Seven Steps For A Successful Marketing Strategy

Habiba Lotfy
6 min readMar 13, 2023


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Before marketing any product or service you must have a plan for what you’re going to do for your business in the coming months or year to grow your business.

- A Marketing Strategy is:

The WHY of the content. The reason behind it or the approach to accomplish your marketing objective.
It's a plan for accomplishing your business objectives and understanding the customer's needs.

• Seven steps for a successful marketing strategy:


1- The first thing you should ask yourself when creating your marketing strategy is:

Why are you marketing? or What do you hope to achieve?

You should have a market objective whether it's building a brand, generating leads, increasing sales, or any other objective depending on your business.

Your objectives should be SMART:


SMART is an acronym that stands for:

S ➡️ Specific:

Your objective should be sufficiently detailed. You should set specific, clear, and defined objectives for your campaign.

M ➡️ Measurable:

You should decide how you’ll measure your objectives by identifying the metrics you’ll use. You can find different metrics here.

A ➡️ Achievable:

Check that your objectives are achievable through your marketing efforts. You can use reliable data to assess your objectives and determine how attainable they are.

R ➡️ Relevant:

Your objectives should be relevant and realistic. Make sure that your results matter to your business and are related to it.

T ➡️ Time-bound:

You should set a specific period to achieve your objectives. Create a timeline that aligns with the size of your goals.

Example: My goal is to collect 600 new visitors (traffic) to my blog in 3 months.
This goal is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and Time-bound.

SMART will help marketers understand their objectives, and identify areas that need to be improved to create a successful campaign.

2- Market Research:


is a method of gathering data on any topic so that you can understand it later and use it in the decision-making process.

Simply, it's searching any particular topic and taking notes on the most relevant data published on that topic.

There's a tool that I've mentioned before that can be very useful in this area called Answer The Public.

Also, you can check Google Search queries to see what people are searching for related to this topic.
So, Market Research is a process that you need to do before starting your business.

~ Competitive Research:

This is an important step to understand who are your competitors and how are they marketing their products. You should study your competitors as you want to make better campaigns than them.

Knowing your competitors and what they offer helps you make your products and services stand out.
Also, this helps you set your prices as well as understand their strengths and weaknesses to find a gap in the market. This will help you enhance your business strategy.

~ Understanding customers:

Businesses should understand their customers to improve their user experience, design better products and make sure that their strategy attracts the right audience.
Also to know that there’s a demand for their products or services before launching it.

- Businesses can reduce risks, identify their target market, and understand customers' needs by understanding their customers.

- You should analyze the research you've done to understand more about the market, your competitors, and your customers.

3- Targeting and Segmentation:


Targeting is the process of finding a group of consumers to target with a specific product or service.

To understand your customer's needs, you need to understand who your customer is.

To easily come up with the best content for your audience, you need to determine who you're trying to reach. Who is your ideal customer? and What content will they find interesting and helpful?

You need to create a Buyer Persona. You can find a story about it in detail here.

~ Market Segmentation:

is the process of dividing a large group of consumers into smaller groups that share common characteristics.

Segmentation enables you to learn more about your audience to be able to present your message according to their needs.

4- Marketing Budget:


You need to have a marketing budget that details all the money your company plans to spend on projects and activities connected to marketing over the quarter or a year.

Budgets can cover the Costs of marketing automation software, Paid Advertising, Sponsored online content, and more.

Many available templates can help you track your marketing budget.

5- Content Calendar:


is a written schedule consisting of When you should publish your content and on Which platform.
This will help you keep your content marketing on track.

For Instance:
You think of new ideas at the beginning of the month and that can save you from the hassle of not knowing what to post. This trick helps you post content consistently.

- Your Content Calendar should include what content you'll post, update status, partnerships, and any other content-related information.

There are several templates that can ease the workload and help you with planning your content.

6- Content Creation:


To create your content, You should determine your target audience. Then you should have your own brand identity and make sure your content is easy and straight to the point. You should always respect your audi time and deliver them valuable content.

The brand’s tone depends on the post or the piece of content. It’s how the voice is used in different situations.
The brand’s voice is the brand’s personality.

Never stop experimenting with new ideas of content and topics.

7- Content Distribution:


The right distribution delivers the right content to the right person at the right time.

So, make sure you use the right platforms to distribute your content as well as use the right CTA.

You can promote your content organically or through paid content.


- Follow trends so that more people know about you and your brand.

- Make sure you generate high-quality content whether you're selling a product, educating your audience, or even entertaining them.

- Be consistent with posting as your content attract new visitors as well as help you establish a relationship with your audience.

- Understanding your audience will help you build trust and have a loyal audience.

Pro Tip:

Always try to engage with your audience whether by replying to their comments or sharing their reviews or posting Q&A to get to know each other better to build a relationship with them which will increase your brand's recognition and reach.

~ Analyzing your content is the key to knowing if your audience like your content or if you need to think of different ideas to attract them.

- Finally, Have fun while creating content.

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Habiba Lotfy

Digital Marketer, AI enthusiast, and Writer. Sharing tips and insights on these topics to help you reach your goals with confidence and creativity.