How to Make the Best Build in Magic Survival — Part 1

17 min readMay 3, 2023


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A great build in Magic Survival is the right mix of normal magic, magic combinations, artifacts, skills, research, classes, and really important stats, with the goal of surviving the longest.

Builds extend your time on the field. They work better in the late game, when the game decides it has enough of us and tries to eliminate our existence.

This guide is updated with the v0.923 version of the game.

Play Magic Survival

In Part 1, I will show the basics of a build and establish combos on general aspects such as basic attack, critical strike multiplier and critical hit rate, cooldown reduction, magic duration, and amplified damage.

If you don’t know what normal magic, magic combinations, or artifacts are, here is a complete guide and review of Magic Survival.

The Most Important Stats in Magic Survival

You MUST improve your basic attack, critical strike and critical hit rate, and cooldown reduction at the same time. All magic becomes useless if there is no upgrade to this basic axis, especially in the late-game. But at the beginning, strengthening your magic is what keeps you alive for the first 15 minutes. The artifacts you choose should maintain the correct balance between early and late-game.

Sometimes you’ll find only artifacts that will help you with your magic, and other times your basic stats. If you find yourself with artifacts from both sides, analyze your situation and the current time of the game. In the worst case, items would be useless or totally unnecessary, but you still have to choose one.

Leveling up at least three magics will keep you safe in the first 15 minutes; after that, the only way of improving magic is by fusion, so at least two of those three magics should have been chosen to combine later. In late-game, it’s harder to acquire and level up new magic as well as get treasure chests. Almost everything you choose in the early game will affect you until the end.

Next, I’ll show various sets of classes, research, artifacts, magic, and magic combinations that work well together for the axis:

1. Basic Attack

Let’s start with the set for the basic attack.


  • Arcanist: Unlocking Arcanist will give you 2% of attack for all classes + Mana Ore artifact at the beginning of the game.


Note: Growth is the new passive system where you get extra powers after you get your character to the maximum level.

Intelligence and Growth
  • Intelligence (Research/Skill): Increase basic attack by (5% | 10% | 15% | 20% | 25%).
  • Intelligence (Growth): (3% | 6% | 9% | 12% | 15% | 18% | 21% | 24%).
  • Growth (Research): Increase your damage and HP at the same time every time you level up your character by 20 levels in (2% | 3% | 4%).


Arcane Scholar
  • Arcanist: In Mastery Level 4, +5% attack to all classes.

Special (Magic):

Arcana / War Magic / Adrenaline /Juggernaut
  • Arcana: Attack increased by 15%.
  • War Magic: Attack power increased by 8%. Increases the size of all spells by 8%.
  • Adrenaline: Attack, critical strike rate, and movement speed increase by 5%.
  • Juggernaut: Attack by 10%. Reduces damage taken by 15%.


First row: Ruby / Magic Scroll / Rose / Spell Cloak / Bomb / Wizard’s Hat / Mana Ore / Hydra — — — — — — Second row: Cyborg / Strange Potion / Abyss / Uranium / Dragon’s Magic / Titan’s Might / Gaia


  • Ruby: Attack +12%.
  • Magic Scroll: Attack +10% and reduce cooldown -3%.


  • Rose: +20% extra damage, but only to enemies with more than 90% HP.
  • Spell Cloak: Attack increased by 18%.
  • Bomb: Attack power increased by 8%. Magic size also increased by 8%.
  • Wizard’s Hat: Attack power increases by 1% per all magic cooldown reduction rate -3%.


  • Mana Ore: Attack +25%.


  • Hydra: Deal 0.5% of the enemy’s current HP as additional damage whenever dealing damage to an enemy.
  • Cyborg: Attack increases by 3% for every 0.1% health recovery rate.
  • Strange Potion: It increases attack, HP, and character size by 35%; however, your movement speed is reduced by 10%.
  • Abyss: Attack is converted to 1% for every 2% mana acquisition rate (you sacrifice all mana gain you have and will gain in exchange for attack).


  • Uranium: Attack +100% and Magic Size +20%, yet increase all magic cooldowns by 20%.
  • Dragon’s Magic: 32% of attack and 32% of attack amplification.
  • Titan’s Might: Increase attack by x1.5.
  • Gaia: Increases attack by 3% per max HP of 20. Also, the maximum HP increases by 50%.

1.1. Increase Attack By Increasing HP

Note: This set only works if you have the artifact Gaia equipped. Also, you need to be careful when using artifacts that lower your HP, like Necronomicron.


Vitality & Growth
  • Vitality (Research): Increases Max HP by (20% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60%) and also heart orb regen by (10% | 15% | 20% | 25% | 30%).
  • Vitality (Growth): (10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60% | 70% | 80%).
  • Growth (Research): Increase your damage and HP at the same time every time you level up your character by 20 levels in (2% | 3% | 4%).

Special (Magic):

Guardian Angel
  • Guardian Angel: Resurrection count increases by 1. Increases maximum health by 30%.


Blood Pack / Golem Core / Second Heart / Strange Potion / Gaia


  • Blood Pack: Increases Max. HP by 30% and HP regen by 0.3% per sec.


  • Golem Core: The screen doesnt turn red even if the character’s in Moribound State. Max HP is increased by 50%.


  • Second Heart: Upon death, recover all HP and resurrect. Max HP +50%


  • Strange Potion: It increases attack, HP, and character size by 35%; however, your movement speed is reduced by 10%.


  • Gaia: Increases attack by 3% per max HP of 20. Also, the maximum HP increases by 50%.

2. Critical Strike and Hit Rate

I recommend increasing the critical hit rate first, but if you can’t, the critical strike percentage is still needed. I included evasion artifacts because they could be converted into crit rate by Ballista.


Magician / Jack o’ Lantern
  • Magician: Increase critical strike rate by 1% (all classes) + Etter Arrow artifact.
  • Jack o’ Lantern: Increase evasion by 1% (all classes) + Lantern artifact.


Snipe and Agility
  • Snipe (Research): Increases the critical hit rate by (1% | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5%).
  • Snipe (Skill): (5% | 10% | 15%).
  • Snipe (Growth): (1% | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5% | 6%).
  • Agility: Increases the evasion rate by (5% | 10% | 15% | 20%). Ballista could help by converting evasion into critical hit rate.


  • Magician: In Mastery Level 4, permanently increase critical strike by 3%.

Special (Magic):

Smite / Adrenaline
  • Smite: Critical hit multiplier increased by 30%.
  • Adrenaline: Attack, critical strike rate, and movement speed increase by 5%.


First row: Shadow Cape / Target / Rainbow / Crow /Four-leaf Clover / Breeze / Radar / Masked Ball — — — Second row: Wachter’s Eye / Siege Hammer / Assassination / Werewolf / Ballista / Executioner’s Ax / Joker


  • Shadow Cape: 10% chance of evasion rate.
  • Target: Critical hit rate +6%.
  • Rainbow: Critical strike +35%.
  • Crow: Critical hit rate increases by 3%. Critical strike multiplier also increases by 25%.


  • Four-leaf Clover: Critical hit every time an enemy takes damage 5 times.
  • Breeze: Evasion rate increased by 8%. Increase movement speed by 8%.
  • Radar: Critical hit rate increased by 9%.
  • Masked Ball: 5% increase in critical hit rate and evasion rate.


  • Wachter’s Eye: Critical strike by 50%. Causes an explosion when obtaining a heart.
  • Siege Hammer: If it’s not a critical hit, it deals 20% additional damage. The critical strike multiplier increases by 20%.


  • Assassination: When you hit an enemy for the first time, a critical strike occurs. Also, the critical strike multiplier increases by 25%.
  • Werewolf: When 2500 enemies are defeated, the Rune of Frenzy effect is activated. The critical hit rate increases by 3%.


  • Ballista: Converts evasion rate to critical hit rate.
  • Executioner’s Ax: Critical strike multiplier +100%.
  • Joker: When a critical hit is activated, the additional multiplier stacks once with a 50% chance.

3. Cooldown Reduction

I included speed movement because it could be converted into cooldown reduction with Accelerator.


  • Archmage: Decrease All Magic Cooldown by 1% (All Classes) + Black Cat artifact.


Fast Casting / Haste
  • Fast Casting (Research): Reduces all magic cooldowns by (2% | 4% | 6% | 8% | 10%).
  • Fast Casting (Skill): (5% | 10% | 15%).
  • Fast casting (Growth): (1% | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5% | 6%).
  • Haste (Research): Increase movement speed by (5% | 10% | 15% | 20%).
  • Haste (Skill): (10% | 20%).
  • Haste (Growth): (2% | 4% | 6% | 8% | 10%).


  • Archmage: Reduces all magic cooldowns by 3% at Mastery Level 4.

Magic/Magic Combination:

Magic Circle / Overmind / Meisner Effect
  • Magic Circle: Amplifies 25% of attacks for a set time. At level 5, the talent Unleash Mana reduces all cooldowns by 15% when Magic Circle is active.
  • Overmind: The character can only cast magic combinations. Each level of active magic learned increases the following stats: amplify attack by 1%, increase all magic size by 0.5%, and decrease all magic cooldown by 0.3% per level of activated magic.
  • Meisner Effect: Increase movement speed by 10%.

Special (Magic):

Silent Casting / Pioneer / Adrenaline
  • Silent Casting: All magic cooldowns reduced by -7%.
  • Pioneer: Movement speed increased by 3%. Item acquisition increased by 50%.
  • Adrenaline: Attack, critical strike rate, and movement speed increase by 5%.


First row: Broom / Magic Scroll / Magic Grimoire / Hourglass / Harmony / Breeze / Black Cat — — — — — — Second row: Brand / Pyramid / AI Magic / Jet Engine / Creation / Accelerator / Ouroboros


  • Broom: Increases movement speed by 10%.
  • Magic Scroll: Attack +10% and -3% cooldown reduction.
  • Magic Grimoire: All magic cooldowns were reduced by -5%.


  • Hourglass: All magic cooldown reduces by -6%.
  • Harmony: Reduces all magic cooldown to -3% and increases magic duration by 12%.
  • Breeze: Evasion rate increased by 8%. Increase movement speed by 8%.


  • Black Cat: All magic cooldown reduces -9%.


  • Brand: For every 5% of lost health, attack power is amplifed by 1% and movement speed increases 1%.
  • Pyramid: When the magic cooldown is more than 5 seconds, it’s reduced by 1 second.
  • AI Magic: Acquire five random magics. All magic cooldown reduced by -5%.
  • Jet Engine: As the movement continues, attack power is amplified by 5% per second (it can overlap up to 20%). Increase movement speed by 5%.


  • Creation: For every 5th casting of each spell, the cool time becomes half. All magic damage increased by 50%.
  • Accelerator: Reduce -1% of all magic cooldown per 3% increase in movement speed.
  • Ouroboros: Reduces all magic cooldowns -15%.

In Addition to the Above, You Should Also Improve in Your Build…

Magic duration, mana acquisition, and attack amplification. Magic duration increases the duration of some magic you may need to use. Mana acquisition is important to keep leveling up as fast as possible to earn new magic. Finally, attack amplification will keep the power of your magic at its best.

1. Magic Duration

This stat increases the time active of some defensive and offensive magic, such as Cyclone, Energy Bolt, Arcane Ray, Lava Zone, Cloaking, and Magic Circle.


  • Concentration (Research): Increase all magic duration by (5% | 10% | 15% | 20%).
  • Concentration (Skill): (10% | 20% | 30%).
  • Concentration (Growth): (3% | 6% | 9% | 12% | 15% | 18%).

Special (Magic):

  • Timekeeper: Rune effect duration by 12%. All magic duration increased by 12%.


Harp / Harmony / Pocket Watch


  • Harp: All magic duration increased by 12%.


  • Harmony: All magic cooldown -3% and magic duration +12%.


  • Pocket Watch: All magic duration +24%.

2. Mana Acquisition

Mana orbs, along with chests, are one of the most important objects on the field. We collect mana to get magic, our main weapon, and also to improve it.


Scholar / Archaeologist / Black Mage / Jack o’ Lantern
  • Scholar: Increase mana acquisition by 2% (all classes) + Philosopher’s Stone artifact.
  • Archaeologist: Increase item pickup range by 5% (all classes) + Mimic artifact.
  • Black Mage: Increase all magic size by 2% (all classes) + Exocism artifact.
  • Jack o’ Lantern: Increase evasion by 1% (all classes) + Lantern artifact.


Mana Refining / Explorer / Aid / Luck
  • Mana Refining (Research): Increases mana gain by (5% | 8% | 11% | 14% | 17% | 20%).
  • Explorer (Research): Increases item pickup range by (20% | 30% | 40% | 50%).
  • Explorer (Skill): (33% | 66% | 99%).
  • Explorer (Growth): (10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50%).
  • Aid (Research): Increases the number of MP globes at the start of the game by (10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50%).
  • Luck (Research): Field items are generated (10% | 15% | 20% | 25%) more frequently.


Arcanist / Scholar / Archaeologist
  • Arcanist: Mana acquisiton +10% at Mastery Level 2.
  • Scholar: At Mastery Level 4, mana acquisiton is permanently increased by 5%.
  • Archaeologist: At Mastery Level 1, explorer skill +1 level; at Mastery Level 2, mana acquisiton +10%; and at Mastery Level 4, item pick-up acquisition +20%.


Magic Circle
  • Magic Circle: At level 5, Material Synthesis talent spawns 5 items (mostly mana orbs) every time Magic Circle is cast. Mana acquisiton increases by 15%.

Special (Magic):

Mana Factory / Pioneer
  • Pioneer: Movement speed increased by 3%. Item acquisition increased by 50%.
  • Mana Factory: Mana bead drop rate increases 20%.


First row: Sapphire / Philosopher’s Stone / Lantern / Mimic / Aurora / Enhanced Vision — — — — — — — — — —Second row: Exorcism / Ether / Treasure Map / Singularity / Holy Chest


  • Sapphire: 12% increased mana acquisition.


  • Philosopher’s Stone: Mana acquisition increases by 25%.
  • Lantern: The mana orb acquisition amount increases by 10%. The item pick-up range increases by 20%.
  • Mimic: Upon acquiring a treasure box, cause an explosion to kill enemies. Creates 10 random items nearby.


  • Aurora: Creates a large mana orb near the character (cooldown: 20 sec.).
  • Enhanced Vision: The character’s sight radius increases by 10%. The item pick-up range increases by 100%.
  • Exorcism: Max HP of all enemies is reduced by 3%. 20% increased mana acquisition from killing enemies.


  • Ether: Obtain 1% mana per second.
  • Treasure Map: 2 treasure chests are created at a random location. The item acquisition radius increases by 30%.
  • Singularity: All small blue mana orbs are replaced with medium yellow orbs.


  • Holy Chest: All enemies’ HP decreases by 10%. A random rune effect is activated (cooldown: 45 sec.). The orb attraction rune is perfect for collecting all mana orbs on the field and leveling up quickly.

3. Amplified Attack

Sometimes the normal attack is not enough to face the hordes of enemies, and we must take the next step when it comes to damaging upgrades, especially in the late-game. Attack amplification allows us to amplify the basic attack; however, we still need a good amount if we want the amplification to be effective. Attack amplification alone won’t get us very far.


Arcanist / Bishop / Archmage
  • Arcanist: Amplify attack by 1% for every 2 character level, but receive 1 less magic choice and deactivate retrieve mana. At Mastery level 3, amplify attack by 10%.
  • Bishop: Shield Lv+1; attack is amplified +5% per number of activated shields.
  • Archmage: This class will improve Magic Circle in all aspects. This magic amplifies damage, and upgrading this class will give you much more amplification benefits.

Magic/Magic Combination:

Magic Circle / Shield / Overmind / Perpetual Engine / Gate of Creation
  • Magic Circle: Amplifies 25% of the attack for a set time. At level 5, the talent Arch Magic Circle doubles Magic Circle’s effectiveness and increases duration up to 33%, but also increases its cooldown by +33%.
  • Shield: Applies two protective barriers around the player. If you have equipped Bishop as a class, each barrier will amplify the attack by 5%. The Restructure talent gives you more shields, which can add more amplified damage.
  • Overmind: The character can only cast magic combinations. Each level of active magic learned increases the following stats: amplify attack by 1%, increase all magic size by 0.5%, and decrease all magic cooldown by 0.3% per level of activated magic.
  • Perpetual Engine: Magic Circles are permanent. The effect of the Unleash Mana attribute is reduced by half, but the Magic Circle’s effect is increased by 1% for every 10% of its duration and cooldown reduction.
  • Gate of Creation: Gain 2 more magic combination chance. Amplify attack by 25%.

Special (Magic):

Blood Magic
  • Blood Magic: Attack implifies increased by 10%. Health recovery rate per second decreased by 0.25%.


First row: Aegis / Siege Hammer / Mana Circuit / War Flag / Brand / Hunter / Jet Engine / Amplifier — — — — Second row: Merlin’s Cape / Necronomicon / Akashic Records / DNA / Sacrosanct / Dragon’s Magic / Crown / Eclipse Third row: Excalibur


  • Aegis: Magic amplification is increased by 3% per 10% damage reduction rate and adds an extra 10% of damage taken.
  • Siege Hammer: If it’s not a critical hit, it deals 20% additional damage. The critical multiplier increases by 20%.
  • Mana Circuit: +1% magic amplification per mana orb picked up. It resets every 5 seconds.
  • War Flag: Attack power is amplified by 2% per second when not moving (can overlap up to 20%).


  • Brand: For every 5% of lost health, attack power is amplifed by 1% and movement speed increases 1%.
  • Hunter: Every time 100 enemies are killed, attack power is amplified by 1% and resets when the amplification value reaches 25%.
  • Jet Engine: As the movement continues, attack power is amplified by 5% per second (it can overlap up to 20%). Increase movement speed by 5%.


