The Other Streets Of Love (The Emerald City Stories #3)

Sergio Augusto
3 min readNov 19, 2023


Photo: Sergio Augusto. (O'Connell Bridge, 2020)

Many times I was engulfed by love and passion when living in Dublin. When one falls in love, one can live great tales out of it, should they be enchanting, complex or all the things among the many feelings a relationship brings upon us.

From these many sides of love, I was able to change my perspective. Sometimes, for the better. Sometimes, for the worse. Nowadays, after writing and speaking about the story of two friends, I take love as it is and with something in mind:

Love is a constant reconstruction of ourselves.

This is the most complex part of writing about the last five years. There are five lovers (That's the way I like to call them) that made a huge change in my life. Men and times that brought the best and the worst out of me and who made me aware of these other sides, helping me to construct my idea of what I want in my future relationships.

To guide you through these moments and not make you, dear reader, read an almost one-hour article, I separated those stories into five parts. Each is dedicated to each lover and my time with them. I present to you below the respective links to the continuation of my love stories in the Emerald City.

Welcome to The Other Streets Of Love.

After the sequence of events from story #2, it was not that long before my love life started to get serious. After one or two weeks, I met the first man who would show me unconditional and golden care (Up to today): Henry.

Our first stop is at Charlotte Quay. Read here the first part of The Other Streets Of Love.

In a cold and cosy October, I met my second lover: Mario. A Latin American full of desire, and availability, who taught me how to account for my feelings, value my worth and not be submissive to anyone.

Next stop: Exchequer Street. Read here the second part of The Other Streets Of Love.

In the middle of a pandemic, I saw the surprise through my time with Dyonisus. Through break-ups and celebrations, we found comfort in each other's company until one of us pulled all the breaks, creating a sorrow that lasted for a year.

Military Road, our third stop. Read here the third part of The Other Streets Of Love.

One year after, on a road trip to Belfast, I met Brutus, the third lover. Regarding this story, I published an open letter I wrote to him weeks after our break-up. Unfortunately, the only feeling I had about Brutus at the time was regret. I hope he has found love for himself again.

This is our fourth street: South William Street. Read here the fourth part of The Other Streets Of Love.

To end our tour around the Emerald City and my love stories (for now), I present to you the fifth lover: Javier. A man who I had the pleasure to try to start to build something. However, our foundations were completely different and even when trying to agree, we only created more distance between us.

Final stop: Liffey Street Lower. Read here the final part of The Other Streets Of Love.

All those streets taught me something different. These lessons that I carry dearly close to my heart even though some of them caused me great suffering and pain at the time. Thanks to them I became someone more aware of myself and of people, when to step forward and when to step back.

Now, in the next article, we see the city as a whole again and not by isolated geographies. Relationships are not only made by lovers. Also, life is confectioned by soulmates who never left.



Sergio Augusto

World citizen. Writer and journalist. Don't know much about life but I am getting to know myself.