People in UX

Eranga Liyanage
3 min readAug 15, 2016


I’ve been telling you all the time that UX is everyone’s responsibility, but where does everyone fit in? Today we’ll look into the people in UX.

As we all perfectly know, designers are narcissists; programmers are nerds, and whoever wears a tie must be a clueless jerk. Designers, programmers and business people love to hate each other. That’s why we keep them separated. Oliver Richardson

The product, the interface and the communication build on the tension between the economic, the technological and the design force. The tension between business people and the engineers create high performance, the tension between engineers and designers create simplicity, and the tension between designers and business people creates consistency.

When performance, simplicity and consistency are equally higher, you get richer user experience.

Well, known UX practitioner, Oliver Richardson researched to find out interactions between these people and came up with the spectrum of user experience.


The spectrum of user experience by Oliver Richardson

This provides an excellent overall picture on stress fields which contribute towards richer user experience. Business, Technology and Design are the core three force fields of UX.

UXD Force Fields

What the deferent departments do well working all by themselves.

UXD Stress Fields

Where designers, tech and business people need to work together.

So basically what we need to understand is user experience is simply everything. You are interested in WSO2 Message Broker product and wants to try it out. When you try to download the product through the product page, it gives you an error. Your initial experience towards the product gets horrible, and it has nothing to do with the product. OK, you manage to hit the download button, and when 75% of download is completed, the file server goes offline and download gets interrupted, how would you feel?

Likewise, every single thing connected with the product will count for its user experience. So whatever you do you need to do best for users, think like users and go beyond. You need to research and study users well.

So it’s everyone’s personal responsibility towards their work , and user experience designers are there to guide you.

WSO2 founder Sanjiva Weerawarana believes this concept and laid a strong foundation to achieve higher user experience for WSO2 products. WSO2 culture reliance on open source principles of transparency, meritocracy, and individual responsibility. The work environment is pleasing and relaxing, and many things are taken care of to give the employees peace of mind while they are at work. So all the employees are passionate about their work, they work hard and play hard too.

