Best Above-ground Pool Light Reviews (2019)

3 min readAug 7, 2019


Spring is here! Since March 20, it is the ideal season to put back its exteriors in excellent condition. The mild temperatures reappear, sunny afternoons will allow enjoying the garden. It is then a perfect period for the cleaning of the swimming pool, to check the operation of the lighting and filtration systems, to arrange the surroundings of the basin, to update the security.

Whether decorative or functional, pool lighting is essential!

The first function: security

Providing lighting in and out of the pool makes the water area visible and delineates its contours with powerful illumination. Be careful not to position the pool lights too low. The resultant shadowing would be dangerous because it would make invisible the edges of the pool.

Flush-mounted fixtures or projectors used outside the water must not dazzle. There too, blindness caused by too much light could cause a person to fall.

It should also known that reduce the risk of falls, and it is imperative to highlight all obstacles. Ornamental status, decorative objects, unevenness, everything must be visible.

Second function: decoration

What is obvious at night when the pool is illuminated is the beauty of the pool. The sun is down, and we discover a beautiful skylight!

With the possibility of creating different moods, the pool led floodlight can now be multicoloured (spot led pool colour) and be equipped with a remote control to choose the colour of light from a distance.

It is easy to highlight a pool, these surroundings. For multiple effects, consider using different powers of light to illuminate a waterfall, the steps of the pool.

Lighting also the surroundings of the basin ensures enhancement of the entire set. The garden reveals all its splendour.

Which pool light bulb to use?

First of all, whether the pool is under construction or already built, the inserts positioned in the wall can be changed. This allows you to switch to LED, for example, and save money on your energy bill.

It is important to know that submersible luminaires must have a protection rating of X8 (IPX8). Eight corresponding to the maximum protection for water tightness. The voltage should not exceed 12V for a safety issue.

For the interior of the pool, recessed spots to be fixed in the walls allow the main lighting of the pool.

For so-called above-ground pools whose tower may be wooden, their lighting is done by a projecting led floodlight (wall pool led bulb, warm white). That is to say, and the projector is provided with support to be fixed on the wall. Its installation is very simple, and it provides lighting as efficient as a traditional pool.

It is possible to use a pool floor insert, similar to conventional floor inserts. Each step will benefit from a small beam of light that will secure entry into the water.

If you have the chance to enjoy a waterfall in the pool, do not hesitate to put this item in value! For example, use fibre optics.

Outdoor lighting concerns the garden, paths, trees, flower beds, ornamental pools, swimming pools, decorations Because the light itself is a decorative element, directing or integrating it. To all these decorations reveals in a very spectacular way the whole garden.

Find a best above ground pool lights is now simple and economic thanks to LED technology. Powerful and offering multiple colours, small built-in, floor inserts, led floodlights are available. Imagine very pleasant colourful atmospheres!

