Setting up the coding goals

3 min readJan 6, 2023


Code to fill the array with strings using push method and then forEach method to log array elements to the console.

The beginning of the year is traditionally filled with various goals setting and making plans, so I’ve decided to write a bit on how I approach this.

As I mostly talk about coding here, I will try to focus on that aspect only. I’d like to share my way of doing this and to organize it as a template I tend to use.

My main goal is starting the career as a developer. Overall, that is a topic for another discussion (maybe even a different platform), but, in short, for that I’m planning to expand my network and connections, to look through various openings, then to choose a particular sphere that interests me most and finally to start applying. I don’t intend to go into too many details, simply wanted to mention it first, as the rest of the goals are arranged around this one.

Next, I want to organize all of my profiles, so they can be linked to each other and properly represent my portfolio, projects and skills. I’ve already started doing it for my developer profile, my GitHub profile and my Medium account. While I know that it may not be considered as effective as actual applying for jobs, I just like to keep everything structured. I’ve also noticed that visual style plays quite an important role, so I might need to spend some time on CSS-work and images adjustments for my sites and pages on socials.

Then I want to practice doing various coding challenges. I did a few in the past, but was mostly focusing on projects and courses. I’ve noted some of the possible platforms and now need to pick a few. I think I’m going to choose one or two among the following: Codewars, Codier, Codepip, Edabit and the new JS Interview Challenges on Scrimba. Frankly, I was quite pleasantly surprised when I saw the last one, as I like that platform approach to teaching.

I also need to expand my knowledge of React and JavaScript. The first one was my main direction while I was studying on OpenClassrooms and the second one is simply a fundamental thing to learn and know how to use. I don’t think I want to start new courses (although, there is always a chance for that, and, besides, I want to redo some of the projects I did for the Udemy and Scrimba courses). Instead I want to choose one source of learning for React (most likely it will be their new docs site) and one for JavaScript (I really like the book Eloquent JavaScript, thus it would be nice to finally go through it properly).

As a sort of a sub-goal to the previous one I’d like to get more familiar with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Simply because both are very popular at the moment and I’ve only touched the surface so far. Next.js also seems to be, well, next thing after React. However, this is really a sub-goal as I need to focus on React and JS first. Once again, don’t intend on doing courses for these and prefer to read through their documentation.

So, here they are, my coding goals for the near future, starting with the main one that is being surrounded by those that ideally should help achieving it and finishing with a sub-goal to accomplish when time and other plans will allow.

To be honest, there are a few other things I’ve started doing out of passion and that are sort of also related to coding, but, as they are a bit personal, I’m not going to talk about them (just wanted to mention it, as I’ve basically started doing them after learning coding and I’m quite glad that happened).

I guess this is another one of my stories that is more of a blogish type rather than something more practical, but maybe at least some of the links I’ve mentioned could be found useful.

For those who reached this point, good luck with your own plans and goals, and, as always, thank you for reading.




Hi. I’m Dmitrii. I'm interested in Web Development and write about it every Friday.