My best bookmarks from 2015 #3#4 March-April

Győri Dávid
2 min readDec 27, 2015


Here’s my yearly bookmark collection, this is part 3–4: March-April. I’m collecting bookmarks following my interest. (software development/engineering, ux, ui, enterpreneurship, trends) I’m on twitter: @gyoridavid

Articles / collections (coding, math, ux, ui)

App Store Review Guidelines History

Mastering Linear Algebra in 10 Days: Astounding Experiments in Ultra-Learning

Hardware trends 2015

Why Startups Fail and How to Build Up Interest Before the Launch

2015 Developer Survey

Working Remotely From A Tropical Island In Thailand

UX reactions

Courses / tutorials

Push Notifications on the Open Web

List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!


The Badass List of Free Stock Photos Websites for Designers

Open-Source Android Apps

This is a collection of Android Apps which are open source.
I believe that we can find something interesting and gain helpful skills from an open source app.

Open-Source iOS Apps

400 Awesome Free Tools To Build Your Business

The ultimate list of tools for freelancers

A curated list of awesome iOS UI/UX libraries

Black Tie — Free Handsome Bootstrap Themes

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Check out the other parts of the series:

