Breaking DOOM

Dennis Lustinetz
5 min readJan 28, 2024

Hell on Earth — Starter Pack

Volume One and Two: The Hyperlink Essays and The Love Letters Collection(*)

(*) Recommended Settings:
Background music:
Rachael, Blade Runner Cyber Blues Ballad Ambient Music
Medium voice: number 41 @ speed 1.5x

Volume One: The Hyperlink Essays

We are all burned.
Urban patriarchy.
Grey cities, grey people.
Weeping in the parking lot, dreading another day at work.

Melancholia for a summer that never was.
Honey, did we consume enough for Christmas?

What You Are Missing in Life?
In pursuit of the unattainable.

disconnect (13.02.2023)

Not of the natural World,
The status quo of Madness.
Our dirty lens on the World.
War. War Never Changes.

Slaughterhouse Humanity.
The Tyranny of the State.
The Real Madness.
Your Job Is Useless.

What’s really happening in “The Land of the Free”?
The Future once seemed so bright, what happened
Has western society lost it’s soul?

Angry men.
Nothing to say.
The Age of Collective Delusion.
The End of exponential growth.

Daddy, What’d Ya Leave Behind for Me?
What do you call the Feeling of a Dying Planet?
The Missing Stage of Grief?

The Insanity of Humanity.
It’s not you. It’s Them.

Rest In Peace, Daisy

Eliot’s second prediction.

When cactuses melt.
The Era of boiling has begun.
The Acceleration of the Age of Extinction.
Our generation is the most fucked in History.

What Life Is Really Like in a Post-Collapse Society.
This is how society’s collapse will accelerate.
This is how democracy collapses.
Collapse withing collapse within collapse.

Life during the Age of Extinction.
Humanity: Mercy not included.

The final episode of South Park.
There’s No More Road.
Sleeping is illegal.
Paradise lost.
Deadly Rain.

The Inevitable Doom of Humanity.

Volume Two: The Love Letters Collection

How to flee a dying world?
Living with your Past.
Philosophy of Failure.

Pockets of Utopia.
Avoiding Future Panic.

A requim for Humanity.

Resistance is Fertile.
Death always rings twice.
The End of the Colombian Age.
Capitalism is dying and the Empirical Data proves it.

We’re all completely fucked,
But hey, everything is okay!

reconnect (11.11.2023)

In a dimly lit Room full of Emptiness,
In the flickering of Candlelight,
The Shadows come dancing back to Life.

To live is the rarest thing in the World.
Doom Is in the Eye of the Beholder.
A quantum of Happiness.
A moment in Time.

Life’s Paradoxical Dance,
The weight of Smoke.
Tears in the Rain,
Mourning in Sunshine,
Revealing the Colors of the Ligh

Doom Eaters.
Communicating the Unbelievable Truth

Embracing uncertainty.
The momentum of Fate.

How to follow a sunbeam?

Happy Birthday id!

Sweet familiar Stranger.
All I see is beauty. :)

Somewhere near Frankfurt, Germany — late winter of 2034

Hi, I’m Dennis. And I’m a Doomer.
Join me at @anonymous Doomer dot com… for only € 4,20 a month!
Do you wish to know more?
Click here! :D

A bit over two years ago I basically stepped out of a time machine, and although I’m from the past — I can safely say we’re pretty damn fucked.
What a wild and crazy ride it has been since the 10th April 2023, when I glanced at the temperatures, them being mind-blowing 19 degrees Celsius at a quarter to midnight near Frankfurt, Germany after reading Umair Haque’s essay “The Age of Extinction Is Here — Some of Us Just Don’t Know It Yet” and suddenly becoming really collapse aware and painstakingly instant collapse accepting. This poem, essay, Index of Doom or however one might call this, is a collection of some of my favorite essays, each line usually being the title of the hyperlinked essay by one of the wonderful people listed below in the credits, each essay being worth read by itself! Lots of fun deep diving into the doomosphere!

I have ADHD, social anxiety and translate essays from Beyond the Abyss to German. I also seem to be having long COVID (four months in). You can flip a coin or two into my hat over at ko-fi, should you so wish to.

And as none of the translated essays have actually generated any form of revenue whatsoever, please feel free to open up a portal to Amsterdam on Valentines Day so I can finally tip you a cup of coffee (or tea with milk and sugar), enjoy your company and listen to your story while drowning in your eyes, milady! I really, really need a break from Doomscrolling and a short vacation anyway and would love to show you the city… ☕ :)

On a personal note and as a former high functioning alcoholic now 7+ year sober, I’m also part of the Weedmob, the unification of German Anti Prohibition groups and individuals fighting for our basic human rights and against state, mainstream and social media disinformation and propaganda. Any support is more than welcome over on the platform formerly known as Twitter. Support your local weedmob! Prohibition kills! Thank you!

My deepest thanks to all authors and writers for sharing your essays, stories, thoughts, insights, hopes, fears, knowledge, inspiration… and love.

Michael Campi
, Antonio Melonio, Chris Thompson, B, Giovanni Foglia, Richard Lowenthal, Matthew, Barbara Williams, Ray Katz, Anthony Signorelli, Karo NoiseOfFreedom, Rudi Widiyanto, Adebayo Adeniran, DaisyLuther, Adrien Book,, umair haque, Homeless Romantic, Daniel Williams, Jessica Wildfire, Climate Survivor, Citizen Reader, Joe Djemal, Britni Pepper, Amy Smith, Anna Mercury, Lauren Elizabeth, The writer's path, Mike Meyer, Sarah Connor, Jared A. Brock, Tatiana Seryán, Grossmanite, Jeff Barton, Valy Oltean, Julian Oliveira, John P. Weiss, ScottCDunn, London Steinbeck, Gholamreza Zare, Jk Mansi, John O'Neill, Robert Thibadeau, Watermelon, Rajesh Poovathum kadavil, Conni Walkup Hull, LC Lynch, Crystal Jackson, Emily Jennings, Darlene López, Firnita, Sarah ✨ and 🌬️Mitch.

“The collapse of the planet’s systems is happening in real time and we are the witnesses.” — Professor Eliot Jacobson



Dennis Lustinetz

#TimeTraveller #Doomer #TotallyInsane #Ichbinarmutsbetroffen