Evolving the EOS Alliance for 2019 & Beyond

EOS Alliance
2 min readFeb 21, 2019


Looking Back and Going Forward

The EOS Alliance launched six months ago, with Thomas Cox at the helm as Interim Executive Director, in order to provide a focal point of communication and education for the EOS community. During this time, the Alliance has explored a variety of governance initiatives aimed at effectively coordinating the various stakeholders in achieving our shared objectives — a thriving, decentralized EOS. Thomas’ tenure as Interim Executive Director has now come to an end, and with much gratitude for his time, energy and leadership, the Alliance wishes Thomas a fond farewell as he embarks on new adventures. You can learn more about the Alliance’s 2018 community accomplishments around governance here and deep dive into our 2018 community efforts in China here. These initial activities have helped the Alliance board, team and community learn about what’s most needed in the ecosystem and how we can best contribute.

Today, we’re excited to share a preview of the next phase of development for the EOS Alliance. One of our most interesting learnings thus far has been around the value of using EOS tools internally in order to best facilitate our work for the community. Exploring referenda and voting software in preparing for our first board election taught us how much better we can be at educating others through leading by example and experiencing first hand the existing challenges and opportunities with existing tools. (As a reminder, the EOS Alliance intends to replace its interim founding board by a fully community elected board over the course of the year, and will now do so in coordination with our new development plan — more details on this soon.) It is in this spirit that we are proud to announce our intention to even further decentralize the EOS Alliance over the coming months, by moving the organization to a DAO structure and allowing community members to more actively participate in shaping our activities. And we’re even more honored to announce an innovative partnership with esteemed community members EOS New York and eosDAC in order to execute this vision. You can read more about this partnership here.

The Alliance will continue to dedicate its efforts towards connecting EOS stakeholders across the globe through topical calls, engagement events, translation of critical content and actively listening to the community in order to better serve its needs. We are excited to share this journey together and help all contribute to being the best EOS we can be.

To continuous evolution, and a prosperous Year of the Pig to all,

The EOS Alliance Team



EOS Alliance

Empowering EOS For All - we strive to inform everyone and provide a platform for collaborative decision making. https://eosalliance.io