Procrastination Is Like Credit Card — Don’t Overdraw

Stop It or Get Stuck With It

Euphoric Life
5 min readFeb 12, 2023
Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava — Source : Pexels

Wait! What? Do I still have pending tasks to complete? How come? I’ve finished each of the ones assigned to me.

Why didn’t I complete it earlier?

A usual day in the life of a procrastinator.

How much of your values, priorities in life, goals, passions, work and growth are defined in the right manner in your life and you are working hard towards it?

You all have important priorities and tasks to complete in the daily routines that help you keep yourself organized and lead a better life if performed within the assigned timeline. Your diligence determines whether the task assigned will be finished within the assigned timeline.

Procrastination is like a hanging knife over your head which never makes you feel relaxed and keeps nagging you from time to time. You have no clue when it pierces you with a difficult day ahead in your routine.

In the era of digital attention, you constantly reschedule your work more than ever. From the phone buzz to whiling away your time scrolling social media platforms you end up keeping yourself away from your daily tasks or important things to be performed.

Procrastination is like a credit card, the more you keep overdrawing the higher the interest you are going to be paying for it. Like the way you use your credit card, if you don’t understand the limit it is for sure you are bounded on spending more than you usually spend.

Procrastination Is a Thief — Don’t Let It Steal You

Out of time? Din’t finish the work? That’s what happens when you procrastinate. You end up being stolen when it comes to the time you have to be consuming when you are working on your important tasks.

You will have all the excuses to schedule the set of tasks that you own or pick them up in the later days of your work. What do you do with this? You start piling up because you were busy scrolling your social media.

Why do we end up procrastinating? We just don’t want our energies to get wasted on difficult tasks, getting ourselves into multiple meetings, not wanting to take up challenges, and much more. You don’t want the momentum to carry you forward and make you a victim of your own list.

The more we procrastinate the more we start feeling burdened. Once that burden rises with the passing of time and we start losing motivation which stops us from doing the rest of the work. You may end up being anxious about things and not knowing what has to be next. Just stop scattering it out.

Why do you end up in the procrastination loop?

Procrastination steals not only our time and our dreams but also builds up some negative energy inside of us making it difficult to perform or achieve any goals.

Negligence to this can end you up getting stuck in an infinite loop that will not let you get out of it in spite of a dozen tries.

A few actions in your daily lives that build up procrastination

  1. Piling up vs breaking into: You pile up tasks rather than breaking them into smaller ones so that throughput can be achieved. You never reduced them even if you know they are creating chaos.
  2. Unplanned Schedules: When you have unplanned schedules you tend to spend more time on unimportant tasks, last-minute submissions, and partially completed works, forcing things to postpone.
  3. Bounded by distractions: You are often hooked up with social media platforms, unnecessary gossip, watching movies or short series, too many unwanted calls, additional breaks, and meetings, which keeps pushing your work to further dates.
  4. You forget to jot down important points: Why do you end up in scenarios where you are not knowing what to do next? You forget to jot down points that are important for you to perform work. But what does it bring to you? A couple of additional meetings, additional inputs, and much more thereby causing a delay.
  5. Personal issues kick in: Everything that blends doesn’t taste good always. In a similar manner when you mix up your professional vs personal life you end up giving rise to an environment that doesn’t let you concentrate on your work.
  6. Negativity in your emotions: Negativity is like the smell of garbage reducing the amount of fresh air to breathe when it increases with time. In the same way, if your thoughts are inclined towards a negative end you tend to let it dissolve in you making you lose abundance.
  7. You are cloning things: Would you want to be on the simplified side or the complex side of your work life? Imagine when you clone your work how much time does it takes to complete different tasks? A lot right, if you follow the same routine, you end up leaving behind a simplified life and leading a life that has made your routine hectic.
  8. Waiting to get it exchanged with others: Your work is to be done by you. Not always will anyone will come to your help when in need. But if you possess a thought of pushing the work out to others and getting rid of the difficult tasks then you must know that you’ll become a victim of it. Stop doing it, or else work life will become imbalanced.
  9. Perpetually delaying it: Delaying a task always doesn’t solve the situation but hits you hard with a wave that often has multiple tasks. What if the wave hits you hard? You will not know where and how to start. If this happens quite often, it is time to stop and adopt some techniques.

Procrastination increases when you don’t take early action on any of your important work. It’s just like the interest you pay when you overdraw from your credit card and keep increasing if not taken action at the earliest. One day, you will not be happy and sitting at the corner seeing the world enjoy but find yourself ending up in a bunch of tasks that may bring in a loss of energy in you. Do you want to do it yet? Decide yourself.



Euphoric Life

Dissolve in life and see how it paves a path towards you. In search of Self Development, Lifestyle, & Happiness?