My best bookmarks from 2015 #1 January

Győri Dávid
1 min readDec 20, 2015


Here’s my yearly bookmark collection, this is part 1: January. I’m collecting bookmarks following my interest. (software development/engineering, ux, ui, enterpreneurship, trends) I’m on twitter: @gyoridavid

Articles / collections (coding, math, ux, ui)

A Software Engineer’s Adventures In Learning Mathematics

What the Flux?

Code Review Checklist

The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People


Finally… Math Lessons That Teach Concepts, Not What To Memorize

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

The little book about OS development

Courses / tutorials

Awesome Courses

Nginx Resources

Centering in CSS: A Complete Guide

Big Data bootcamp

What happens when…




Cloud storage that’s astonishingly easy and low-cost.

65+ Sites to Get Original Free Stock Pictures for Your Designs

Frictionless browser package management — jspm

A simple SSH shortcut menu for OS X

User Flow Patterns

Node Version Manager — Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions


Tools of the trade when developing for the web

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Check out the other parts of the series:

