Run for the Shadows (Pt 4)

A Nano-Tech Thriller in 13 Chilling Parts

Gus Gresham
5 min readAug 14, 2022


Photo Credit: Gus Gresham (Author)

<< Part 1 << Part 2 << Part 3

This is Part 4

Run for the Shadows

“O-kay,” says the president, “we have a huge concrete base and the ends of some stumpy-ass steels sticking up, and then those slag heaps.”

“Not slag,” says Professor Moreton. “As I said, it’s tens of thousands of tons of premium grade iron-ore.”

“But doesn’t iron-ore have to be processed to make usable steel? At high temperatures? What are our MIMs going to do, set up their own foundry and smelting plant?”

“Not quite, Mr President. But they have their methods.”

There’s a faint buzzing that grows louder, then a light aircraft approaches, casting a crucifix-shaped shadow on the desert floor.

The bodyguard cranes his head to the monorail car’s window and scrutinises the plane. He says in a scoffing tone, “You flying the MIMs in in that Cessna?”

“Yes,” says Moreton.

The Cessna swoops low over the site. Anybody close enough would hear the sound of breaking glass on the…



Gus Gresham

Writer of Fiction. Interested in the Human Condition, Science, the Environment, Social Justice, Family. Also writing Memoir, Travel, Opinion, occasional Poetry.