What does “Link in Bio” mean? How to find it and make it more effective

Stop being confused while reading your social media feed.

Dmitry Moro
4 min readAug 12, 2022
Instagram Bio

If you are an active social media user (like I am), there’s probably not a single day in your life when you don’t hear the phrase “Link in bio”.

You see it on Instagram

Link In Bio on Instagram

On TikTok

Link In Bio on TikTok

And even on Twitter

Link In Bio on Twitter

Everybody’s repeating the same words. But why?

What is Link In Bio?

“Link In Bio” is a phrase people use when they want you to go to their profile’s bio and click on a certain link. Why? Simply because most social media don’t allow putting clickable links in the posts or comments.

So, when people want to share something with their audience, the only option they have is to put a link in their bio.

How to find Link In Bio?

Now you know what “Link In Bio” means but how do you find it? Simple! Just follow these steps:

1. Once you see it in your feed.

Link In Bio in Instagram feed

2. Just click on the profile’s username.

Clicking on username

3. And here it is. That’s the notorious Link In Bio.

How to make your Link In Bio more effective

But what if you want to share different types of content at the same time? Or, if you are a seller, you want to show links to multiple products. And if you are active on various social media, you would love to share them all with your Instagram audience, right?

So, one link is simply not enough!

To bypass the “one link only” restriction, people started creating services allowing users to share multiple links simultaneously.

These services are called Link In Bio tools.

Link In Bio Tools

The sole purpose of the original Link In Bio tools was to let users share multiple links on social media.

As a result, you put a link to the tool in your bio and share all your links there.

Here’s how it looks. People simply tap the link in bio and go to a page with all your content.

Putting Link In Bio Tool in Instagram Bio
Example of a Link In Bio Tool

But since then, many of those tools developed into full-scale landing pages. Now they not only allow you to share links but also make your interaction with your customers easier and more enjoyable.

A secret of a perfect Link In Bio

Now, with the help of Link In Bio tools, you can share almost everything! Well, it actually depends on the service you’re using, but still.

You can add:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Your products
  • Multiple links
  • And many more
Modern Link In Bio

Some of the coolest ones even allow you to add timers and maps.

Link In Bio Tool with a timer and a map

Many of them are fully customizable and some even provide professional pre-design templates.

So, if after reading this you want to try one of those tools for yourself, I actually made a list of the best ones recently, make sure to check it out.

And that’s all! Now you know what “Link In Bio” is, where to find it and how to use it more efficiently.

Hopefully, after reading this, you won’t be confused every time you see it in your feed. And maybe you’ll even create your own Link In Bio!



Dmitry Moro

Hey! 👋 I help business owners build successful brands by mastering digital marketing. Have any questions? Contact me: dmitrywastaken@gmail.com