This Week on Dune…

DUNE network
3 min readOct 5, 2019


5th October 2019


If Dune Network were a baby, at four weeks old, it would only just be learning to recognize faces. Fortunately, Dune Network is a blockchain — not a baby! And it does so much more! Here’s the latest:


  • The clear star of the show this week has been the Dune Mobile Wallet! We’ve received some fantastic feedback for both the iOS and Android releases. If you’ve not tried it yet, download it today!
  • We’ve also managed to find a simple solution to enable those who lost their original Tezos ICO details to claim their Dun! Step by step instructions can be found here.
  • In other big development news this week, a first internal presentation of the Love language and VM have been given! This major Dune Network extension is under active development, and an alpha version is already available for testing internally! Love (LOw-level language for Verification and Efficiency) is a coreML language designed to be Dune’s main Smart Contract target language. See section 3.2 of our whitepaper for further details!

Media Coverage

  • Members of the Dune team have been busy making appearances across France at a number of blockchain events this week. There was the highly informative La Melee Live. Thank you, BitConseil!
  • And there was also Investir Day, organised by Les Echoes, one of France’s leading economic media outlets. In a packed event, StarChain Capital CEO, Cyril Paglino, took part in a lively round table debate with other leading French cryptocurrency figures.


  • One topic of conversation has dominated Dune community channels this week… Baking has begun!
  • In what has been a tremendous milestone for all involved, October 1st saw the very first non-Dune Foundation block baked!
  • We say it every week, but we’d like to give another huge wave of gratitude to every single baker who has shown faith in Dune Network so far. We understand setting up the infrastructure can be challenging, but without you guys, Dune Network simply would not work! We aim to do everything we can to make the results as tasty as possible!
  • To wrap thing up, we held our first informal community AMA this week. We enjoyed it and we hope you did too! If you weren’t able to be there, we aim to do something similar on a regular basis, going forward, but you can check out the transcript here.

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DUNE network

A secured Web 3.0 platform designed for enterprise-grade decentralized applications.