with Manual Secret Revelation, so if you choose this option you should write it down somewhere. Even if you choose “Deposit with Automatic Secret Revelation”, we strongly advise you to remember your Swap Secret.

I selected “Deposit with Manual Secret Revelation” for this tutorial. If you use Dune Metal, a popup window will ask you to confirm the transfer.Otherwise, use the dune client to make the deposit and a ton client to reveal the secret.

You will be then redirected to the Swaps page. After few seconds (up to a minute), you will see a new line; it means your swap request has been sent! You now have to wait for the swap to be validated. If like me you chose a Manual Secret Revelation, you will have to enter your secret once it is validated on the FreeTON side by clicking on Reveal Secret. You may also manually reveal your secret if you chose “Automatic Secret Revelation”, which is useful in the case the automatic revelation fails (which should not happen, but you do not want to take that risk).

Check that your information (Refund Address and FreeTON Address) are correct and fill the Secret field. You may reveal with the relay (automatic), with Extraton (the FreeTON browser plug-in, only available on Google Chrome) or use the FreeTON client.

TonSurf interface before the swap
TonSurf interface after the swap

I everything went well, your account should have been credited of FreeTON tokens. You made your first swap!

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