Galactic Council Considers Earth’s Fate Part 10


The Arcturian Delegate posted his indictment against the Uranians with the Legal Secretary to the Galactic Council, Sinsi the Sirian.

“This is the first time I have found it necessary to appear before you, but this is a serious matter that I bring before the Council,” Arctur explained.

“I’m sure. What is the nature of your complaint, Delegate Arctur?”

“As stated in the formal complaint, ‘The Uranians are in violation of their Earth Treaty, ratified in Sirian Dog Year 293856.53, which stipulates limited rights to engage with the citizens of earth for the purpose of trade. The Treaty outlines principles of fair trade that allow the Uranians to extract specified organic material from earthlings, in exchange for advanced technologies determined by the Uranians, with Council right to review, to advance the conditions of living on earth. The Treaty specifies the fair use of biological matter, which includes DNA.” Arctur paused for a breath.

“Without the Council’s knowledge or permission,” he continued, “the Uranians have diverted this biological material for the purpose of creating hybrid humanoid life on a barren planet that is under their control. This is in violation of their treaty, and I petition the Council to revoke the Treaty and order an end to Uranian interaction with planet earth.”

“What’s this really about?” Sinsi inquired.

“I’m exercising my right as a Council Delegate to seek justice for an egregious violation of Council law.” Arctur said with an air of righteous indignation.

“This is a serious allegation.” Sinsi was taken back. “I’ll see to it that it gets on the docket.”

“This is a most pressing matter, and it needs to be addressed with urgency. The Council Investigation Force needs to investigate the matter directly.”

“Well, they’re busy with the Draconians as usual,” Sinsi responded. “The intergalactic sex trade is out of control, as you should know.”

“I know very well the work of the Draconians. But the CIF can afford to send a force to investigate the Uranians. They are diverting earth DNA to create another prison planet and the sooner it is stopped the better off for our Galaxy,” Arctur insisted.

“Yes, I’m sure. You know, sentient beings are being abducted secretly and forced into slavery against their free will. There’s also an illegal trade in blood and body organs. It’s a problem everywhere, not just on one planet,” Sinsi lectured.

“Yes, yes, I’m aware that it’s a big problem. But I’m a delegate and I demand an investigation of Uranus.”

To be continued…

Part 1 here

Part 2 here

Part 3 here

Part 4 here

Part 5 here

Part 6 here

Part 7 here

Part 8 here

Part 9 here

Part 11 here



Fritz Elmendorf Twitter @felmendorf2

Retired journalist, Congressional Aide, PR exec in DC. New Messiah is my serial novel about Luke, a Rockstar, UFO contactee, running for 2024 US President.