First Sale on My Medium Automated Blog

my third Gumroad store

Hazel Paradise
3 min readNov 4, 2023
Screenshot by author

My very first sale on my third Medium Blog (Experimental Blog)

This article belongs to the series My Automated Blog.

I will keep today’s article short and sweet. I started an automated blog a few months back. And I have some updates —

  1. What Niche? — Subniche of tech. A course I took during my college days.
  2. Used ChatGPT? — Ideas were generated using ChatGPT. I made a lot of changes. The generated article was not 100% accurate.
  3. How have I monetized? — I started a newsletter but later dropped it. I was inconsistent. I published only three articles the previous month (October). Then I wrote a book (a complete instructional manual on the topic) and made my first sale recently.
  4. More monetizing ways? — I cannot write more guides. I will monetize my automated blog with products from Gumroad. I’ll do Gumroad affiliate marketing. There are two products I like a lot and would share with my audience. Marketing software seems to be a good way, too. But that’s costly and requires more work. I’ll stick to Gumroad for now.

Some hurdles I am facing —

  1. My third blog should be fully automated, but it’s not. I have to edit most of the things because ChatGPT is not even 60% accurate. And in tech, accuracy matters a lot.
  2. I don’t have many products to promote. The niche is small. Too small. I created only one digital product myself. I don’t have any more ideas.
  3. Gumroad Affiliate Marketing I don’t know what the outcome will be. I am not very much a fan of affiliate marketing. But this is an experimental blog. It doesn’t matter if I fail. I’ll update you.
  4. I am inconsistent. I promised to publish at least two articles per week, but I couldn’t. I wrote only three articles in October.
  5. Having more blogs means more money. But it also means less peace of mind.

My observation —

I have to admit two things for my third blog:

  1. When I publish ChatGPT-generated articles, very few people follow and click on the links.
  2. When I write articles myself, I receive more followers and more clicks. And of course sales.

Medium readers prefer personal stories rather than AI-generated articles. They catch these articles easily. I saw some interviews with successful bloggers, and they prefer hiring writers rather than using AI tools. This proves something.

Conclusion —

I wanted to keep it short, but I guess I have a lot to say on my third blog. I like blogging but can’t keep writing myself everywhere. I maintain my two blogs personally (Hazel Paradise and a blog under my real name). I’ll continue doing my experiment on the third blog and keep you updated.

If you are interested in Gumroad Business then you can check out my ebook — Build Once, Sell Forever— How I Create & Sell Digital Products With Gumroad



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.