  • Amplifier: Attack power is amplified by 1% per all magic size increase rate of 3%. All magic’s size increases by 10%.
  • Merlin’s Cape: Attack is amplified by 33% of your current mana acquisition rate. Attack increases by 20%.
  • Necronomicon: Amplified attack increases by +40%, but current HP can’t exceed 25%.
  • Akashic Records: Attack power is amplified by 1% per current level 5; the current level and maximum level increase by 5.
  • DNA: Attack amplification increases by +1% for each 50000 enemies killed in this game, up to a maximum of 50%.
  • Sacrosanct: When you have max HP, attack amplification is 40% and damage reduction is 20%.
  • Dragon’s Magic: 32% of attack and 32% of attack amplification.
  • Crown: 1% amplification of attack per owned epic artifact. 4% amplification attack per special artifact in possession.
  • Eclipse: Deals up to 40% additional damage in proportion to the target’s lost health.
  • Excalibur: An aura is created around the character, and attack is amplified by 1% for each enemy inside the aura.

3.1. Amplify Damage while Reducing Damage Received

Note: This set only works if you have the artifact Aegis equipped.


  • Bishop: Decrease damage taken by 2% (all classes) + Aegis artifact.


  • Resistance: Damage taken reduces by (5% | 10% | 15% | 20%).


  • Bishop: Shield Lv+1; attack is amplified +5% per number of activated shields. Mastery Level 4 reduces damage taken by +5%.


  • Shield: At level 5, the Barrier talent increases the maximum number of shields by 2, while the Reconstruct talent increases it by 1. It fits perfectly with Bishop.

Special (Magic):

  • Juggernaut: Attack by 10%. Reduces damage taken by 15%.


Crucifix / Dragonscale / Mana Shield / Aegis / Magic Seal / Sacrosanct


  • Crucifix: Reduces damage taken by 5%. Increases HP regen by 0.3% per sec.
  • Dragonscale: Reduces damage taken by 30%.
  • Mana Shield: Damage taken is reduced by 50% of the current mana rate.


  • Aegis: Magic amplification is increased by 3% per 10% damage reduction rate and adds an extra 10% of damage taken.


  • Magic Seal: You cannot take more than 30% of your max HP as damage from a single hit.


  • Sacrosanct: When you have max HP, attack amplification is 20% and damage reduction is 50%.

3.2. Amplification Attack By Increasing Magic Size

Note: This set only works if you have the artifact Amplifier equipped.


Black Mage
  • Black Mage: Increase all magic Size by 2% (all classes) + Exocism artifact.


Arcane Effuse
  • Arcane Effuse (Research): Increase all magic size by (3% | 6% | 9% | 12%).
  • Arcane Effuse (Skill): (5% | 10% | 15%).
  • Arcane Effuse (Growth): (2% | 4% | 6% | 8% | 10% | 12%).


Black Mage
  • Black Mage: Mastery Level 1 will give +1 level of Arcane Effuse, while Mastery Level 4 increases permanently all magic size by 3% (this could be converted into attack amplification with Amplifier).

Magic Combination:

  • Overmind: The character can only cast magic combinations. Each level of active magic learned increases the following stats: amplify attack by 1%, increase all magic size by 0.5%, and decrease all magic cooldown by 0.3% per level of activated magic.

Special (Magic):

War Magic
  • War Magic: Attack power increased by 8%. Increases the size of all spells by 8%.


Gunpowder / Bomb / Uranium / Amplifier


  • Gunpowder: All Magic size +10%.


  • Bomb: Attack power increased by 8%. Magic size also increased by 8%.


  • Uranium: Attack +100% and Magic Size +20%, yet increase all magic cooldowns by 20%.
  • Amplifier: Magic size increases by 10%, and attack increases by the magic size rate.

Final Recommendation: The Magic I ALWAYS Use

Magic Circle / Armageddon / Cloaking
  • Magic Circle: It’s a versatile magic that not only amplifies your attack but could also reduce cooldowns and increase mana gain. I normally go for Great Magic Circle as a talent to increase its duration, and Unleash Mana is another great option to reduce the cooldown on all magic while Magic Circle is active.
  • Armageddon: It’s great for taking a breather when the waves of monsters get too much. I chose the talent Doom Prophet to reduce its cooldown by a second per mana orb taken and cause more explosions, but the other two talents are great too.
  • Cloaking: This excellent defensive magic is perfect for running away from monster riots thanks to its ability to avoid collisions and damage. Cloaking and Armageddon together are the best combination for running away and retaking the game, especially during (and after) the last 25:00 minutes of the game. As for the talent I choose, I vary depending on my needs and the artifacts I have at the moment, but I usually choose Space Warp for cleaning the field around when cloaking ends.

Click here to go to Part 2 of the series, where I will show you more magic builds to get more chests, more gold, or end the lives of your enemies in other creative and unexpected ways!

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