4 min readNov 2, 2022



An important component of the project’s economy is the token metrics. The main metrics are:

  1. Total Supply — including unlocked and locked
  2. The locking period or the vesting formula for the blocked part of the tokens
  3. Circulation Supply — the total number of unlocked tokens at the moment

Thus, a potential investor can estimate the prospective price of a token based on the potential capitalization of the project according to the formula:

Token Price = Current Capitalization / Circulation Supply

The World of Eimolad has many different tokens that are game resources. The internal game Market allows you to trade these tokens using the main currency eGold. Therefore, it is enough to have an exchange (CEX or DEX) eGold/ICP pair to easily monetize any in-game asset. The long-term prospects for the development of the game imply a huge issue of tokens. The growing number of players and more and more advanced game items will require an increase in the number of tokens. But at the beginning of the development of the game, we will have fewer players and cheaper game items. Thus, a huge issue of tokens will make their cost very low. But it is impossible to make a small issue, because at a certain stage of the game development, tokens may run out and this will stop the gameplay.

To avoid unfavorable token metrics, we have developed a flexible model: 1. We are creating a small-capacity CANISTER-BANK (CB) that has a specific and unchangeable transaction algorithm. If a Reward Event (RE) occurs, then CB transfers tokens to the recipient. You can call the RE function only when STAKING, killing a game mob, completing a game quest, or other game event that implies a player reward. Thus, all tokens in CB are blocked and do not participate in the current Circulation Supply. 2. We create a Volume Counter (VC). SNS-Wallet receives a certain % of the total flow from CB in the form of ADDITIONAL FLOW. The player does not pay any taxes, CB independently pays a certain % to the holders of SNS tokens. 3. We are creating an SNS-CONTROLLER (SNS-C) for CANISTER-BANK (CB). Only SNS-C has the ability to make changes to the current CB parameters. SNS-C has the following parameters:

  • total CB capacity. Managed by the SNS community. For example: 1B tokens. Can be increased based on the results of SNS Voting.
  • minimum % of CB occupancy. For example: 80%. As soon as less than 80% of the total capacity remains in the CB, the CB algorithm replenishes itself to 100%. The SNS community sets the value of this parameter.
  • % rewards for the SNS community. Regulated by the SNS community. For example: 5% of all transactions from CB to gaming wallets.
  • a condition for receiving an award for the SNS community. For example, it is credited every: 1000 tokens / 1day / 1 week and so on.
  • address of the public SNS Wallet.

SNS-C provides democratic control of the main CB parameters, and is the only parameter controller for a predefined CB algorithm.

All changes to SNS parameters occur by voting of SNS token holders. Holders of SNS tokens receive a proportional reward for management in the form of game tokens.


  1. The SNS community sets the value of key parameters via the SNS-Controller, for example:
  • CANISTER-BANK capacity = 1,000,000,000 tokens
  • Minimum never-ending balance = 80% = 800,000,000 tokens
  • % of the reward for the SNS community, for example 5%
  • conditions of payment of remuneration, for example, every 1000 tokens.
  1. The player is active, for example, kills a mob for which a reward is due (Reward Event), which causes an automatic transaction of accrual of tokens to the player’s wallet from CANISTER-BANK (the barrier opens).
  2. VOLUME COUNTER checks (the birds are flying) these transactions and if their amount exceeds the payment condition for SNS (in our case it is 1000 tokens), then a second transaction of 5% (50 tokens) from CANISTER-BANK to SNS Wallet is called (the barrier opens). The terms and size of transactions are controlled by SNS Controller (the birds are flying).


  • SNS-Controller monitors (the birds are flying) the current number of tokens in CANISTER-BANK. As soon as this value falls below the minimum value (in our case 80% = 800,000, tokens), the controller gives the command to fill the canister to 100% (the barrier opens). This model excludes unlawful interference of the team in the main metrics of the token.
  • All CANISTER-BANK tokens are locked and do not participate in CIRCULATION SUPPLY.
  • The accrual of tokens from CB is determined by an automatic algorithm and is possible only with a Reward Event.
  • It is impossible to send tokens from CB in any other way, which excludes fraud and hacker attacks.
  • Allows you to adjust the CB capacity, eliminating the possibility of emptying the CB.
  • Allows to limit the initial issue of tokens.
  • Excludes the influence of the Total Supply value as the main metric of the token.

We expect that such a model will allow the price of the token to grow in the long term. Players will make a profit both by increasing the number of tokens and by increasing their value.



